Mr. Mussari

3D Modeling and Animation

Poser Animation

After getting familiar with the main tools of Poser you are going to create an animation.

For this assignment, create an animation with Poser of at least 2 figures that are some type of action/combat/dance/interaction/or martial arts sequence.


20 pts – Photo Reference

Working in groups of three people, you will take turns directing the actions of your two teammates. Divide the scene up into sections of still frames that you record through digital photos. You must take at least 9 photos. In photoshop, take the nine photos and place them all so that they will fit three pictures per page. The point of this is to document the way the human body changes its form and balance while creating the scene that you want. Without this vital process, you will not be able to make the scene look real and natural looking.

20-40 pts – Extra Credit

To build your portfolio, draw the storyboard scenes using the pictures as reference. In your sketchbook sketch out the scenes so that they fit in the following proportions: Create three pages as formatted below. If you are planning on attending art school or any kind of college program with three dimensional modeling, your creativity and drawing skills will set you apart. This can be a great part of your portfolio if done correctly.

Final Movie. 80 pts.

Create the final movie using the Render/Make movie command. The default settings are fine for this scene. Make sure that your scene is set for 500 frames. Your movie will be playing at 30 frames per second. Be sure to plan out carefully each of the actions. Your grade will be based off of your ability to make the action scene look interesting and complex. You may base your sequence off of any cinematic choreographed scene. You can also be completely original as well. Please keep this scene school appropriate.