AQH-I3-2 Operations Manual Guidelines – Model B
Version4.0 October 2010
Operations Manual
for programmes approved
to be offered in partnership between
the University of Sunderland (the University)
[PARTNER NAME] (the Partner)
in accordance with the University’s Collaborative Model B (Franchise)
Version History of Template (for QAE use only)
Version / Occasion of Change / Change author / Date of modification / Modifications made1.0 / Original placed in Academic Quality Handbook / S Sutcliffe / September 2008 / Mainly references to new University structure
2.0 / Updates to University collaborative processes / C Gardner
O Palimeris / October 2009 – June 2010 / Various, to reflect the new CP processes implemented 2009
3.0 / Staff Changes / S Patience / September 2010 / Section 2.1.3 updated
4.0 / QMSC approved Roles of APLs Sept 2010 / C Gardner / 20.10.2010 / Introduction updated
Implementation and Modification History:
Version / Occasion of Change / Change author / Date of modification / Modifications made / Version signed off by Faculty (date & details)EXAMPLE / Issued to Partner following approval of Partner to run programme on 19.01.2010 / S xxxxxx / 20.01.2010 / University template modified to include more details of specific arrangements / FQMSC - minutes 15.02.2010 refer
1.1This operations manual has been designed to promote common understandings about the respective roles and responsibilities of Partner and University staff involved in the delivery, management, quality assurance, and co-ordination of the University’s awards offered through collaborative arrangements. Mutual understandings are essential to assure parity of the student experience, regardless of the site of delivery.
1.2It is designed by the University in consultation with the Partner. The University and the Partner are jointly responsible for ensuring that this is issued to all staff who contribute towards programme delivery.
1.3It amplifies the roles that staff in each organisation are expected to fulfil as laid down in the Memorandum of Agreement that governs this collaboration.
It may also be useful to refer to the University’s Guidelines on the Role of Assistant Programme Leaders at Partner Institutions accessible through:
Clauses from the Agreement are included as italicised sections throughout the Manual, beneath which the requirements are explained in more detail. The Agreement has been drawn up to reflect the University of Sunderland’s Collaborative Processes - see:
together with its Collaborative Models of Provision paper and relevant sections from the Quality Assurance Agency’s Code of Practice (e.g. Collaborative Provision & Flexible and distributed learning (including E-Learning) (published September 2004)). These Agreements are normally reviewed every six years. Please refer to the University’s Academic Quality Handbook for all guidelines referred to in this manual, see:
1.4To optimise effective communications it is important that appropriate mechanisms are in place; e.g. for contacting relevant staff and to resolve issues in a timely manner. The University will produce a clear schedule of activities each year including the date and time etc of student induction sessions, Centre Leader Visits and relevant Board/meeting dates (see section 11).
2.1.1Management Structure: University Of Sunderland
Please refer to:
for details of the University of Sunderland Management Structure.
2.1.2Management Structure: The Partner
2.1.3 Faculty Structure: University of Sunderland
The Faculty of Applied Sciences / Head of Department / Dean / Associate Dean – Student Experience / Associate Dean – Resources, Research & External Engage-ment / Associate Dean – Recruitment & DevelopmentDepartment of Computing, Engineering & Technology / Mr Alistair Irons / Prof John MacIntyre / Dr David Blackwell / Prof Tony Alabaster / Prof Rob Trimble
Department of Pharmacy, Health & Well-being / Dr Jim Smith
Department of Psychology / Dr David Sanders
Department of Sport & Exercise Sciences / Mr Bill Sheldon
The Faculty of Education and Society / Head of Department / Dean / Associate Dean – Student Experience / Associate Dean – Resources, Research & External Engage-ment / Associate Dean – Recruitment & Development
Department of Education / Ms Christine Farnsworth / Prof Gary Holmes / Ms Maggie Stephenson / Mr Ian Neal / Mrs Linda Wilson
Department of Social Sciences / Mr Kevin Morris
Department of Culture / Dr Felicity Breet
The Faculty of Business and Law / Head of Department / Dean / Associate Dean – Student Experience / Associate Dean – Resources, Research & External Engage-ment / Associate Dean – Recruitment & Development
SunderlandBusinessSchool / Mr Chris Marshall / Ms Viv Kinnaird / Mr Mike Wyvill / Dr SonalMinocha / Mrs Sue Stirk
Department of Law / Dr Karen Hadley
Centre for Flexible Learning / Ms Pauline Wonders
The Faculty of Arts, Design and Media / Head of Department / Dean / Associate Dean – Student Experience / Associate Dean – Resources, Research & External Engage-ment / Associate Dean – Recruitment & Development
Department of Arts & Design / Dr T Brennan / Mr Graeme Thompson / Mr Phil Whiston / Prof Brian Thompson / MsJudithHills
Department of Media / Guy Starkey
The AGREED University programmes (as defined by the relevant programme specification produced and approved by the University) will be offered at approved Partner sites by MODEL B, including face to face tuition by Partner academic staff approved by the University to deliver the programmes. Assessment of the provision will be conducted by the University and Partner staff in accordance with University guidelines and policies as detailed in section 12 of this Manual.
For a full list of programmes/sites covered by this manual please refer to the Memorandum of Agreement – Quality Assurance and Schedule of Programmes Annexes, available on request from Quality Assurance and Enhancement.
If there is a need to develop or adapt the approved curriculum, this will be discussed between the relevant University Faculty and the Partner and will be approved through appropriate University quality assurance procedures that it will determine.
4.1‘Central’ and key FacultyUniversity of Sunderland contacts (current as at March 2010)
Atkinson, Ms Shirley - Deputy Vice Chancellor /tel: 0191 515 2460
Elliott, Mr Peter - Educational Partnerships Administrator, Recruitment and Business Partnerships /
tel:: 0191 515 3892
Fidler, Professor Peter - Vice Chancellor /
tel: 0191 515 2036
Gardner, Ms Carol - Senior Quality Assurance & Enhancement Officer, Officer to Higher Education in Further Education Practitioner’s Group and central contact for Foundation Degree Forward /
tel: 0191 515 2065
Greene, Ms Carole - Educational Partnerships Administrator, Recruitment and Business Partnerships /
tel: 0191 515 2806
Mennell, Professor Julie
Deputy Vice Chancellor (from 1st September 2010) / To be advised
Ollerenshaw, Ms Beatrice – Director of Academic Services /
tel: 0191 515 2060
Patience, Ms Sue – Collaborative Provision Manager /
tel: 0191 515 2063
Pritchard, Mr Oliver – Assistant Director (Student & Learning Support) /
tel: 0191 515 2903
Reece, Ms Sue – Director of Student Recruitment and Business Partnerships /
tel: 0191 515 3803
Robertson, Ms Susie – Senior Quality Assurance & Enhancement Officer and Officer for Collaborative Practitioner’s Group /
tel: 0191 515 2069
Rowan, Mr Iain – Assistant Director of Academic Services /
tel: 0191 515 2433
Walters, Ms Andrea – Director of Human Resources /
tel: 0191 515 3427
4.2Faculty, Department, and programme University OfSunderland contacts:
[will need expanding if partner has relationships with more than one faculty and also in respect of each programme covered by the manual]
Dean of Faculty / xxxxxxxxxxxxFaculty Associate Dean (Student Experience) / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Faculty Quality Management Sub-Committee Chair / xxxxxxxxxxxx
HE in FE Practitioner’s Group nominee#
Centre Leader / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Programme Assessment Board Chair / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Programme Board of Studies Chair / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Module Assessment Board Chair / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Module Board of Studies Chair / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Programme Leader / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Administrative staff / xxxxxxxxxxxx
General Enquiry Telephone number for the Faculty / xxxxxxxxxxxx
4.3Partner Contacts
HE in FE Practitioner’s Group nominee## HE and FE Practitioner’s Group nominees (of the HE in FE Group) have agreed to act as a central channel of communication for their College/Faculty; e.g. to facilitate submission by the University (via the Faculty Quality Officer) of external examiner’s reports to relevant College staff via this named nominee.
5.0 The sections below represent broad responsibilities that are described in more detail in relevant sections of this Manual.
5.1The University has responsibility for:
- The Award
- Quality assurance of the programmes and the quality of the student experience
- Programme planning, design and review (including approval of modifications to modules/programme and curriculum development)
- The provision of the University Centre Leader and Programme and Module Leaders at the University
- The quality assurance of the partnership
- The approval of Partner teaching staff
- Supporting staff development of Partner teaching staff
- The approval of public information including marketing materials
- Programme admission decisions and the registration of students to the University’s student records system (SITS)
- The issuing of offer letters to students
- Information services support (providing any agreed access to the University’s Library services)
- The appointment of and liaison with external examiners
- The organisation, management and operation of Assessment and Studies Boards
- Amendment and discontinuation of programmes with agreed notice
- Provision of transcripts of results and final award parchments
5.2The Partner has responsibility for:
- Adhering to University policy and procedures
- The appointment of the Associate Programme Leader and other staff attributed to teaching on the provision (in accordance with University criteria and approval), and related administrative staff
- Day-to-day management and coordination of operation of the provision across the approved site(s) of delivery
- Provision of staff/tutor induction and development at each Partner site of delivery
- The co-ordination of student applications
- The marketing of the programme for local recruitment
- Student records management
- Information services support, e.g. ensuring agreed levels of library facilities at each site of delivery together with any other agreed specialist resources
- The submission of reports to the University and other, timely, information on registered students as may be required
- The co-ordination of staff and student feedback from each Partner site of delivery
- The submission of public information including marketing materials to the University for approval following any in-house Partner approval
- Student Induction for University Programmes.
- Student academic and pastoral support.
6.1Learning and teaching of the programme will be as described in the student handbook and programme and module guides
The University reserves the right to publicise its collaborative programmes in its own publicity materials and in other publicity materials agreed with its partners.
7.2Marketing and Promotion
7.2.1The University will be responsible for: receiving and approving the accuracy of publicity materials prior to their implementation and regularly monitoring these and other information issued to registered or prospective students in respect of the collaborative provision.
7.2.2The Partner will be responsible for:
a) submitting to the University, publicity materials in respect of the
collaborative provision, for approval prior to their implementation;
b) publicising locally the availability of the programme(s) and the recruitment
and admission arrangements.
7.3Approval of Promotional and Marketing Materials – Process Summary
- Partner Assistant Programme Leader seeks in-house approval of the proposed materials as appropriate.
- Partner submits proposed materials to the University, via the Centre Leader, for approval, prior to implementation.
- Centre Leader confirms University approval of materials to the Partner.
- University Centre leader reviews materials, including web-based ones, in accordance with the University’s Collaborative Processes, drawing inaccuracies to Partner staff in the first instance and taking any remedial actions.
The number of student places per annum will be agreed with the University in accordance with the Financial Annex to the Memorandum of Agreement.
The University will be responsible for:
a) liaison between the Partner and the University regarding the offering of conditional (and, subsequently, unconditional) places on the programme(s);
b)issuing conditional and unconditional place offers, including admissions Terms and Conditions, (and, where appropriate, to specify the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score requirements) to student applicants in accordance with University programme regulations;
c)approving/declining non-standard entry applications in accordance with the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) procedures of the University.
The Partner will be responsible for:
a)forwarding completed student application forms to the University prior to the programme start date;
b)communicating with the University regarding University approval of non-standard entry applications.
- All non-standard applications will be considered by the University. Students may not be admitted if these have not been approved by the University.
9.2Entry Criteria
The normal entry criteria for admission to the agreed University programmes are detailed in the relevant University programme specifications and University of Sunderland academic regulations accessible through:
Any articulation routes will also need to be approved by the relevant University Faculty Quality Management Sub-Committee (FQMSC).
9.3The Application and Registration process
Student applications should include the following:
i) Standard application form fully completed
ii) Entry qualification: If the qualification is included within the normal entry criteria :
- Full certificate advising that the qualification has been completed successfully by the applicant
- Transcripts accompanied by a letter from the awarding body/institution advising that the qualification has been completed successfully
If the entry qualification is not included within the normal entry criteria the application must include all of the following:
- Evidence that qualification obtained is equivalent to the qualification stated
- Full transcript or certificate stating that award has been completed successfully
- Full details of the programme including syllabus and curriculum content
- Details of work experience (this should include reference to the job title, the nature of responsibilities held, tasks performed, any accountability for people, resources, budgets, customer and external client relations)
- Evidence of achievement of at least a minimum score of IELTS 6.0.or equivalent (for applicants with English as a second language only)
- A list of acceptable English language pre-requisites is detailed on the articulation matrix.
N.B. Failure to provide all of the relevant documentation detailed above along with the application form will result in a delay in the processing of the application, as the Partner will be requested to obtain more information from the student.
9.4How to submit applications
- All applications must be submitted from the Partner to the University via the University Centre Leader/Programme Leader as shall be agreed.
The University will check each application using an application checklist to ensure that all required evidence/documentation has been provided. Any missing documentation will be requested from the Partner.
- The Partner will be responsible for obtaining all requested documentation from the student and returning it to University via the Centre Leader/Programme Leader (as shall be agreed).
9.5Decisions: acceptance/rejection
- The University will arrange the processing of straightforward applications which meet its standard entry criteria, and will liaise with other relevant University staff regarding 'non-standard' applications for decisions to be made.
- All final decisions on acceptance and rejection will be sent to the Partner, who will then issue these to students.
N.B.An offer letter does not represent a registration or enrolment onto the programme.
- Once a student is accepted, a registration number will be issued by the University and must be used from this point on all correspondence e.g. library/registration, exam paper, and assignments.
9.6Enrolment and registration
The University will be responsible for:
a)providing student registration forms to the Partner;
b)ensuring that students are registered at the start of their programme and accurately inputting student information onto the Student Records System (SITS);
c)generating a University student ID for all registered students and issue of a welcome pack to include an email account and facilitate access to the University website;
d)providing data reports drawn from the University Student Records System (SITS) as necessary, e.g. to inform the monitoring reports the Partner is required to produce.
The Partner will be responsible for:
a)returning completed student registration forms to the University in accordance with University deadlines;
b)providing the University with accurate student progress information as necessary.
- Attached to each offer letter will be a University New Student Enrolment Form that must be completed by the student as formal acceptance of their offer. The student must formally accept the offer, complete the enrolment form, and return it to the Partner for onward transmission to the University for processing before the programme commences.
- For September/October starts, students must be enrolled by 5th October of that year. The University must have received a hard copy of the student’s Application Form by this date. Failure to do so will result in the student not being registered as a student of the University and not being able to commence his/her study; furthermore this means he/she will not be able to register for assessment, have access to library facilities and the Student Union.
- All students whose studies cover more than one academic year will be required to re-enrol at the beginning of the subsequent year, once progression is confirmed by the University Programme Assessment Board.
- The University will send “Re-enrolment” forms to the Partner, from where they will be forwarded to students as appropriate with instructions for completion. The Partner will ensure that Re-enrolment forms are completed by students and returned to the University via the Centre Leader in accordance with the deadline specified by the University.
The University will be responsible for:inducting registered students as University of Sunderland students.
The Partner will be responsible for:inducting registered students to their programme of study.