Year End Report of Faculty Council Actions – 1999-2000
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office of the faculty secretary
To:Faculty Council
From:Peter Haggart
Subject:Year-End Report for the 1999-2000 Academic Year
Below is the sixth annual report that shows the “accomplishments” of the Faculty Council during the previous academic year.
The council met 22 times during the 1999-2000 academic year. When assessing the council’s “productivity,” we should keep in mind that a good deal of the council’s business consists of being a conduit for information between the administration and council committees and the faculty, as well as being a sounding board for ideas from the administration, faculty, staff, and students.
I. The Faculty Council Acted on Agenda Items FC-00-01 through FC-00-21
FC-00-01 Proposed changing the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) to resident credit by amending the General Catalog section on Study Abroad:
came to FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by FC on September 28, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #14 (November 10, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Spring 2000
FC-00-02 Proposed new academic minor in American Indian Studies:
came to FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on September 28, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #14 (November 10, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Fall 2000
FC-00-03 Proposed changing the name of the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Resources to College of Natural Resources:
came to FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on October 12, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #14 (November 10, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-04 Proposed changing the name of a major in the College of Agriculture under the options in Child, Family and Consumer Studies (Family and Consumer Sciences Education Option):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on October 12, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #14 (November 10, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-05 Proposed changes in the Core Curriculum adding CORE 101, CORE 102, CORE 201, and changing regulation J-3-b:
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on October 26, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #14 (November 10, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-06 Proposed name changes in Political Science minors (Public Administration and Policy Minor and Comparative/International Politics Minor):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on October 26, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #14 (November 10, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Fall 2000
FC-00-07 Proposed changing a departmental name in the College of Engineering (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on November 2, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #14 (November 10, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Spring 2000
FC-00-08 Proposed change in a major in the College of Business and Economics (Management and Human Resources):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on November 2, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #14 (November 10, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Fall 2000
FC-00-09 Proposed changes in the Faculty-Staff Handbook to Sections 1565 and 3560:
came to FC from Faculty Affairs Committee
approved by the FC on January 11, 2000 as amended
approved by the university faculty at the meeting of May 2, 2000 (no quorum)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Fall 2000
FC-00-10 Proposed changes in Regulation E-1-a and J-3 needed to accommodate the new course Engl 090, Developmental Writing:
came to FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on November 16, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #15 (December 2, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-11 Proposed changing the title of a major in the Division of Adult, Counselor, and Technology Education (Professional-Technical Education):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on November 16, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #15 (December 2, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-12 Proposed changing the name of a minor in the Department of Resource Recreation and Tourism (Environmental Communication Minor):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on November 16, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #15 (December 2, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-13 Proposed changing the name of two departments in the College of Mines and Earth Resources (Department of Geological Sciences and Department of Materials, Metallurgical, Mining, and Geological Engineering):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on November 16, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #15 (December 2, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-14 Proposed a change in Academic Regulation D-1, defining a unit of academic credit:
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on November 30, 1999
approved by the university faculty via General Policy Report #15 (December 2, 1999)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-15 Proposed a new academic minor jointly offered by the College of Letters and Science and the College of Business and Economics (International Political Economy):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on February 15, 2000
approved by the university faculty at the meeting of May 2, 2000 (no quorum)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-16 Proposed changing the name of a major and minor in the College of Natural Resources (both changing to “Natural Resources” to match new college name):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on March 28, 2000
approved by the university faculty at the meeting of May 2, 2000 (no quorum)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-17 Proposed a change to the signatures required for five registration procedures:
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on March 28, 2000
approved by the university faculty at the meeting of May 2, 2000 (no quorum)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-18 Proposed an additional degree in the College of Agriculture to the major in science/preveterinary (B.S. Animal Science):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on April 11, 2000
approved by the university faculty at the meeting of May 2, 2000 (no quorum)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-19 Proposed a new degree option in the College of Mines and Earth Resources (Structural Geology and Tectonics):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on April 18, 2000
approved by the university faculty at the meeting of May 2, 2000 (no quorum)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Summer 2000
FC-00-20 Proposed changes in the UI Core Curriculum (descriptions of CORE 101 and CORE 102 and a change in the notes accompanying J-3-d):
came to the FC from the University Curriculum Committee
approved by the FC on April 18, 2000
approved by the university faculty at the meeting of May 2, 2000 (no quorum)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Fall 2000
FC-00-21 Proposed the dissolution of two committees (University Computing Advisory Committee and Instructional Media Services Advisory Committee) and formation of a new committee (Information Technology Committee):
came to the FC from the Committee on Committees
approved by the FC on April 18, 2000
approved by the university faculty at the meeting of May 2, 2000 (no quorum)
approved by the president and the SBOE/Regents
effective Fall 2000
II. The Faculty Council Received Reports & Presentations from and Engaged in Discussions concerning:
- Chair Deborah Frincke presented her charge to the new council and her remarks at the beginning of each meeting.
- Provost Brian Pitcher reported at the beginning of each meeting.
- Chair Deborah Frincke, Vice Chair Kerry McKeever, Vice Provost Dene Thomas, and Provost Brian Pitcher reported on the SBOE/Regents’ meetings.
- Professor/Councilor Greg Möller provided several reports on the activities of the Budget Liaison Committee.
- Professor William Voxman, Coordinator of the Core Curriculum, reported to the council on several occasions concerning proposed changes in the University Core Curriculum.
- Vice President Jerry Wallace provided information on the new Campus Pipeline software and web site planned for the U of Idaho. Campus Pipeline was revisited by the council several times and they heard presentations from Provost Brian Pitcher and the Campus Consultant for Campus Pipeline, Heather Fortuna.
- Provost Brian Pitcher responded to questions concerning the possibility of continuing the Early Retirement Incentive Program.
- Vice Provost Dene Thomas provided an update on the examination of a web-based student evaluation of courses and instructors.
- Professor Leonard Johnson, Interim Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Planning and Budget, reported on the process of Unit Action Planning using Key Performance Indicators (KPS’s).
- Retiring Ombudsman Dave Walker (the university’s first Ombudsman 1992-1999) presented the 1999 annual report of the Ombudsman’s Office.
- Archie George, Director on the Office of Program Review and Assessment, provided information on Student Outcomes Assessment activities and plans.
- Harvey Hughett, Chuck Lanham, and Kirk Kelly of Instructional Technologies and Services (ITS), reported on the progress made by ITS during the past year.
- Joanne Carr, Vice President for University Advancement, provided information on the Campaign for Idaho fundraising program.
- University of Idaho Athletic Director Mike Bohn updated the council on the status of U of Idaho athletic programs and conference affiliation plans.
- Professor Molly Stock, Chair of the Committee on Faculty Development and Post-Tenure Review, made several presentations to the council on the work of the committee and its draft report.
- U of Idaho President Bob Hoover held a question and answer session with the council.
- Professor Neil Franklin, Acting Dean of the College of Law, reported on the new concurrent JD/MBA program with Washington State University.
- U of Idaho Registrar Reta Pikowsky presented the final examination schedules.
- Fred Hutchison, Safety Officer from the Environmental Health and Safety Office, explained the proposed changes to the Faculty–Staff Handbook sections regarding the U of Idaho Safety and Loss Control Program.
- Deborah Olson, Chair of the Staff Affairs Committee, commented on the work of that committee concerning employee compensation, health insurance, and retirement benefits.
- Carol Grupp, Director of Administrative Affairs/Risk Management, updated the council on health benefit plans at the U of Idaho.
- Hal Godwin, Vice President for Student Affairs, gave his annual report on the status and proposed changes in student fees at the U of Idaho.
- Joanne Reece, Assistant Vice President for Facilities, provided an update on the U of Idaho Long-Range Campus Development Plan.
- Randy Geller, Senior Associate University Counsel, explained the proposed changes in the Faculty-Staff Handbook which clarifies the tax consequences of tuition and fee reductions for employees and their spouses.
- Professor Dianne Phillips-Miller, chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee on Faculty Morale, presented the committee report “What Matters Most to Morale in the Academic Community? Thoughtful Responses from Faculty Members.”
- Professor Tom Trotter, Ombudsman, provided information on the Task Force on Developing Leadership Skills.
- Wayland Winstead, Director of Institutional Planning and Budget, outlined a proposal for initiating and developing a formative, comprehensive assessment of the teaching/learning environment at the U of Idaho.
- U of Idaho President Bob Hoover and Provost Brian Pitcher reported on current and future U of Idaho administrative initiatives and priorities.
- Interim Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Charles Hatch explained the survey of scholarly activity being conducted by the research office at the U of Idaho.
- Professor Steve Drown, Chair of the Fine Arts Committee, presented a draft of a proposed University of Idaho Arts Policy.
- Professor/Councilor Steve Meier gave a report from the University Parking Task Force.
- Professor Elinor Michel provided an overview of the work of a task force which is developing a plan to integrate more writing into a majority of coursework taken by undergraduate students.
- Professor Tom Trotter and Ms. Roxanne Schreiber of the Ombudsman’s Office gave the annual report of the Ombudsman’s Office activities for 1999-2000 and made recommendations to the council.
- Wayland Winstead, Director of Institutional Planning and Budget, provided an overview of a new university policy initiative that will bring about a migration of university’s budgeting to a “responsibility center” management model.
III. The Faculty Council Also Took The Following Actions:
- Elected Professor Deborah Frincke as the Chair of Faculty Council and Professor Tom Trotter as Vice Chair of Council.
- Accepted the resignation of Professor Tom Trotter as Vice Chair and council member and confirmed his selection as the new University Ombudsman.
- Elected Professor Kerry McKeever as the Vice Chair of Faculty Council (replacing Professor Trotter).
- Confirmed Professor Emeritus Peter A. Haggart as Secretary to the Faculty Council.
- Elected Professor Marla Kraut as the “freshman” member of the Budget Liaison Committee.
- Elected Professor Steven Meier to a 3-year term, Professor J. Roger Cole to a 2-year term, and Professor D. Nels Reese to a 1-year term on the Campus Planning Advisory Committee.
- Approved the Provost’s recommendations for Sabbatical Leaves for 2000-2001.
- Authorized “excused” student absences for the 1999 Veterans Day ceremonies.
- Approved the wording of a notice to be added to the calendar page of the Fall Time Schedule(s) noting the excused student absences for attending Veterans Day ceremonies.
- Adopted the list of committee appointments/changes made by the Committee on Committees during the summer.
- Approved the awarding of degrees to qualified students at the December 1999 and the May 2000 commencement ceremonies.
- Approved the 2000-2001 Final Examination Schedule and the concept of rotating examination days each semester.
- Sponsored a faculty forum on Post-Tenure Development and Review.
- Appointed the Employee Friendly Task Force to provide recommendations to the council regarding improvements to policies and practices that would make the institution “friendlier” to those who are employed here and their families.
- Appointed the Task Force on the Classroom Evaluation Process to provide recommendations regarding improvements in the current classroom evaluation process.
- Charged the Faculty Affairs Committee to look into the definition, policy, practice, and assessment of scholarship.
- Approved the Committee on Committees recommendations for committee chairs and committee assignments for the 2000-2001 academic year.