APUSH Chapters 1-6 Study Questions

ID (who, what, where when, and why important) the following topics.

As a suggestion, delegate the questions, TYPE, SAVE, and COPY them for circulation and future use.

For studying them, I want each ID on a 3x5 index card with the information on the back of the card. If an ID is too big for one 3x5 index card, create subcategories.

This is the CORE information to know for the test on Wednesday (8/29/01).

The test will be composed of 40 multiple choice questions and 3 essays (answer one).

1)Early (late 1400s) Portuguese and Spanish explorations and colonization.

2)Spanish Explorers and Conquistadores

3)New Spain

4)French and British Exploration




8)Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England Colonies)


10)Anne Hutchinson

11)Roger Williams and RI


13)Middle Colonies

14)Southern Colonies

15)Bacon’s Rebellion

16)Slavery in the 18th Century

17)Compare and Contrast the economies of the North and South

18)Navigation Acts

19)Dominion of new England (Andros)

20)John Peter Zenger (1735)

21)Benjamin Franklin

22)The Great Awakening (1720-40)

23)Education (MA 1647, Colonial Colleges)

24)New France (1700, 1713, 1754, and 1763)

25)Albany Congress

26)French-Indian War

27)British Strategy (pre and post William Pitt)

28)Treaty of Paris 1763

APUSH-Chapter 1-6 Study Questions

1) Early (late 1400s) Portuguese and Spanish explorations and colonization


Roanoke VA was the first attempt to colonize but failed. Jamestown was a success because it was actually the first actual permanent settlement in 1607. Sir Francis Drake was English Pirate that had highest return rate ever. Raided ships and took all their gold, goods, and products.

Spanish Armada is was defeated by English. This caused rest and relaxation for English resulting in true nationalism in music and literature. 1604 Virginia has formal peace with Spain. 1606 King James I grant Virginia Company of London Virginia Charter.

From MD to GA were plantation colonies. All but GA and NC had aristocratic auras.


Columbus is financed by Spain to take a large-scale exploration. He hits America but thought that is was West Indies. Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain.

Foods such as tobacco, maize, beans, berries, peppers, and potatoes are brought to the new world. By 1600, 90% of Native Americans were dead from disease.

In 1494: Treaty of Tordesillas divides world between Portugal and Spain. 1565 Spain found the city of St. Augustine.

Spanish got control of everything on west of the imaginary line. Portugal got control of everything on the east side.

By 1551, Spain had a flourishing over-seas empire. They built forts along the Atlantic, and Established Christianity. St. Augustine was the first permanent settlement in later America.

Questions 2 & 3

New Spain.In the mid 1500s, a full three hundred years before the "Westward
Movement" of Anglo pioneers began in the American Southwest, Spaniards were
interacting with Southwestern Native Americans. Spanish efforts to convert
New World Indians to Christianity centered on life in the Spanish missions.
These missions were, however, more that just places where Christian religion
was taught. A great many daily activities, such as eating, sleeping, working,
and playing also took place within the mission walls.
Spanish explorers and Conquistadors

By the mid-1500's, a small group of Spanish adventurers known as
conquistadors (conquerors) had defeated the great Indian civilizations and
given Spain a secure hold on most of Latin America. The conquistadors led
relatively small but well-equipped forces. They easily defeated large armies
of Indians, who had never seen guns or horses. The first major conquests of
the Indians occurred in Mexico and Central America. The conquistador
Hernando Cortes landed in Mexico in 1519. By 1521, he had conquered the
great Aztec empire.

4) French and British Exploration

  • WHO-French and British Exploration
  • WHAT-The first people to discover most of the New World
  • WHERE-Canada and North America
  • WHEN-1604-1608; started to colonize in 1612

WHY IMPORTANT-It helped to discover most of the New World


  • -Who- Pilgrims (Puritans)
  • -What-Pilgrims landed here unintentionally
  • -Where- Cape Cod (Plymouth Plantation)
  • -When- 1620
  • -Why Important- Plymouth proved that English could maintain themselves in
  • this uninviting region.

8) Massachusetts Bay Colony(New England Colonies)

  • Who—The English founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • What— There were a 1,000 people in the first group of settlers. Two hundred died that winter and two hundred more returned to England the following spring. In the next ten years, 20,000 persons, most from England immigrated to Massachusetts to form the backbone of the Mass. Bay Colony.
  • Where—New England
  • When—1630

Why Important-- This settlement lead to the spread of settlements in Woburn, Lexington, Concord, Cambridge, Watertown, and others that can be seen on a map today all within a 30-50 mile radius of Boston. This group of pioneers had established a successful and thriving colony in the New World.

9) Puritans

  • -WHO- Pilgrims,Visible Saints, Separatists
  • -What- Made a pilgrimage to the New World to flee from religious
  • persecutions
  • -Where-Plymouth Colony
  • -When- 1620
  • -Why Important- Signed Mayflower Compact; established colonies in the New


11. Roger Williams and Rhode Island

Who: Roger Williams

What: He was a threat to Purian leaders because they thought he would organized a rival colony. He was found guilty of visseminating "newe and dangerous opinions"and he was banished from the bay colony.

Where: The Bay Colony Massachusetts

When: 1635

Why Imporant: He fled to the Rhode Island area in 1636, he built a baptist church ”probably the first in America”, established complete freedom of religion for Catholics and Jews, demanded no oaths, no compulsary attendance at worship, no taxes to support a state church and even shelter the abuse Quakers. This made Rhode Island more liberal, advance than any of the other English settlements in the New World and the Old World.

12. Connecticut

Who: Dutch and Engish settlers

What: They were attracted to a valley of the Connecticut River and founded Hartford in 1635.

Where: A valley of the Connecticut River.

When: 1635

Why Important: In 1639, the settlers of the New Connecticut River colony drafted a document known as the Fundamental Orders -a modren constitution which established a regime, which was democratically controlled by "substatial" citizens. Features from the Fundamental Orders were later borrowed by Connecticut for its colonial charter and share constitution.


Who: Middle Colonies

What: The soil was fertile & expanse of land was broad.

When: Late 1600s & Early 1700s

Where: New York, New Jersey, Delaware, & Pennsylvania.

Why Important: Known as “ bread colonies” because of their heavy exports of grain. The rivers in the middle colonies were great for exporting goods. There were fewer industries in the colony. The people were blessed with an unusual degree of religious toleration & democratic control.


Who: Southern Colonies

What: Had a different society than the other colonies.

When: Early eighteenth century

Where: Virginia & Carolinas

Why Important: The planters ruled the economy by owning gangs of slaves and vast domains of land. Far beneath the planters in society were small farmers, which were the largest group. They owned one or two slaves.

Jacqueline Taylor



  • WHO - Bacon
  • WHAT - 1,000 Virginians broke out of control.
  • WHERE – Virginia
  • WHEN – 1676
  • WHY IMPORTANT- He had pitted the hardscrabble backcountry frontiers men

against the haughty gentry of the tidewater plantations.



  • WHO – The North
  • WHAT – Lumbering was the most important single manufacturing activity.

Manufacturing in the colonies was of only secondary importance.

In addition, household manufacturing including spinning and weaving

by women, added up to an impressive output.

  • WHERE – New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.
  • WHEN – 1770
  • WHY IMPORTANT – Americans held an important flank of a thriving, many-sided

Atlantic economy by the dawn of the 18th century.

  • WHO – The South
  • What – Profit-hungry settlers often planted tobacco to sell before they planted corn

to eat. Seeking fresh field to plant tobacco, these new immigrants plunged

even farther up the river valleys, provoking Indian attacks.

  • WHERE – The Chesapeake
  • WHEN – 1630s
  • WHY IMPORTANT – Enormous production depressed prices, but colonial

Chesapeake tobacco growers responded to falling prices

in the familiar way of farmers: by planting still more acres

to tobacco and bringing still more product to market.

19. Dominon of New England (Andros)

What: Estalished heas quarters in Puritanial Boston, despised the Chruch of England, and caused Liberty loving colonials who were accustomed to unusal privileges during lomg decades of neglect to revolt against the Andros.

Where: Boston

When: 1686

Why Important: In 1688-1689 they engineered the memorable Glorius lor Bloodless Revolution- when it reached America - the Dominion of Nw England collapsed where Sir Edward Andros was caught altering to flee in women's clothing and was shipped off to England


Who: John Peter Zenger

What: He is a newspaper printer that assailed the corrupt royal governor.

When: 1734-1735

Where: New York

Why Important: He was charged with seditious libel. He was then accused & hauled into court.

21) Benjamin Franklin

WHO: Ben Franklin-the most representative American personality of his era

WHAT: Poor Richard's Almanack, discovery of electricity

WHEN: 1732-1758

WHERE: Philadelphia

WHY IMPORTANT: Benjamin Franklin had an incalculable influence in shaping America.

22) The Great Awakening

WHO: Johnathan Edwards and George Whitfield

WHAT: The Great Awakening

WHEN:1730s and 1740s

WHERE: Northampton, Mass.

WHY IMPORTANT: The Great Awakening tended to break down sectional lines and contributed to the growing sense that Americans had themselves as a single people, united by a common history and shared experiences.

23) Education(MA 1647, Colonial Colleges)

WHO:Puritan boys

WHAT: Education

WHEN: the late 18thcentury

WHERE: New England

WHY IMPORTANT: College education was regarded as more important than instruction in the ABCs.

24) New France

WHO: New France

WHAT: The French colonial empire in North America

WHEN: 1700s: 1713, 1754,1763

WHERE: France

WHY IMPORTANT: fur trade

25)Albany Congress

WHO: Native Americans and American colonies

WHAT: a meeting

WHEN: 1754

WHERE: Albany, NY

WHY IMPORTANT: The meeting was held to strengthen the ties between the Native Americans and the American colonies in preparation for war with France.

26) French and Indian War

WHO: French and Indians

WHAT: war


WHERE: Ohio Valley

WHY IMPORTANT: Caused the colonies to develop a new vision of their destiny.

27) British Strategy

WHO: William Pitt

WHAT: strategy

WHEN: 1757

WHERE: London

WHY IMPORTANT: When the British took over the fort they named it Fort Pitt and it is now Pittsburgh.

28) Treaty of Paris

WHO: British and French

WHEN: 1763

WHERE: Paris

WHY IMPORTANT: French power was thrown completely off the continent of N. America, leaving behind a fertile French population that is to this day a strong minority in Canada.