Apuntes del capítulo3, parte 2 / Chapter 3, Part 2 Notes
1)Los números 101-1,000,000 / Numbers from 101 to 1,000,000
- Let’s review some of our previously learned numbers. Write the following numbers on the lines below.
- Spell out the numbers from 11 to 20 on the lines below.
- Spell out the numbers listed below.
- Write out the numbers for the 30’s below. All of the numbers from 30-99 follow this EXACT same format!!
- Just like letter e states, all numbers from 30 to 99 follow the same format. Write the format here:______y ______.
- Using that information, write out the following numbers in Spanish.
- EX. 78 – setenta y ocho
- Spell out the numbers listed below.
- How do you say “one million?”______
- Stating numbers from 101 and higher is straightforward. In fact, it’s just like English.
- EX. Doscientoscuarenta y tres------243
- EX. Quinientosnoventa y dos------592
- EX. Tres mil ochocientosochenta y nueve------3,889
- EX. Treinta mil setecientoscincuenta y siete------30,757
- NOTE: When dealing with 100 and JUST 100, use the word______
- NOTE: When dealing with any number from 101 to 199, use the word______
- Write the following numbers:
- 107______
- 196______
- 100______
- 145______
- NOTE: To state any thousand number (five thousand, thirty thousand, ninety one thousand, etc.) just______
- EX. Cinco mil------5,000
- EX. Cuarenta y dos mil------42,000
- Write the following numbers numerically. Follow the example.
EX. Quinientostreinta y tres------533
- Tres mil novecientossetenta y ocho______
- Veinticuatro mil seiscientoscincuenta y nueve______
- Mil ochocientoscincuenta y cinco______
- Nueve mil doscientosochenta y ocho______
- Cuarenta mil cientotres______
2) La fecha / The Date
- Write the meanings of the following expressions in Spanish:
- ¿Cuáles la fecha?______
- Es el…de…______
- Es el primero de…______
- El mes______
- Write the names of the months in Spanish on the lines provided.
- Stating the Date in Spanish
- To give the date in Spanish, use the following phrase:
- Es el + ______+ de + ______.
- What does this mean in English?______.
- EX. Es el tres de diciembre.------It’s the third of December.
- We can add the word “hoy” in front of the above phrase if we desire.
- What does the word “hoy” mean in English?______
- EX. Hoy es el veinte de febrero.-Today is the twentieth of February.
- Only the first of the month doesn’t follow this pattern.
- Es el ______de….(month.)------It’s the first of (month.)
- The year is expressed in th______and h______
- EX. Mil cuatrocientosnoventa y dos------1492
- EX. Dos mil trece------2013
- Write the following dates in Spanish. Follow the example.
EX. Today is the second of February.----Hoy es el segundo de febrero.
- Today is the tenth of October.______
- Today is the thirtieth of March.______
- Today is the first of January.______
- Today is the twenty ninth of August.______
- Today is the fourth of January of 1988.______
- Today is the eleventh of June of 1999.______
- Today is the thirty first of October of 2013.______
3)Adjetivosposesivos / Possessive Adjectives
- You use possessive adjectives to show______.
- What are the possessive adjectives in English?
- List the possessive adjectives in Spanish.
My / Our
Your (informal)
His/Her/Your (formal) / Their/Your (plural)
- The possessive adjectives______,______, and______have only two forms:______and______.
- E.X. Milibro/My book(singular)……………….Mislibros/My books(plural)
- E.X. Tu casa/Your house(singular)…………Tus casas/Your houses(plural)
- E.X. Su regalo/His, her, your, their gift…………….Susregalos/Their, your gifts
- Please note! The possessive adjective “su” can mean______,______,______and ______.
- Like other adjectives, the possessive adjective must______.
- The possessive adjective “nuestro” (our) has______forms, each of which depends on the noun it modifies.
- E.X. Nuestroabuelo (masculine and singular)…………………Our grandfather
- E.X. Nuestrahermana(feminine and singular)…………………..Our sister
- E.X. Nuestrosgatos(masculine and plural)……………………..Our cats
- E.X. Nuestrashijas(feminine and plural)……………………….Our daughters
- Conjugate the verb “tener” in the box below. What does “tener” mean?______
Yo I have / Nosotros Wehave
Tú you (sing./inf.) have
Él he has
Ella she has
Usted you (sing./form.) have
(Name) (name) has / Ellos Theyhave
Ellas They (fem.) have
Ustedes youallhave
(name y name) (name and name) have
- Write the following statements in Spanish.
- ______Our cat
- ______My grandfather
- ______Your (singular, informal) cousins
- ______His family
- ______Her sister
- ______My sisters
- ______Our grandmothers
- ______Our old dogs(remember the word for old!)
- ______Their father
- ______Their stepmother
- ______Your (singular, informal) stepfather
- ______My mother
- Circle the correct possessive adjective.
- Yotengounahermana. (Mi / mis)hermanaesalta.
- Nosotrostenemos dos abuelos. (Nuestro / nuestros)abuelos son viejos.
- Mifamilia y yotenemosunperro. (Nuestro / su)perroescómico.
- Tútienestreshermanos. (Tus / sus)hermanos son atléticos.
- Mi primo tieneungato. (Su / sus)gatoesgrande.
- Ellostienen dos hijos. (Su / sus)hijos son inteligentes.
4)Stating Age in Spanish
- Use the verb______to state age in Spanish.
- In English we say, “I am…years old.” In Spanish they literally say, “I have…years.”
- Write the formula for stating age in Spanish:
- ______+ ______+ ______
- EX. Yotengo 15 años.------I’m 15 years old.
- EX. Mi padre tiene 46 años.------My father is 46 years old.
- EX. Nuestrosprimostienen 16 años.------Our cousins are 16 years old.
- Once again, conjugate the verb “tener” in the box below.
Yo I have / Nosotros Wehave
Tú you (sing./inf.) have
Él he has
Ella she has
Usted you (sing./form.) have
(Name) (name) has / Ellos Theyhave
Ellas They (fem.) have
Ustedes youallhave
(name y name) (name and name) have
- Write the following sentences in Spanish. You DO NOT need to spell out the numbers. Just write them numerically.
- I am 17 years old.
- Your (singular / informal) sister is 12 years old.
- Our aunt is 35 years old.
- His dog is 6 years old.
- You (singular / informal) are 20 years old.
5)Answering Questions with Possessive Adjectives
- Answering questions with possessive adjectives is very similar to how we do it in English.
- What does the question “¿Cuántosañostienes?” mean?______
- Respond to “¿Cuántosañostienes” with______
- EX. ¿Cuántosañostienes?------How old are you?
- EX. Yotengo 15 años.------I’m 15 years old.
- What does the question “¿Cuántosañostienenustedes?” mean?______
- Respond to “¿Cuántosañostienenustedes?” with______
- EX. ¿Cuántosañostienenustedes?------How old are you all?
- EX. Nosotrostenemos 20 años.------We are 20 years old.
- What if there are POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES in the question?! What do we do?!
- Anytime there is a “tu(s)” in a question, you respond with______
- Why do we respond with “mi(s)”?______
EX. ¿Cuántosañostienetuhermana?---How old is your sister?
Mi Hermana tiene 15 años.------My sister is 15 years old.
- Answer the following questions in Spanish. Use the numbers in parentheses for the age. Follow the example.
EX. ¿CuántosañostieneSimón? (32)
Simóntiene 32 años.
- ¿Cuántosañostienes? (21)
- ¿Cuántosañostienetuhermana? (14)
- ¿Cuántosañostienenustedes? (16)
- ¿Cuántosañostienentusabuelos? (75)
- Comparatives are expressions used to compare______.
- In English, comparative adjectives are formed by adding______to the end of a word or by using______, ______, and ______.
- EX. I am taller than my sister.
- EX. You are more artistic than your brother.
- EX. She is less athletic than her cousins.
- EX. We are as funny as them.
- Often times, we use the suffix –er with an adjective to compare.
- I am funnier than you are.
- He is shorter than I am.
- Write the meanings of the following adjectives on the lines provided. We’ll use them later.
Spanish / English / Spanish / English
artístico(a) / simpático(a)
atlético(a) / trabajador(a)
bueno(a) / alto(a)
cómico(a) / bajo(a)
desorganizado(a) / bonito(a)
estudioso(a) / grande
inteligente / guapo(a)
malo(a) / joven (pl. jóvenes)
organizado(a) / pelirrojo(a)
perezoso(a) / pequeño(a)
serio(a) / viejo(a)
- Write what the following comparative statements mean in English.
- más…(adjective) que______
- menos…(adjective) que______
- tan…(adjective)como______
- The above statements are used with adjectives in Spanish to compare things. That’s why we listed the adjectives in the table; we’re going to use them to make comparisons.
- Conjugate the verb “ser / to be” in the table below.
Singular / Plural
(1st person) yo (I am) / (1st person) nosotros(as) (we are)
(2nd person) tú (you are/informal)
(3rd person)
Él (he is)
Ella(she is)
Usted (you are/formal) / (3rd person)
Ellos (they are: masc./mix)
Ellas (they are / feminine)
Ustedes (you all are)
- NOTE: there is no suffix “-er” in Spanish! That’s why we use the three comparative statements listed above!
- Here’s the formula for setting up a comparative statement in Spanish:
- Subject + form of “ser” + comparative word + adjective +que/como + object you’re comparing
Yo soy más cómico que mi madre
(I) (am) (more) (funny) (than) (my mother)
Ella es menos atlética que tú
(she) (is) (less) (athletic) (than) (you)
Nosotros somos tan inteligentes como ustedes
(we) (are) (as) (intelligent) (as) (you all)
- Write the following statements in Spanish that use comparative words. USE THE FORMULA ABOVE TO WRITE THEM! Nouns and adjectives must agree in gender and number!
- I am more nice(nicer) than our uncle.
- My cousins are less studious than my brother.
- We are as artistic as you all.
- They are more pretty(prettier) than we.
- There are a few irregular comparative words that ______use “que.” List them below.
- Older______
- Younger______
- Better______
- Worse______
- NOTE: Add “-es” to the end of these irregular comparative words when they are plural. This is because they agree in number with the first noun.
- EX. Mi primo es mayor que mi hermano.------My cousin is older than my brother.
- EX. Misprimos son mayoresque mi hermano.—My cousins are older than my brother.
- Write the following statements in Spanish.
- I am better than my sister.
- Our brothers are younger than our uncle.
- You are (singular/informal) worse than your cat.
- They are older than I.
- She is better than the dog.
7)“De” to Show Possession
- There is NO APOSTROPHE in Spanish!
- What does the word “de” mean in English?______
- Use______to show possession instead of an apostrophe.
- Instead of saying something like, “my brother’s dog,” in Spanish it is LITERALLY, “the dog of my brother.”
- EX. My father’s brother------El hermano de mi padre (the brother of my father)
- EX. Your daughter’s cat------El gato de tuhija (the cat of your daughter)
- EX. Our uncle’s son------El hijo de nuestrotío (the son of our uncle)
- Write the following possessive statements in Spanish.
- His cat’s uncle (literally: the uncle of his cat)
- My grandfather’s mother (literally: the mother of my grandfather)
- Our daughter’s stepfather (literally: the stepfather of our daughter)
- Your (singular/informal) aunt’s family (literally: the family of your aunt)
- Their cousin’s birthday (literally: the birthday of your cousin)
- My mother’s sister (literally: the sister of my mother)
- Our grandmother’s son (literally: the son of our grandmother)