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APSpanish Language and Culture Syllabus2016-2017

Central Dauphin East High School, Rm. 219


717-541-1662 Ext. 219

Google Voice: 500-1090 Text @apeckel to 81010

Course Objectives

TheAP SpanishLanguageand Culturecourseprovides students with opportunities to develop language proficiencyacross the threemodes ofcommunication:Interpretive,Interpersonal, and Presentational. A varietyof text, audio, visual and audio/visual authenticmaterials areused in class to givestudents significantexposureto manyfacets of the Spanish-speakingworld. AP SpanishLanguageand Cultureis a languageacquisition class in which theinstructor exclusivelyuses Spanish to createan immersion experience. Students arealso expected toalmost exclusivelyusethe Spanish language also, a requirement that is reflected in the class participation component ofthe coursegrade.


Each quartergradeis divided into threeseparatecategories: Tests/Assessments, Quizzes and Classwork.Classwork is worth twenty five percent of the quarter grade; Quizzes or small Performance Tasks worth twenty five percent of the quarter grade; and Exam or large Performance Tasks worth fifty percent of the quarter grade.

Homework/Participation: Homework isgiven regularly that requires students to practicetheirlanguage skills or interact with authentic Spanish-languagematerials. Written presentational, written interpersonal andwrittenpresentational assignments aregiven for homework onaregular basis, aswell as assignments to giveexplicitpracticewithgrammar concepts covered inclass.

Another component ofthisgradeis participation,which is summed up in twocumulativeparticipation gradesgiven per marking period, onegiven in themiddle ofthe markingperiod and onegiven at the end. Theseparticipationgrades takeinto account thediligenceof thestudentand the dedication ofthe student to onlyexpress him/herself in Spanish.

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given on a regular basis toassess astudent’s constant progress in class. Quizzes frequentlycover weeklysubtheme vocabulary and may be an extension of subtheme activities. These may appear in the form of a small Performance Task in which a student is required to perform a real world task with the subtheme.

In addition to vocabulary quizzes, there will be a biweekly grammar quiz which focuses on essential grammar topics that are taught at the biweekly grammar lesson.

Exam: Each Unit will conclude with aunitexam or major Performance Task that gives each studentan opportunityto show what they’velearnedand the improvements they’vemadeto their languageskills. These typicallyconsist of a grammar section aswellasshort and longessayquestions thatprovideevidenceofgrowth in the target language. The number of Unit Exams and Major Performance Tasks will total a minimum of three per marking period.

Performance Tasks areregularlygivenand cover a widebreadth of topics, proficiencies and rigor. Performance Tasks are considered Quiz or Exam based upon amount of work involved. During the courseof thequarter students willberequired to analyzeand summarizearticles/news reports, respond to interpersonal prompts,give oral presentations, present skits and engagein class debate.

Additionally, students arerequired tokeep Spanish-languagejournals, to beturned in everytwo weeks forreview and feedback. Thesejournals arean opportunityforstudents togivean account of their daily lives in Spanish, as wellas composepoetryand short stories. Each journal must haveaminimum of six entries per submission.

Course Planner

Through thestudyof thefollowingAP topics, students will build theskills to reach the assessment objectivesthrough the expansion of theirinterpretive, interpersonal, and presentational skills. The primarytext used in class isTriánguloAprobado5a ediciónbyBarbaraGatski and John McMullan. The coursewillfollow thethemes covered in thebook in order.

APunits to be coveredinclude:

 Los desafíos mundiales

 La ciencia y la tecnología

 La vida contemporánea

Las identidades personales ypúblicas

 Las familias ylas comunidades

 La belleza yla estética

Unit 1:Losdesafíosmundiales

ContextsCovered /  EconomicIssues /Los temas económicos
 EnvironmentalIssues /Los temas del medio ambiente
PhilosophicalThoughtand Religion /El pensamiento filosóficoyla religión
 Social Welfare/ El bienestarsocial
Essential Questions / ¿Cuálessonlos desafíossociales,políticosydel medioambienteque enfrentanlas sociedadesdel mundo?
 ¿Cuálessonlosorígenesdeesosdesafíos?
 ¿Cuálessonalgunasposiblessolucionesa esosdesafíos?
SampleResources / Article--LecturaCorta–Desafíos delaeconomíamundial
Tablas--Tablas Relacionadas alos Desafíos mundiales
 TriánguloAprobado
Sample Activities
Interpersonal Spoken / Interpersonal Written / Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive / Written and Print Interpretive / Presentational Spoken / Presentational Written
Simulatedphonecall: “Una asunto de importancia filosófica” / E-mail: “Su ayuda” / Radio broadcastwithcomprehensionquestions: “Los glaciares del sur argentino están desaparciendo” / Students will read a poster and answer comprehension questions: “Levantate: alzá la voz” / Short speech: “La privacidad” / Persuasiveessayusingauthenticsources: “Desechos electrónicos son reutilizables”; “Desechos electrónicos”
Learning Objectives
The studentselicit
information and clarifymeaningby using avariety of
strategies. / The students write a formal email correspondence using appropriate formats and conventions. / The students demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio-visual resources. / The students examine, compare, and reflect on products, practices, and/or perspectives of the target culture. / The students recount personal information in the public sphere, demonstrating a consideration of audience and cultural context. / The students create a cultural comparison, basing opinions on data found by students.

Unit 2:Lacienciaylatecnología

ContextsCovered /  Access to Technology/ El accesoala tecnología
 HealthCareand Medicine/ El cuidado dela saludyla medicina
 Science and Ethics /La cienciayla ética
EssentialQuestions /
  • ¿Qué impacto tiene el desarrollo científico y tecnológico en nuestras vidas?
  • Qué factores han impulsado el desarrollo y la innovación en la ciencia y la tecnología?
  • ¿Qué papel cumple la étnica en los avances científicos?

Sample Resources /
  • Triángulo Aprobado

Sample Activities
Interpersonal Spoken / Interpersonal Written / Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive / Written and Print Interpretive / Presentational Spoken / Presentational Written
Simulated phone call: “Estresada” / E-mail: “Los niños con cáncer” / Reading with audio: “Polémica por la eutanasia, una confesión real sobre una vida de película”; “La eutanasia” / Reading with comprehension questions: “Carta al Dr. Lázaro Pérez” / Short speech: “Decisiones sobre la donación de órganos” / Essaywithsources: “Crimen y violencia en Centro América: un desafío para el desarrollo”; “Derecho a poseer y portar arma NO es una concesión del estado”
Learning Objectives
The studentselicit
information and clarifymeaningby using avariety of
strategies. / The students write a formal email correspondence using appropriate formats and conventions. / The students demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio-visual resources. / The students examine, compare, and reflect on products, practices, and/or perspectives of the target culture. / The students recount personal information in the public sphere, demonstrating a consideration of audience and cultural context. / The students create a cultural comparison, basing opinions on data found by students.

Unit 3:Lavidacontemporánea

ContextsCovered /  Educationand Careers /Laeducaciónylas carreras profesionales
 Relationships /Las relaciones personales
 Social Customsand Values /Las tradicionesylosvalores sociales
Essential Questions / ¿Cómodefinenlosindividuosylassociedadessu propiacalidadde vida?
¿Cómoinfluyenlos productosculturales,las prácticasylas perspectivasdelagenteenlavidacontemporánea?
 ¿Cuálessonlosdesafíosdelavidacontemporánea?
SampleResources /  article“Colombia, en‘top 10’depaíses con más
días devacaciones”
 España comparado con mundo días devacaciones
 TriánguloAprobado
Sample Activities
Interpersonal Spoken / Interpersonal Written / Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive / Written and Print Interpretive / Presentational Spoken / Presentational Written
Simulated conversation: “Jueza Judy” / E-mail response: “La desigualdad” / Illustrationwith audio: “Honduras, estadísticas”; “Educación primaria en Centroamérica” / Reading: “La familia contemporánea: la familia chilena en el tiempo” / Short speech: “La velocidad de la vida contemporánea” / Essay: “Diez carreras que son más rentables y diez no tan rentables”; “Comunicaciones en el siglo XXI: puerta de entrada al mundo profesional”
Learning Objectives
The studentselicit
information and clarifymeaningby using avariety of
strategies. / The students write a formal email correspondence using appropriate formats and conventions. / The students demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio-visual resources. / The students examine, compare, and reflect on products, practices, and/or perspectives of the target culture. / The students recount personal information in the public sphere, demonstrating a consideration of audience and cultural context. / The students create a cultural comparison, basing opinions on data found by students.

Unit 4:Lasidentidadespersonalesy públicas

ContextsCovered / National and EthnicIdenties/Laidentidad nacionalyla identidad étnica
 Personal Beliefs /Las creencias personales
 Self-Image/Laautoestima
Essential Questions / ¿Cómoseexpresanlosdistintosaspectosdelaidentidaden diversas situaciones?
 ¿Cómosedesarrollalaidentidaddeunapersonaalo largodel tiempo?
 ¿Cómoinfluyenlalenguayla culturaen laidentidaddelapersona?
SampleResources /  Triángulo Aprobado
 Video: Autoestima en los jóvenes
 Video:La autoestima enla adolescencia.
Sample Activities
Interpersonal Spoken / Interpersonal Written / Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive / Written and Print Interpretive / Presentational Spoken / Presentational Written
Simulated conversations: “Una invitación” / E-mail response: “La autoestima y el fracaso”; “Para triunfar debes fracasar” / Illustrationwith audio: “Escala de autoestima”; “Sube tu autoestima estando de tu parte” / Poetryreading and interpretivequestions: “La balada de los dos abuelos”—Nicolás Guillén / Short speech: “La religión y las relaciones sociales” / Essay: “Los 5 de mayo”; “El 5 de mayo”
Learning Objectives
The studentselicit
information and clarifymeaningby using avariety of
strategies. / The students write a formal email correspondence using appropriate formats and conventions. / The students demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio-visual resources. / The students examine, compare, and reflect on products, practices, and/or perspectives of the target culture. / The students recount personal information in the public sphere, demonstrating a consideration of audience and cultural context. / The students create a cultural comparison, basing opinions on data found by students.

Unit 5:Lasfamiliasylascomunidades

Covered /  FamilyStructure/Laestructuradela familia
 Global Citizenship / Laciudadaníaglobal
 Social Networking/Lasredes sociales
Questions /  ¿Cómosedefinelafamiliaendistintassociedades?
 ¿Cómocontribuyenlos individuosalbienestardelas comunidades?
¿Cuálessonlasdiferenciasenlospapelesqueasumenlas comunidadesylas familiasenlas diferentessociedadesdel mundo?
Resources / Video: Madresdela PlazadeMayo
Video:Continúala luchade"Las Madres dela PlazadeMayo"en Argentina
 TriánguloAprobado
Sample Activities
Interpersonal Spoken / Interpersonal Written / Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive / Written and Print Interpretive / Presentational Spoken / Presentational Written
Simulatedconversation: “Los lugares desconocidos” / E-mail response: “Los quehaceres y la ética laboral” / Illustrationwith audio: “Estado de las Redes Sociales en América Latina”; “Activagers, la nueva red social para mayores de 40 en español!” / Reading: “Carta del Teniente Roberto Estévez a su padre” / Short speech: “Problemas económicos a nivel internacional” / Essay: “Las redes sociales comunican pero integran poco a la gente”; “Las redes sociales y los jóvenes”
Learning Objectives
The studentselicit
information and clarifymeaningby using avariety of
strategies. / The students write a formal email correspondence using appropriate formats and conventions. / The students demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio-visual resources. / The students examine, compare, and reflect on products, practices, and/or perspectives of the target culture. / The students recount personal information in the public sphere, demonstrating a consideration of audience and cultural context. / The students create a cultural comparison, basing opinions on data found by students.

Unit 6:Labellezaylaestética

ContextsCovered /  DefiningBeauty/ Definiciones dela belleza
 DefiningCreativity/ Definiciones dela creatividad
 LanguageandLiterature / El lenguajeylaliterature
 Visual and PerformingArts /Lasartesvisualesyescénicas
Essential Questions /  ¿Cómoseestablecenlas percepcionesdelabellezayla creatividad?
¿Cómoinfluyenlosidealesdelabellezaylaestéticaenlavida cotidiana?
 ¿Cómolasartesdesafíanyreflejanlasperspectivasculturales?
SampleResources /  Triángulo Aprobado
Las ventajas einconvenientes principales de vivirytrabajaren el extranjero.: inconvenientes-principales-de-vivir-y-trabajar-en-el-extranjero
Sample Activities
Interpersonal Spoken / Interpersonal Written / Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive / Written and Print Interpretive / Presentational Spoken / Presentational Written
Simulated conversation: “Los ídolos” / Simulated e-mail response: “Donar tiempo” / Reading with audio: “La actriz y modelo venezolana Patricia Velásquez, saca una línea de productos de belleza”; “Cien por ciento wayúu” / Reading: “Hay un país en el mundo”—Pedro Mir / Short speech: “La generación corriente y la creatividad” / Essay: “El lenguaje, concepto y definición”; “El silbo de la Gomera”
Learning Objectives
The studentselicit
information and clarifymeaningby using avariety of
strategies. / The students write a formal email correspondence using appropriate formats and conventions. / The students demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio-visual resources. / The students examine, compare, and reflect on products, practices, and/or perspectives of the target culture. / The students recount personal information in the public sphere, demonstrating a consideration of audience and cultural context. / The students create a cultural comparison, basing opinions on data found by students.


Text and Published Resources:

James H. Couch, Rebecca D. McCann, Carmel Rodrígues-Walter & Angel Rubio-Maroto, Una Vez Más 2nd edition, 1993

Barbara GatskiJohn McMullan, TriánguloAprobado 5th edition, Wayside Publishing2013

George Rooks, Diana E. Scholbergm & Kenneth R. Scholberg, Conversar Sin Parar, Newbury House Publishers, Inc. 1982

Movies and Songs:

LaMismaLuna, 2007

El Norte, 1983


Spanish Proficiency Exercises: