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PO Box 288 Yeppoon Qld 4703
Phone 4939 1056 Fax 4939 2944
PATRON / Tom EdminstonePRESIDENT / Mick Cranny / 4939 5240
VICE PRESIDENT / Chris Kennard / 4927 1361
CAPTAIN / Peter Lowry / 4939 8536
VICE CAPTAIN / Neville Jones / 0400 980140
SECRETARY / Barbara O’Brien / 4939 8108
TREASURER / Richard Fairley / 4939 6157
GREENS DIRECTOR / Dave Caulton / 4939 5448
COMMITTEE / Lola Hargreaves / 4939 3369
PROFESSIONAL / Jason Mulligan / 4939 3664
MANAGER / Wendy McCosker
CAPTAIN / Marilyn Burns / 4938 3293VICE CAPTAIN / Kathy McPhail / 4939 3052
HANDICAPPER / Lyn Goan / 4930 2216
CO-ORDINATOR / Mark SwaffieldHANDICAPPER / Teresa Rattenbury
CHAIRMAN / John Blyde / 4933 6779SECRETARY / Keith Jones / 4938 3681
MENS CAPTAIN / Geoff Grist / 4933 6518
LADIES CAPTAIN / Delroi Bolger / 4933 6090
The membership of the association shall consist of ordinary members, and any of the following classes of members:-
1. life members;
2. junior members
3. intermediate members;
4. country members;
5. temporary members;
6. social members;
7. daily members;
8. corporate membership/members;
9. transferable members
10. casual members
11. staff members
(refer to the Yeppoon Golf Club Inc rules for definition of the relevant classes of membership.
Membership fees are determined by the Management Committee, and are due 30 June each year, payable in full. Members who have not paid their membership fees in full by 1 July each year shall be deemed unfinancial. The Management Committee may terminate a member’s membership if the member has membership fees in arrears of 2 months
The enjoyment of golf depends on the co-operation, consideration and courtesy extended to fellow competitors. What is true of the game also applies to club membership. The spirit and image of the Club is projected by the way fellow members show respect, courtesy and consideration for one another. This courtesy and consideration should extend to the choice of dress generally, and in the standard of conduct on the course and in the clubhouse.
The standards of a golf club may be judged by the etiquette of the members. Members are asked to give close attention to:
· The rules of golf
· The etiquette of the game
· The local rules
· The regulations governing conditions of play
Your attention to these matters will thereby avoid penalties, promote harmony and make the game pleasant for all.
It is the responsibility of the proposer and seconder of a new member to see that they are completely assimilated into the Club. New members should be introduced to Club Officials, informed of Club Rules, and above all, ensure that they are sufficiently familiar with the rules and etiquette of the game.
Slow Play
In the interest of all players it is imperative that slow play does not impede the field. The following measures have been implemented in an endeavour to speed up play. These measures MUST be adhered to:-
· Lead groups are allowed a maximum time of 4 hours to complete their round (based on a medium to full field). Times adjust for smaller or larger fields.
· Groups following must complete their rounds within 15 minutes of the group ahead. This also applies to the last group in the field
· Groups are required to maintain their position in the field.
· If there is a clear hole in front of the group, every member of the group is responsible to accelerate their pace of play and regain their position in the field.
· Stops after nine holes must only be taken if the group holds its position in the field.
· On the tee, be ready to hit immediately. The “Honour Order” should not be used. In some instances the “shorter hitters” within the group should hit first.
Remember, Ready Golf is Best
The following penalties will apply to those players that do not maintain their position behind the group in front.
· First Offence – Informal discussions will be held with players to assist them in making adjustments to their pace of play.
· Second Offence – Players with a 1st offence will receive a written reprimand
· Third Offence – Players with a 1st and 2nd offence will receive a 2 shot penalty.
· Subsequent Offences – Disqualification from competition
Playing/Calling Up
In all situations, members are not to play up if they are within hitting distance of another player, group or club employee.
All members are advised that the course does not provide for any hole to be a hit/call up hole during the course of play.
Behaviour During Play
No one should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke. Generally, the player who has the honour should be allowed to play before his opponent or fellow competitor.
The “Ideals of Membership” of showing respect, courtesy and consideration for fellow members also extends to employees of the golf club. Members are required to show courtesy to all employees at all times.
The Yeppoon Golf Club Inc has adopted safe work practices as required by Workplace Health and Safety Act and Regulations. All policies are in accordance with the Club’s duty of care to the safety of all golf participants and employees of the Club.
Course Maintenance: When a flag has been removed by greens staff for maintenance purposes, the green is out of play and golfers are not to hit up until the flag has been replaced and the green staff are clear of the green and surrounding area. Golfers are required to wait for an approaching vehicle or mower to pass or be out of range before playing their shot.
Bunker Maintenance
Before leaving a bunker, a player must smooth over all holes and footprints made by him with the rake provided
Repair Divots, Ball Pitch Marks
Through the green, a player should ensure that any turf cut or displaced is replaced immediately, and covered with sand. Each individual player must carry a sand bucket at all times. Any damage on the putting green made by the ball ie pitch marks must be carefully repaired. Golf shoes with metal golf spikes are not to be worn on this course.
Practice on the Course
No player is permitted to play more than one ball except when permitted under the rules of golf. Practicing on the course, for example, by playing repeated bunker shots or approach shots to the green is specifically prohibited.
Dress Rules
Yeppoon Golf Club Inc acknowledges that we live in tropical Queensland and it is important for everyone to feel comfortable playing their round of golf, however, certain dress regulations do apply to reflect the dignity of the club and respect for our patrons.
Shirts with sleeves, slacks, golf shorts, dress shorts
are considered appropriate attire.
(No Singlets, No Footy Shorts)
Slacks, medium length shorts / skirts and blouses
are considered appropriate attire.
(No Singlets)
Appropriate non-metal spike golf shoes or sports joggers are required to be worn on the golf course. Open footwear is not acceptable on the golf course.
Casual footwear is considered appropriate in the club house.
No member shall directly complain to or reprimand an employee of the Club. Any complaints must be in writing and addressed to the Secretary of the Club.
Personal Property
The Club is not responsible for the personal injury or loss of property of any member. This specifically includes personal injury or loss within the boundaries of the golf course and in or about the clubhouse.
Social Play
All players (both members and social players) are required to sign the playing record book on arrival at the Club.
Pets on Course
Members and visitors are not allowed to bring pets onto the course when playing golf either socially or in competition.
Yeppoon Golf Club is a licensed premises and NO BYO ALCOHOL is permitted under the provisions of the Queensland Liquor Act. Infringements under the Act could result in the Club being liable to significant penalties including loss of our liquor licence, therefore members, visitors and social players cannot bring alcohol onto Club premises including the golf course.
Any BYO alcohol found on Club premises will be confiscated and returned to the owner when they leave the premises. A wide variety of beverages is available at the clubhouse.
The use of Yeppoon Golf Club Inc. or private motorised carts is governed by the Club Rules as outlined hereunder.
The hire of carts is subject to the Conditions of Hire described in the Hire Agreement signed by the Hirer, who will be responsible for compliance of the conditions of hire.
Hire carts and private motorised carts are for use by the members and visitors either socially or in competition. When using a motorized cart the committee requires the following general rules be adhered to:-
· Safety of cart users is a priority to the YGC Inc. therefore carts must not be operated in a negligent or reckless manner
· Maximum of 2 people per cart at all times. This means no one standing on the front, rear or side of the buggy.
· Motorised buggies must be kept a minimum of 6 metres away from greens and green surrounds and should not be driven onto teeing areas or off fairways into thick rough.
· Persons driving motorised buggies must hold a current drivers’ licence
· Hirers of carts will be held responsible for the cost of repairs to carts resulting from irresponsible operation
Any member or visitor not adhering to these rules will face disciplinary action by the Committee. Following two official warnings, the use of a motorized cart will be revoked for a period of one (1) month. Players with a medical/mobility condition that precludes them from parking at least 6 metres from the green surrounds must produce a current medical certificate to this effect.
(for competitions conducted by Match Committee)
Unless otherwise defined in the Conditions of Play for a specific competition, the following Conditions of Competition shall apply to all Competitions conducted by the Match Committee.
It is a condition of play at the Yeppoon Golf Club that all players are required to be familiar with, and abide by, the Rules of Golf and the Local Rules.
Specific Conditions of Play may apply to certain events and will be posted on the Match Notice Board.
Unless otherwise defined in the Conditions of Play for a specific competition, ties shall be determined by the Match Committee using the count-back system.
Suspension of Play
The committee may suspend play in any stipulated round (Rule 6-8 and 33-2). Suspension and resumption of play will be in accordance with Appendix I Part C of Rules of Golf.
Entry and Eligibility
Any player with a Golf Australia Handicap may enter, and be eligible to win prizes in a competition subject to the following provisions:
· Only Ordinary, Intermediate and Junior Members are eligible to win Jack-potting pin-shots (eg Turkey’s Nest) and Hole in One prizes.
· Temporary or Country Members are not eligible to win Medal Finals or Closed Championships.
· Juniors: eligibility is at the discretion of the Match Committee
Refer to Conditions of Play posted on Noticeboard
Return of Score Cards
A player is deemed to have returned a score card for a stipulated round when such card has been recorded into the Golflink system and deposited in the receptacle provided by the Match Committee or handed to a member of the Match Committee at the completion of the stipulated round. Rule 6-6 applies.
During ALL competitions the Captain or his/her nominee has absolute control of the playing rules. Their decision is final. If a player feels ill treated he/she must lodge a complaint, in writing, to the match committee or management committee.
To be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf. All golfers should familarise themselves with the local rules which are displayed in the club house and on the YGC website
Ø Out of Bounds marked by white stakes with black tops
Ø GUR marked by white pegs or lines
Ø Water hazard – yellow stakes
Ø Lateral water hazard – red stakes
Ø Distance markers on holes – 130 metres from centre of green (except on 7, 9 and 18 which are 100 metres)
Yeppoon Golf Club is affiliated with Golf Link, the national handicap network that is now used by over 1100 clubs across Australia. The system links 400,000 Australian Golf Club members instantly. Members who play at affiliated Clubs can verify handicaps, play a round and have handicaps updated automatically. See