APS Special Education Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

Therrell High School


6:00-8:00 pm

The Special Education Advisory Committee convened at Therrell High School at 6:10 p.m. Ms. Tammie Workman, Assistant Superintendent Student Services welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions of committee members were made. Ms. Workman shared the purpose of the advisory and committee norms were discussed. The committee was in agreement with the proposed norms. The committee will abide by the Robert’s Rules of Order for future committee meetings. A draft of the rules were provided to committee members. A By Laws committee was selected. Committee members serving on the By-Laws committee are: Michelle Constantinides, Richard Quartarone, and Christina Edwards. The By-Laws committee will provide a draft of the by-laws at the December 8, 2014 meeting.

Ms. Workman shared that the minutes of the advisory meetings will be posted on the Special Education webpagewhich will have a Special Education Advisory link. Advisory committee members will also receive a copy of the minutes for each meeting via email. It was recommended that Ms. Monica Blasingame, advisory member, serve as the secretary for the Advisory Committee.

Mrs. Cleveland, Executive Director, provided an overview of current special education programming. Current demographics, regional programming and key initiatives were discussed. Key initiatives discussed were: reducing suspensions for students with disabilities (SWDs); improving the graduation rate for SWDs; decreasing the drop-out rate; increasing the LRE for SWDs; increased parent engagement for parents of students with disabilities; and increasing the number of SWDs that participate in vocational programming.

The committee discussed strategies for increasing the participation of parents at IEP meetings and parent meetings. The Department of Special Education is currently hosting parent coffees/meetings at several schools. Parent participation at these meetings has been low. Special Education parent committees have also been created at approximately 25 schools for the 2014-15 school year. The Department of Special Education has two parent mentors on staff that can provide training to parents of students with disabilities.

Committee members were provided a copy of the September 2010 Special Education Audit. The committee will review at least five of the 29 recommendations during each of the advisory meetings. Current data and status updates on the recommendations will be provided. Mrs. Cleveland provided a copy of tentative agenda topics for upcoming advisory meetings. Committee members will review these tentative topics and provide feedback at the December 8, 2014. The committee meeting was adjourned.

Committee members in attendance

Tammie WorkmanDwight Hutson

Vickie ClevelandMichelle Constantinides

Keyona RevereCharlene Legend

Christina EdwardsKara Stimpson

Denice MorganJosie Love

Jill SloanCassandra Rainey

Tameka GilliamKenya Kemp

Nyree SearsAshley States

Melissa LeontorvichDon Doran

Richard Quartarone