April – Rumble in the Jungle
Weeks 1 & 2—Animals & Insects / Weeks 3 & 4—Everything is Coming Up GreenLiteracy / Literacy Understanding / begin to identify some common ending sounds of words / recognize rhyming words when presented in pairs (dad/sad, cat/hat)
Vocabulary / gorilla, tiger, parrot, leopard, fly, ant, ladybug, grasshopper, bumblebee / plant, flower, tree, hoe, shovel, rake, leaf
Phonics / d / p, q
Language / Sign Language** / bug, spider, bunny, duck, frog, turtle / flower, rain, fish, quiet, yellow
Spanish Vocabulary / duck/el pato, goose/el ganso, rabbit/el conejo, turtle/la tortuga / hair/el pelo, spoon/la cuchara, chicks/los pollitos, eggs/los huevos
Spanish Review / dog/perro, cat/gato, pig/cerdo, cow/vaca, horse/caballo, rooster/gallo / colors, numbers, seasons
Mathematics / Numbers / sort objects into pairs of 2 / begin to understand even/odd numbers
Critical Thinking / identify full name / identify first name in print
Spatial Reasoning / begin to understand simple map concepts (up/down, roads, etc.) / locate various items on globe (land, water, etc.)
Science / Scientific Understanding / explore & identify objects found in nature by type (bird, bug, plant, etc.) / understand effects of bugs on gardens, explore items in gardens (flowers, trees, grass, etc.)
Sensory Exploration / magnifying glass, microscope / living vs. non-living objects
Culture / Cultural Understanding / explore various animal habitats / recognize city & country of residence, explore others of each
Creative Expression / attempt to draw simple map / create recycled art
Social-Emotional / Kind Child / being polite, being respectful
Emotional Understanding / begin to understand & use manners (excuse me, please, thank you, etc.) / use basic friendship-making skills (initiate play, share, take turns, etc.)
Physical Fitness / Gross Motor / move parachute with others / run in relay race with friends
Fine Motor / attempt to tie pipe cleaners / write in journal using pictures
Handwriting / d / p, q
Technology / Technology Understanding / technology used in communication & development of telephone over time / technology used in recycling
Technology Skills / type 911 into telephone keypad / attempt to type letters/numbers on keyboard