Upgrading Windows
at the
California Energy Commission
Warren-Alquist State Energy Building
RFP Number: 16-01
June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016
Contractors able to provide window fenestration are invited to review and respond to this Request for Proposal (RFP) to alter and replace existing fenestration in identified areas of the Warren-Alquist State Energy Building with a dynamic glass product. In submitting your response, you must comply with all instructions as provided in this RFP.
Please refer to the Sample agreement that is attached to this RFP, as it includes the State’s General Terms and Conditions (GTC 610) and the Contractor Certification Clauses (CCC 307), which may also be viewed and downloaded at Internet site Interested bidders are strongly encouraged to review the Sample Agreement and submit questions in accordance with the prescribed instructions.
This RFP is advertised on the California State Contracts Register through Cal eProcure at:
The State reserves the right to modify this RFP prior to execution. Such modifications will be published on Cal eProcure as Addenda to this RFP.
In the opinion of the Department of General Services (DGS), this RFP is complete and without need of explanation. However, if you have questions or should you need any clarifying information, the RFP Administrator is:
Conrad Lewis, RFP Administrator
Department of General Services
707 3rd Street, 4th Floor
West Sacramento, CA 95605-2811
(916) 376-1630
All questions and requests for information must be submitted in writing as instructed in this RFP. Please note that no verbal information will be binding upon the State unless such information is issued in writing as an official addendum.
All response submittals to this RFP must be received by the RFP administrator by 2:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) Thursday, July 14, 2016 at the address listed above.
Department of General Services
RFP Number: 16-01
Page 38 of 40
I. Introduction 3
A. Purpose of RFP 3
B. Background 3
C. Key Action Dates 4
D. RFP Participation And How Award Is Determined 4
A. General Requirements 6
A. Proposal Submission Requirements 7
B. Proposal Evaluation, Selection And Award 10
C. Preference And Incentive Programs 11
D. Required Attachments 14
ATTACHMENTS1 / Required Attachment Check List
2 / Proposal/Proposer Certification Sheet
Completion Instructions for Proposal/Proposer Certification Sheet
3 / Bidder Declaration (GSPD-05-105)
4 / Payee Data Record
5 / Proposer References
6 / Darfur Contracting Act
7 / Iran Contracting Act
8 / Commercially Useful Function Certification
9 / Proof of Insurance
16 / Copies of Licensures and Certifications
Non-Collusion Affidavit
Proposal Requirements and Scoring
Contractor Certification Clauses (CCCs)
Technical Proposal
Sample Standard Agreement (Std. 213) and Exhibits
I. Introduction
A. Purpose of RFP
This RFP will secure services to alter the existing fenestration for the Warren-Alquist State Energy Building (known formerly as the California Energy Commission Building) at 1516 9th Street, Sacramento, California (“the building”). The alteration includes the replacement of existing fenestration with a dynamic glass product. A dynamic fenestration will include glass that automatically tints according to outdoor conditions and/or work environment preference in response to applied voltage, allowing control of daylight, glare, and heat load within a building. This fenestration project includes windows, framing, spacers, and glazing that will meet the National Fenestration Rating Council’s whole-product energy performance rating.
This RFP requests proposals from licensed contractors who wish to participate in a zero cost Request for Proposal (RFP) as part of the California Energy Commission’s efforts to improve building performance. This is a zero cost RFP with no cost to be charged to the State for completion of this fenestration project. This RFP seeks bidders willing to perform work free-of-charge, in exchange for product visibility in a State-owned building. Signage will be prepared near the newly installed windows and in the atrium to identify the manufacturers and installers of the windows selected through this RFP and will explain the performance characteristics of each window type. This is an opportunity for manufacturers to showcase their dynamic glass window products The State envisions a building that showcases energy-efficient retrofit techniques and sustainable building technologies. The building will be a living laboratory that will introduce visitors to active, cutting-edge energy efficiency technologies in an operational work environment.
B. Background
When the building was constructed in 1982, the windows installed along the exterior walls and the interior walls facing the atrium included three glazing configurations that still exist today: double-pane tinted glazing, single-pane tinted glazing, and single-pane clear glazing. The structural system is reinforced concrete with concrete waffle slabs. Several architectural approaches were used to shade the building windows from direct sunlight while still taking advantage of the natural light. In support of the original daylighting concept, louvers were installed on the south, east, and west sides of the building. The louvers on the east and west sides of the building are configured as parallel vertical fins. The louvers on the south side are horizontal. The south side horizontal louvers are moveable by hand. These louvers are in random positions and susceptible to movement in the wind. The louvers on the west side of the building are fixed in place, 45 degrees west of due north.
The building has double-pane tinted glazing that runs along the exterior walls and most of the walls between the office areas and the atrium. The double-pane windows are 6’ tall and span between 3’ and 9’ above the finished floor. Four out of every six of these windows are operable. The single-pane tinted glazing occurs in the glass doors and sidelights between the office areas and the open atrium. These glazings are 9’ tall and extend from the floor to the ceiling. The single-pane clear glazing runs along the exterior walls and most of the walls separating the office spaces from the atrium. These single-pane glazings are 2’9” tall and span between 9’ and 11’9” above the finished floor. The southern exposure has a combination of movable overhangs and fixed fins to minimize solar exposure. The east and west exposures have movable fins to minimize solar exposure.
The goal of this RFP is to complete this fenestration project which will bring the building back to the original daylighting design intent and reduce lighting and HVAC energy loads while improving indoor environmental quality. Responses to this RFP request will be evaluated and considered for replacement and improvement of existing single-pane and double-pane windows with advanced fenestration solutions that improve day lighting and reduce heating and cooling costs.
C. Key Action Dates
Listed below are important event dates and times associated with this RFP. The State reserves the right to change this schedule and/or events at any time during the RFP period by releasing Addenda via Cal eProcure.
EVENT / DATE / TIME (PST)RFP Available to Prospective Bidders / 06/02/16
Date of Mandatory Walk-Through / 06/16/16 / 10:00 a.m.
Deadline to Submit Written Questions / 06/23/16
Questions and Answers to be Available / 06/30/16
Deadline for RFP Proposal Submission / 07/14/16 / 2:00 p.m.
DGS anticipates issuing a Notice to Proceed in August or September 2016.
D. RFP Participation and How Award is Determined
This RFP seeks proposals from licensed contractors who wish to participate in a zero cost/no cost to the State opportunity as part of the California Energy Commission’s efforts to improve building performance.
1. Eligible Bidders
The agreement resulting from this RFP solicitation includes required terms and conditions that set forth the contractor’s rights and responsibilities, and other compliance documents required to be completed, signed or provided by the contractor. Failure to provide timely, complete, accurate information as required of this RFP is grounds for rejection of submitted proposal.
2. Mandatory Pre-Bid Walk-Through
Proposers shall attend the mandatory walkthrough, which is scheduled on the date and time specified above in Section C. Key Action Dates. The walkthrough will be held at the Energy Commission Building located at 1516 9th Street in Sacramento. Please meet in the front lobby near the security desk.
Proposals will only be accepted from Proposers attending the mandatory walkthrough. Proposers will be required to sign-in to confirm attendance.
3. Questions
All questions regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing by the date set forth in Section C, Key Action Dates, to the RFP Administrator identified on the Notice to Proposers. Responses to questions submitted will be made available to all bidders and posted to Cal eProcure.
Any verbal communication with any State employee concerning this RFP is not binding on the State and shall in no way alter a specification, term, or condition of the RFP. Therefore, all communication should be directed in writing to the RFP Administrator.
4. Responses to this RFP
Responses to this RFP solicitation shall be in the form of a proposal. The proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the format described in this RFP. The proposal shall explain and provide the proposer’s approach, experience, and qualifications to perform the tasks described in the scope of work, and include all documents and information required of this RFP. No cost shall be charged to the State for this RFP. For purposes of this RFP, the proposer/vendor will provide all products and services required to complete the project, free of charge to the State.
E. Contract Requirements
1. Insurance
Contractor shall provide insurance coverage meeting the requirements listed in the Sample Agreement, Exhibit D. Please review Sample Agreement, Exhibit D for more details.
2. Payment and Performance Bonds
Contractor shall provide a payment bond and a performance bond issued by a surety authorized to conduct business in California. Please see Sample Agreement, Exhibit D for more details.
3. Prevailing Wage
Contactor and any subcontractor(s) shall adhere to the payment of prevailing wages as determined by the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). Please see Sample Agreement, Exhibit D for more details.
F. Reference Documents
Proposers responding to this RFP may want to familiarize themselves with the following documents:
Governor Edmund G. Brown Executive Order B-18-12
State of California Green Building Action Plan:
II. Scope of Work and Deliverables
This section summarizes the key program design concepts and proposal deliverables that proposers must include and respond to for this RFP.
A. General Requirements
1. Overview and General Information
This RFP is intended to provide basic information for installing a dynamic glass fenestration solution to conserve energy and improve daylighting at the Energy Commission building.
Proposals will be considered to replace existing single-pane and double-pane windows with dynamic glass windows that improve daylighting and reduce heating and cooling costs.
To enable a whole-product energy performance rating for commercial fenestration projects, the RFP proposal shall include performance data from the three primary components of fenestration: frames, spacers, and glazing.
As part of this fenestration project, the winning proposer will be required to remove, protect and store the current windows, in-tact, in the DGS-controlled basement area within the CEC building.
2. Mandatory Experience
Proposer is required to have the following minimum mandatory documented experience in order for their proposal to be qualified for consideration:
a) Proposer must have completed and tested high-performance fenestration projects.
b) Proposer must have developed and completed at least five fenestration installation projects.
3. Mandatory Technical Requirements
The following minimum mandatory technical requirements will apply to any work performed under a contract resulting from this RFP:
a) Achieve a maximum U-Factor of 0.47
b) Achieve a maximum RSHGC of 0.31
c) Achieve a minimum VT of 0.32 for operable windows and 0.42 for fixed windows
d) Achieve a dynamic fenestration solution. A dynamic fenestration solution will include glass that automatically tints in response to outdoor conditions and/or work environment preference, in response to applied voltage, in order to control building daylight, glare, and heat load.
These mandatory technical requirements for alteration of existing fenestration address the air tightness of each window unit, how the U-Factor and RSHGC are determined, as well as the visible transmittance (VT) of the project. The results of the project will stand-alone and be specific to the use of advanced window technology as an efficient means of meeting energy conservation requirements.
Scenario 1 requires achievement of fenestration replacement of approximately
1949 square feet. Scenario 2 requires achievement of fenestration replacement of
approximately 864 square feet. See Attachment 15, Scenarios, for more details.
4. Cost Requirements
This is a zero cost RFP with no cost to be charged to the State for any work required of this fenestration project. This RFP seeks bidders willing to perform work free-of-charge, in exchange for product visibility in a State-owned building. Any cost included in proposal submitted is grounds for disqualification without further consideration.
III Submission and Evaluation
A. Proposal Submission Requirements
1. Required Proposal Format
All proposals submitted under this RFP must be typed or printed using a standard 11point font, singled-spaced, and a blank line between paragraphs. Pages must be numbered and sections titled and printed back-to-back. Spiral or comb binding is preferred, and tabs are encouraged. Binders are discouraged.
2. Copies Required
Bidders must submit the original and 4 copies of the proposal.
Bidders must also submit electronic files of the proposal on CD-ROM or USB memory stick along with the paper submittal. Only one CD-ROM or USB memory stick is needed. Electronic files must be in Microsoft Word (.doc format) and Excel Office Suite formats. Electronic files submitted via email will not be accepted.
3. Packaging and Labeling
The original and copies of the proposal must be labeled "Request for Proposal RFP 16-01”.
Proposals must be received (by mail or hand-delivered) no later than the date and time set forth in Section I, Subsection C, Key Action Dates.
All Proposals are to be submitted in a sealed Package/Envelope with the following address and information: