The Men Who Built America

Name ______Class Period ______

Historical Person: ______

You will be creating a profile for an historical figure that was vital to the Industrial Power of our Nation. In our next unit we will be covering the Rise of Industry at the turn of the century. There are many key figures that contributed to this period of rapid growth and the creation of modern America. They are so important to our history that they are sometimes referred to as the Men who Built America.

Personal Information—Include:

Activities (anything your figure may like to do)

Interests (things they like i.e. meetings, traveling, or supporting specific movements)

Favorite Quotes

About Me (needs to be minimum of 5 sentences) and include general information about your figure. Major accomplishments, goals, places traveled, adults you might admire, your personality (what are you like, how might people describe you), or any siblings or children.

Education and Work—Include: College degree or education they received

Work Info (what jobs have you had), Employer, Position held, and Description of job duties (3 sentences minimum).

News Feed: Total of 4 news feeds. You need to include two from your historical figure (status updates or accomplishments. In addition, include two from other figures (i.e. something they would write on your wall-question, comments, and achievements). Also make sure to change the date and how many “likes”.

For example, if you invented electricity, you might have a lot more people “like” your status.

In addition, you must correctly cite evidence from someone who would “post” on your “wall”.

The people that post on your wall could be friends, business partners, or rivals. These men all knew each other and some competed directly with each other. Who liked and didn’t like your person?

Picture—You can look one up online, or draw one. It should be a picture from the shoulders up and fit in the space provided.

Most Recent Status Update—This should be one of the last major accomplishments from your historical figure—make sure to include the date. For example, John Brown might be leaving to go to Harper’s Ferry to lead a slave revolt (7th grade example).

General Information—Include: Current city, gender (male/female), hometown (where your figure was born), relationship status (married to…), birth date, life span (year born-year died).

Friends—Include: Include pictures of three people that your historical figure would consider his friends with. They may work in the same industry, business partners, elected officials they befriended, etc.


Personal Information 10 pts General Information 5 pts Accuracy: 10 pts

Education and Work 5 pts Friends 5 pts

News Feed 10 pts Note taking sheet 5 pts

Picture/Status Update 5 pts Neatness & Effort &Behavior 15 pts

TOTAL—70 Points

Note taking:

Personal Information—Include:
Activities (anything your figure may like to do)
Interests (things they like i.e. meetings, traveling, or supporting specific movements)
Favorite Quotes
About Me (needs to be minimum of 5 sentences) and include general information about your figure. Major accomplishments, goals, places traveled, adults you might admire, your personality (what are you like, how might people describe you), or any siblings or children.
Education and Work—Include: College or education they received a degree from
Work Info (what jobs have you had), Employer
Position held, and Description of job duties (3 sentences minimum).
News Feed: Total of 4 news feeds.
You need to include two from your historical figure (status updates or accomplishments. In addition, include two from other figures (i.e. something they would write on your wall-question, comments, and achievements). Also make sure to change the date and how many “likes”.
Picture—You can look one up online, or draw one. It should be a picture from the shoulders up and fit in the space provided.
Most Recent Status Update—This should be one of the last major accomplishments from your historical figure—make sure to include the date. For example, John Brown might be leaving to go to Harper’s Ferry to lead a slave revolt (7th grade example)
General Information—Include: Current city, gender (male/female), hometown (where your figure was born), relationship status (married to…), birth date, life span (year born-year died)
Friends—Include: Include pictures of three people that your historical figure would be friends with. They may work in the same industry, business partners, elected officials they befriended, etc.