APPROVEDMinutes of the Harmonic Generation Planning Committee Meeting

8:04pm, Wednesday, 18January 2017

Present: Jordan Charbonneau, LuAnn Cunliffe, Paul Jay, Sean Jones, Janet Lo

  1. Approve agenda

1.Approve agenda
2.Approve minutes ofJune 2016meeting
3. Actions/matters arising from minutes
4.Finance update (LuAnn)
5.Thoughts from December concerts: learnings: egformalise $ arrangements in writing
6.learnings from Kroks gig
7. Thoughts around eg wireless mic investment options, buying a snake options
9. Dance collective proposal forMay 13or 14th
10. Retreat ideas for 2017 (more mic focus, video and feedback, 3rd party coach)
11.Other possible 2017 gigs
12.Audition targets management updates?
14. Promo advances and learnings
15.Review updated policy document
16.Other business
17.Plan for next committee meeting and items to discuss

- Approved

  1. Approve minutes ofJune 2016meeting


  1. Actions/matters arising from minutes

-Janet: yet to develop absence request form (ACTION: Janet)

-Jordan: followed up with members at the time to join HG teams, but new members have joined since (Alan and Gordon). Jordan to follow up with them about team membership (ACTION: Jordan)

-Sean: yet to research possible products for marketing/promo of the group with new HG logo (especially business cards) (ACTION: Sean)

-Sean: development of new website in the works (renewal of current website would be end of summer), but to be completed (ACTION: Sean)

-Janet: yet to development document covering expectations of members and separate optional release form for members` images (ACTION: Janet)

  1. Finance update (LuAnn)

-Bank balance of $8600+, but we owe over $1000 dollars for December/January gigs and miscellaneous expenses (e.g. Paul’s fixes to electronic equipment)

-Allowing for a comfortable margin for emergencies, assume about $6000 in funds available

  1. Thoughts from December concerts: learnings: egformalise $ arrangements in writing

-General desire to formalize relationships with concert partners to avoid unpleasant surprises (e.g. last-minute reductions in our compensation), but avoid unnecessary formality

-Good to develop a one-page term sheet that we would present to entities with whom we work to ensure all our gig considerations are included (ACTION: Janet)

-We may also need to consider taking out liability insurance for future gigs (becoming more common as a request from event locations)

-Concerts reinforced strong desire in group for wireless mikes (see discussion below)!

  1. Learnings from Kroks gig

-Made more money than expected, in part due to certain expenses being unnecessary (e.g. no sound system). This indicates that, if revenue is a primary consideration, it maybe good to consider acoustic performances for more gigs

-Both December gigs and Krok gigs were a nice contrast compared to June gigs in terms of workload intensity and the need to adhere to themes. Taken together, our shows over the past year demonstrate our ability with respect to breadth of performance styles

  1. Thoughts around eg wireless mic investment options, buying a snake options

-Research to date makes clear that obtaining a reliable, economical microphone setup for 16 people is difficult

-Many options are available, but the needs of our group (e.g. number of channels) means we should probably look at better quality than the lowest tier in order to ensure dependability

-In the interim, purchasing a snake (at least a 100-foot model) would allow us to reduce our microphone cable length to avoid some of the cord tangling challenges we regularly experience

  • On this note, it is possible to cut our existing cables into smaller lengths to make shorter cables, avoiding need to buy new shorter cables

-To see what might work, at next HG retreat, it may be worthwhile to take time to experiment with microphone staging, such as by using only a portion of our existing cables. This will help determine our cable-length needs

-In terms of raising revenue for the purchase of wireless mikes, one option would be to give less/nothing to charities for our events (thereby keeping more for ourselves)

-With respect to other equipment, Paul has all the parts necessary to repair the broken speaker stands, and is looking into repairing our microphone stands (which won’t stay extended upward even when tightened into position)

-Discussion around purchase of a snake: do we buy it? Because it would provide us flexibility at gigs (by opening up more options for sound setup, for example) and because it could help us reduce cord tangling, etc., committee decision to go ahead on the assumption of a $400 expenditure (based on Paul’s research to date), aiming for less without compromising quality, if possible (ACTION: Paul)

  1. Fundraisingteam

-Question posed to committee to help determine the team’s focus. Should it be capital expenses, development of members, other objectives?

-Janet notes difficulty in finding grants that cover capital, and the fact we are unincorporated (many funding avenues require incorporation)

-Committee discussion on the subject, noting that requests for donations from our fans (“crowdfunding”) are hard if the “crowd” can’t get anything out of it (i.e. does not directly benefit from the donation)

-In terms of other expenses, group must also bear in mind the need for future replacement of music director, who may require compensation

-Decision to pitch to members at rehearsal on Monday, January 23 about why this team is important to the group, hoping to get more volunteers (ACTION: Janet)

-Suggestion for fundraising team to look into process and costs of incorporating, or even considering seeking group sponsors

  1. Dance collective proposal forMay 13or 14th

-As discussed at last committee meeting, Ottawa Dance Collective, who we performed with last year, is asking us to perform with them again. Event confirmed for May 13th, in the evening

-The Dance Collective wants our sets limited to 15 minutes and can’t commit to covering our costs

-Committee discussion notes that event would require significant preparation time for little payback in terms of exposure (small crowd expected) and funds

-Decision to decline, Janet will get back to them and explain why (ACTION: Janet)

  1. Retreat ideas for 2017 (more mic focus, video and feedback, 3rd party coach)

-Committee cognizant of strong group desire for more time, even a whole day, practicing on mikes

-Discussion about bringing in a microphone coach, but how we use microphones (e.g. blending many voices, as opposed to lead singer over backing band) makes us unique

-Paul to talk to Jen Moir about potential for coming to a retreat to give us feedback on our performances (ACTION: Paul)

-Perhaps consider Sarah Quartel for a future retreat?

-Retreat timing: March/April. Janet to send doodle to group (ACTION: Janet)

-Suggestion to take time to produce a professional video at a retreat, especially if we are able to schedule a retreat that is not primarily intended to prepare for a gig (which prevents us from using the time for broader goals such as video production). This would likely require a separate retreat to prepare for our next gig (when scheduled).

  • Decision to see member availability to determine whether video production a possibility
  1. Other possible 2017 gigs

-Paul has looked into OrKidstra, but not much reciprocal interest. Similar situation for Janet with Canada150 organizers, though Janet to follow up (ACTION: Janet)

-Discussion of singing with another children’s choir, which Paul will ask around about (ACTION: Paul)

-In line with 150th celebrations, another option is for HG to put on a Canadian-themed event. Paul to put together list of Canada-related pieces in our repertoire to see what’s possible (ACTION: Paul)

-Depending on what comes of above leads, possibility of foregoing spring event for one or two big events in fall, with option to do flashmobs in the interim to build interest/recognition

  1. Audition targets

-Two women auditioning Sunday, January 22. Paul looking for high soprano

  1. Website management updates?

-Sean looking to relaunch website this year to align with 10th anniversary (ACTION: Sean)

-Discussion of relaunch date, with decision that it happen by our next gig or July 1, whichever comes first

  1. Promo advances and learnings

-In response to audience question from latest gigs, discussion about whether worth having a central HG email list. Agreement to do so, but need to develop a plan to get there

-Facebook account is doing well as measured by number of followers. Find that visual posts do better in terms of reach than text-heavy posts. Point made that we tend to be quiet on social media between gigs, then blitz our audiences when gigs approaching; perhaps better to be more regular in our posting/communications?

  1. Review updated policy document

-Committee began review of Jordan’s proposed revisions, with some suggestions made. Review stopped at Article 4 due to time constraints, will continue at next meeting in February/March

-Suggestion made to add mention to policy that Planning Committee also operates by email, not just in meetings (ACTION: Jordan)

  1. Other business

-Email from organizers of Feb. 4 “Sol-La-S-Day” event (conducting sing-alongs with seniors and other marginalized groups in concert with other groups around the world): decision to not participate based on the fact that our style of singing is not well suited to sing-alongs, as well as the lack of benefit to the group

-Janet’s request for maternity leave: committee agreement to grant her long-term leave for 12 months starting around birth of baby, with the possibility that she could return earlier if things go well for her and her family

-Decision to aim for an AGM in the spring (exact date to be determined once schedule of gigs confirmed)

  1. Plan for next committee meeting and items to discuss

-February/March to finalize policy review and firm up gig plans

  1. Adjournment

Adjourned at 10:23 pm. Minutes taken by Jordan Charbonneau