Mississippi Association of Partners in Education

16thAnnual Governor’s Awards for Outstanding School-Community Partnerships

Award Application 2017-18

Your application must be emailed to by 5 p.m. on Jan. 22, 2018.

Type directly into this document. When saving the file to your computer, include your school name in the file name. See award guidelines posted at for instructions on how to submit supporting materials.Please do not insert graphics/photos into this document! Those are considered supporting materials and must be submitted separately. Please note: The "Contact Person" is the person MAPE will notify if your partnership wins an award or if we need more information. This individual should regularly check email.

Contact Person:




Zip Code:




School/School District:

School enrollment:

No. of students impacted:

Community Partner(s):

No. of Volunteers in education partnership:

No. of Years partnership in existence:

State Senator (not US Senator):

State Representative (not US Congressman):

MAPE Member’s Name:

Partnership Category (Insert X next to one)

___ Elementary School & Partner/s

___ Multi-level School & Partner/s

___ Middle School/Jr. High & Partner/s

___ High School & Partner/s

___ School District with Community-Wide Partnership

___ University Partnership Award

By entering names below, you certify that all statements in the applicationmaterials are true, complete and correct to the best of yourknowledge. You understand that if you fail to comply with allinstructions, the application will be disqualified.

School/School District Representative



Community Partner Representative(s) (Use additional space to add names, if necessary.)



Partnership Award Application– 2017-18

I.Narrative Summary - Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, maximum length one page

  • Write a thorough narrative summary of your partnership project.5 points

II.Needs - Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, maximum length one page

Describe your school or school district needs and community partnership goal(s) that were set to meet the need(s).

  • Needs are data driven.10 points
  • Goals are clearly stated.10 points

III.Activities- Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, maximum length one page

Describe activities implemented to meet community partnership goals.

  • Activities are well planned and completed.5 points
  • Activities involved student participation at all stages of implementation. 5 points
  • Activities were correlated to meet identified needs. 5 points
  • Activities showed evidence of creativity and innovation. 5 points
  • Evidence of collaboration and utilization of multiple resources.5 points

IV.Communications- Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, maximum length one page

Explain how you communicated your partnership goals and activities to specific audiences, e.g., students, parents, staffs, employees, news media, other schools and visitors. Provide examples.

  • Communications within school(s) were clear, concise and engaging. 10 points
  • Communications to community were clear, concise and engaging.10 points

V.Impacts - Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, maximum length one page

Explain the results/effectiveness of partnership activities. Be specific. Use concrete data, e.g., number of students impacted, percent of scores improved, amount of time/materials donated.

  • Percentage of students impacted.10 points
  • Project resulted in significant changes as evidenced by data.10 points
  • Concrete data used.5 points
  • Project identifies who is involved, what was accomplished and goals met.5 points

Failure to comply with all requirements will result in disqualification.

Your application must be emailed to by 5 p.m. on Jan.22, 2018. Write the name of your school or district in the subject line of your email along with the category of your entry: ABC District— Elementary Entry.Your application (Word document) is the only file MAPE will accept via email.Please do not email photos or other files!Do not convert the Word application into a PDF. See award guidelines for instructions on how to submit supporting materials.

The2018Governor's Awards luncheon will be heldFeb. 27 at the Hilton of Jackson. Please see forregistration and event details.

Applicants may email after the awards luncheon to receive an electronic copy of judges’ ratingsheets with comments concerning their scores.


See award guidelines posted at for instructions on how to submit supporting materials.

Also followMAPE on Facebook and Twitter @mape_ms for news and updates.