Approved PTSA Board Meeting Minutes

August 29, 2013

Participants: Alysa Emden, President

Pooh Shapiro, 1st Vice-President

Tammy Nathan, 2nd Vice-President (limited time)

Carol Schaengold, Treasurer

Michele McNally, Secretary

Peter Siegel, Cluster Representative

Carrie Witkop, MCCPTA Representative

Deb Ford, MCCPTA Representative

Odette Brown, NAACP Representative

Sarah Beck, Latino Representative

The meeting opened up with making introductions of the Board members present, and updating contact information for the printed copy of the B-CC PTSA Leadership 2013/14.

Alysa Emden welcomed the new and returning members of the board, and thanked everyone for their involvement.

She noted that the PTSA events are included on the main school calendar on the B-CC website.

Alysa Emden began the Treasure's report by stating there will be no fall event/auction this year as no one stepped up to chair the event. In addition, the PTSA discontinued the sale of Giant gift cards as the amount of volunteer time and cash flow didn't warrant the earnings. The PTSA's reserves are also strong.

Carol Schaengold explained the background and rational behind revisions to various line items in the budget, with most significant changes on the Income side being the drop in fundraising income with no fall event and Giant cards, and increased income with Escrip Amazon and grocery stores. Carol reported a drop in Departmental Resources as promethean boards had been purchased using reserves; an increase in MYP/IB Support, and no expenses this year to Community Scholarship as its function had been duplicative to College Tracks, and is now dissolved.

Alysa Emden called for a motion to approve the budget, which was seconded by Odette Brown; and it was approved unanimously. The budget will be presented to the PTSA membership for approval at the Sept. 19th PTSA General Meeting.

The board discussed various ways to increase PTSA membership, including a reminder on the pay4schoolstuff website to change student status from Westland to B-CC for incoming freshman as well as a reminder to include an additional donation to make up for lost auction income.

Alysa Emden reported on a number of summer projects. They included: 1) printing of a new IB banner to help with the branding of B-CC as an IB school; 2) new PTSA office space in C214, shared with the MYP staff; 3) the successful trial use of the SparkPay devices to accept credit card payments for PTSA membership and donations at the New Parent's Evening on August 22nd; 4) attendance at B-CC’s SIP meeting by Pooh Shapiro, Tammy Nathan, Michelle Hainbach, and Odette Brown in July; 5) development of the bright yellow bookmarks advertising the book sale drop-offs and sale times sponsored by ReMax Realty (B-CC parent Mark Butterfield); 6) creation of a new PTSA Google Calendar to minimize inadvertent event conflicts; and 7) hiring of many new B-CC staff members, including a new registrar (Maureen Bonner) and two new assistant principals (Margie Lope and Sharif Robinson)

Michele McNally reported on the status of Back To School Night (BTSN). She and co-chair Amy Nadel are working on a floor plan to accommodate the various groups, to keep the main lobby as navigable as possible, provide clear signs for each group, and to provide information to parents/guardians about the location of each table. They are working with Margie Lope, the assistant principal organizing the Student Ambassadors. The Ambassadors will be stationed at the main entrances and throughout the school, distribute maps of the school, and help parents/guardians locate classrooms. Peter Siegel suggested the use of the gym for BTSN tables. The school administration does not want the gym used for BTSN as there is need for the space as PE classrooms, and the need to preserve the gym floor's finish.

Alysa Emden reported she's working on the school directory, with a proposed distribution date of October 14.

Alysa explained a new lunch series aimed at supporting the MYP Middle Years Program, called "What Inspires You?" Parent Sarah Farnsworth and MYP Coordinator Meredith Mirkow announced the lunch series via the B-CC listserv that day, with the first scheduled for the third week of September (Sept. 23-26).

Asst. Principal Margie Lope stopped in briefly to introduce herself and described her portfolio of responsibilities, including 9th grade administrator, IB oversight, and much more.

Tammy Nathan reported on several activities she's working on to assist military families at B-CC. They included having the Bethesda Naval-Walter Reed newly appointed school liaison and middle and elementary school principals meet to discuss the challenges faced by military families; providing internship and summer programs with the Wounded Warriors project for B-CC students; working with the MYP Coordinator to develop MYP projects involving military families; and offering tutoring by National Honors Society (NHS) students. Alysa and Sarah Beck offered to find ways to get magazine requests fulfilled. In addition, a B-CC teacher has offered to participate in the Wounded Warrior Canine Program. This would require an change in school policy about allowing dogs in the school. Sarah Beck suggested Tammy get in touch with Tim Warner, MCPS Department of Community Engagement and Partnership. Odette Brown asked if Horace Brown (Naval school liaison officer) could present at an NAACP Parents’ Council Meeting.

Carol Schaengold suggested revising the budget by adding $200 to Military Family Support under Parent Programs and reducing funding of SGA Support from $1,300 to $1,100. Alysa made a motion to approve which was seconded by Pooh Shapiro and it was approved unanimously.

Alysa announced the date and subjects of the next two PTSA meetings – Sept. 19th and Oct. 8th. The first will be the “ABC’s of B-CC” and the second is a writing workshop co-sponsored with the Westland PTA as part of our special needs outreach partnership.

Alysa provided an update on the new Wellness Committee, chaired by Jody Gan and Pam Holland, which will focus on health, safety and general wellness. She noted that they're focusing on healthy food options after school, possibly including a food truck.

Alysa reported on behalf of Joyce Rechtschaffen, who will be coordinating teacher grants, that she put the paperwork for the Teacher Grant Project in teacher mailboxes that day .

Pooh Shapiro reviewed briefly the new Common Core standards discussed at the July SIP Meeting. There was discussion about a possible PTSA program focused on the new standards and what they mean for B-CC parents and students.

Alysa reported she prepared a postcard to all B-CC parents regarding the College Advisory Committee speaker series. This will allow a continuum of information about the college process to parents/guardians.

Odette Brown reported she had topics in place for the Council on Excellence for African-American Students (CEA2S), as well as a BTSN dinner scheduled from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

Alysa explained a collaboration of the Special Needs Liaison from Westland, Julie Reily, who has graciously offered to act in the same capacity at B-CC while the B-CC PTSA searches to fill the position. Julie sent information via the B-CC listserv earlier in the week about how to join the Special Needs Listserv, a tremendous resource also open to B-CC parents/guardians.

Alysa discussed how the PTSA is looking to meet with the Student Government Association (SGA) to discuss their ideas about several of the modified traditional activities during Spirit Week and Homecoming.

Alysa reported updates on the Capital Improvement Project (CIP). The board discussed how the amount of money proposed for the CIP hasn't yet been determined, and the budget is not yet out. Once the budget is released, it goes to the county council. If funded, the B-CC addition project is slated to be completed in fall 2017. The board discussed ways to raise awareness of the urgency of B-CC's needs through places such as the elementary school PTAs, in addition to the B-CC Cluster Representatives.

Alysa gave an update on the Pre-Capital Campaign Working Group, chaired by Michelle Hainbach, immediate past PTSA president. The Working Group's purpose is to structure the campaign to determine how much to raise, what it will be used for, and who will be responsible. The board agreed the Working Group needs to be engaged in early in the process.

Alysa reported on ongoing activities including the need to coordinate among the PTSA, the B-CC Foundation, and the Booster groups; Sarah Beck is recruiting volunteers through PTSA paper forms, and will be promoting volunteering at BTSN; and to encourage joining the PTSA, Pooh Shapiro offered to send an email via the listserv highlighting what programs are funded by the PTSA.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45am. The next Board meeting will be Wednesday, November 6 at 8am in the B-CC Main Conference Room.