Approved list of United State FBOs Fish and seafood for export to Vietnam

(Updated 9/8/2016)

No. / Business name / Address / Approval number / Type of products / Remarks /
1.  / Alaska General Seafoods – Ketchikan Division / 980 Stedman Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 / FDA #3028163, USDC HAAC/QMP# 1120 / Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta, kisutch, gorbuscha & nerka) Forzen, gutted, head off. / 120/QLCL-CL1, date 16/01/2011
2.  / Alaska General Seafoods – Naknek Division Mile 1.5 Freezer / Mile 1.5, Peninsula Hwy Naknek, Alaska 99633 / FDA #3008276058, USDC HAAC/QMP #1120 / Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta, nerka) Forzen, gutted, head off.
3.  / Alaska General Seafoods – Naknek Division / Mile 1, Peninsula Hwy Naknek, Alaska 99633 / FDA #3013093, USDC HAAC/QMP #1120 / Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta, nerka) Forzen, gutted, head off.
4.  / Icicle Seafoods – Larsen Bay / 1 End of Country Road – Larsen Bay, AK 99624 / FEI #2000014420 / Pacific Salmon , Pacific Cod - H&G, Fillet, Roe (frozen) Herring-Whole, Round (frozen / 276/QLCL-CL2, date 28/02/2011
5.  / Icicle Seafoods – P/V Northern Victor / 4019 21st Avenue West – Seattle, WA 98199 / CFN #3025965 / Alaska Pollock – Fillet, Mince, Roe ( Block frozen), Alaska Pollock-Fillet (IQF frozen), Various Flatfish, Pacific Cod – H&G, Round (frozen) / 276/QLCL-CL2, date 28/02/2011
6.  / Icicle Seafoods – Petersburg / 411 North Nordic Drive – Petersburg, AK99833 / CFN #3013647 / Pacific Salmon, Pacific Halibut, Sablefish – H&G, Roe (frozen), Crab –Whole, Round ( frozen)
7.  / Icicle Seafoods – P/V Thorstenson / 4019 21st Avenue West – Seattle, WA 98199 / CFN #3026830 / Pacific Salmon , Pacific Cod - H&G, Fillet, Roe (frozen) , Snow Crab , King Crab-Leg & Claw Cluster (frozen)
8.  / Icicle Seafoods – Seward / 601 Port Avenue – Seward, AK 99664 / CFN #3014524 / Pacific Salmon, Pacific Halibut, Sablefish- H&G, Roe (frozen), Herring-Whole, Round ( frozen) / 276/QLCL-CL2, date 28/02/2011
9.  / Icicle Seafoods – Egegik / P.O Box 151 – Egegik, AK 99579 / FEI # 3005121174 / Pacific Salmon – H&G, Fillet, Roe (frozen, canned)
10.  / Seafood Producers Cooperative / 507 Katlian Avenue Sitka, Alaska 99835 / FDA# 3021976, USDC HACCP/QMP# 1144 / Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii) Frozen, Whole
11.  / Northern Wind, Inc. / 16 Hassey Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 / 6489 / Fresh and Frozen Scallops / 489/QCLCL-CL2, dated 30/3/2011
12.  / UniSea, Inc. / 88 Salmon Way, Dutch Harbor, AK 99692-008 US / 16455567288 / Opilio Crab Cluster Frozen
Alaskan King Crab Cluster Cooked Frozen
Alaskan Pollock Fillet Block Frozen
Alaskan Pollock Surimi Block Frozen
13.  / Iquique U.S., LLC-F/T Arica / 2320 W Commodore Way, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98199 / CFN# 3025922; AK#1503;FDA#17831218678 / Alaska Plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus) Arrowtooth Flounder (Atheresthes stomias); Atka Mackerel ( Pleurogrammus azonus); Butter Sole (Pleuronectes isolepis); Dusky Rockfish (Sebastes ciliates); Flathead Sole (Hippolossoides alassodon); Greenland Turbot (Reihardtius hippoglossoides); Kamchatka Flounder ( Atheresthes evermanni); Northern Rockkfish ( Sebaster polyspinis); Pacific Ocean Perch ( Sebastes alutus); Pacific Cod ( Gadus macrocephalus); Pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma); Rex Sole (Errex zachirus); Rock Sole ( Lepidopsetta polyxystra); Rougheye Rockfish ( Sebastes aleutianus); Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria); Shortraker Rockfish (Sebastes borealis); Skate Wings ( Bathyraja parmifera); Starry Flounder ( Platichthys stellatus); Thornyhead Rockfish ( Sebastes alacanus); Yellowfin Sole ( Pleuronecters asper) / 719/QLCL-CL2, dated 29/4/2011
Updated on 15/4/2015
14.  / Iquique U.S., LLC-F/T Rebeca Irene / 2320 W Commodore Way, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98199 / CFN#3023676; AK#1505; FDA Reg# 15129181626 / Alaska Plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus)
Arrowtooth Flounder (Atheresthes stomias); Atka Mackerel ( Pleurogrammus azonus); Butter Sole (Pleuronectes isolepis); Dusky Rockfish (Sebastes ciliates); Flathead Sole (Hippolossoides alassodon); Greenland Turbot (Reihardtius hippoglossoides); Kamchatka Flounder ( Atheresthes evermanni); Northern Rockkfish ( Sebaster polyspinis); Pacific Ocean Perch ( Sebastes alutus); Pacific Cod ( Gadus macrocephalus); Pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma); Rex Sole (Errex zachirus); Rock Sole ( Lepidopsetta polyxystra); Rougheye Rockfish ( Sebastes aleutianus); Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria); Shortraker Rockfish (Sebastes borealis); Skate Wings ( Bathyraja parmifera); Starry Flounder ( Platichthys stellatus); Thornyhead Rockfish ( Sebastes alacanus); Yellowfin Sole ( Pleuronecters asper) / 719/QLCL-CL2, dated 29/4/2011
Updated on 15/4/2015
15.  / Iquique U.S., LLC-F/T Unimak / 2320 W Commodore Way, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98199 / CFN# 3026001; AK#1507; FDA Reg# 16062958562 / Alaska Plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus)
Arrowtooth Flounder (Atheresthes stomias); Atka Mackerel ( Pleurogrammus azonus); Butter Sole (Pleuronectes isolepis); Dusky Rockfish (Sebastes ciliates); Flathead Sole (Hippolossoides alassodon); Greenland Turbot (Reihardtius hippoglossoides); Kamchatka Flounder ( Atheresthes evermanni); Northern Rockkfish ( Sebaster polyspinis); Pacific Ocean Perch ( Sebastes alutus); Pacific Cod ( Gadus macrocephalus); Pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma); Rex Sole (Errex zachirus); Rock Sole ( Lepidopsetta polyxystra); Rougheye Rockfish ( Sebastes aleutianus); Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria); Shortraker Rockfish (Sebastes borealis); Skate Wings ( Bathyraja parmifera); Starry Flounder ( Platichthys stellatus); Thornyhead Rockfish ( Sebastes alacanus); Yellowfin Sole ( Pleuronecters asper) / 719/QLCL-CL2, dated 29/4/2011
Updated on 15/4/2015
16.  / Iquique U.S., LLC-F/T Cape Horn / 2320 W Commodore Way, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98199 / CFN# 3025924; AK#1504; FDA Reg# 18863190712 / Alaska Plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus)
Arrowtooth Flounder (Atheresthes stomias); Atka Mackerel ( Pleurogrammus azonus); Butter Sole (Pleuronectes isolepis); Dusky Rockfish (Sebastes ciliates); Flathead Sole (Hippolossoides alassodon); Greenland Turbot (Reihardtius hippoglossoides); Kamchatka Flounder ( Atheresthes evermanni); Northern Rockkfish ( Sebaster polyspinis); Pacific Ocean Perch ( Sebastes alutus); Pacific Cod ( Gadus macrocephalus); Pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma); Rex Sole (Errex zachirus); Rock Sole ( Lepidopsetta polyxystra); Rougheye Rockfish ( Sebastes aleutianus); Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria); Shortraker Rockfish (Sebastes borealis); Skate Wings ( Bathyraja parmifera); Starry Flounder ( Platichthys stellatus); Thornyhead Rockfish ( Sebastes alacanus); Yellowfin Sole ( Pleuronecters asper) / 719/QLCL-CL2, dated 29/4/2011
Updated on 15/4/2015
17.  / O'Hara Corporation - F/TConstellation / 192 Nickerson Street Suit 301 Seattle, WA 98109 / 3026361 / Frozen bottom fish / 719/QLCL-CL2, dated 29/4/2011
Marine fish / 16/7/2014
18.  / O'Hara Corporation - F/T Defender / 192 Nickerson Street, Suite 301 Seattle, WA 98109 / 3028754 / Frozen bottom fish / 719/QLCL-CL2, dated 29/4/2011
Marine fish / 16/7/2014
19.  / O'Hara Corporation - F/T Enterprise / 192 Nickerson Street Suit 301 Seattle, WA 98109 / 3031069 / Frozen bottom fish / 719/QLCL-CL2, dated 29/4/2011
Marine fish / 16/7/2014
20.  / Golden Fleece, Inc -F/T Golden Fleece / PO Box 226 South Bend, WA 98586 / CFN 3026076 / Frozen bottom fish / Updated on 26/01/2015
21.  / Summit Seafoods - F/T Ocean Peace / 192 Nickerson Street Suit 301 Seattle, Washington 98109 USA / CFN 3023640 / Frozen bottom fish
22.  / Western Fish Company, Inc. / 740 south Seaside Avenue, Terminal Island, CA, 90731, USA / CFN # 2031211
USDC#1148 / Frozen California Squid (Loligo Opalescens) / 1027/QLCL-CL1 date 17/6/2011
23.  / Del Mar Seafoods / 331 Ford Street Watsonville, CA 95076 / CFN 2955466 / Squid, Sardines
24.  / Del Mar Seafoods / 924 East 3rd Street, Oxnard, Ca 93030 / CFN # 3006165078 / Squid, Sardines
25.  / Del Mar Seafoods / 2 Hangar Way Astoria, Oregon 97103 / CFN#
3005165770 / Sardines, Hake (Whiting) / 1027/QLCL-CL1 date 17/6/2011
26.  / So Cal (Pajaro) / 125 Salinas Rd., Watsonvlle, CA 95076 / 3006789756 / Squid (loligo opalescens), Sardine (sardinops sagax), Anchovy (engraulis mordax), Mackerel (scomber japonicus, trachurus symmetricus), Bonito (sarda chiliensis), Tuna (thunnus albacores, katsuwonus pelamism, thunnus orientalis and/or thunnus alalunga). All products are blast frozen
27.  / American Fish and Seafood Company / 625 Kohler St Los Angeles Ca 90021 / Plan number: 2016003 / Fresh and Frozen Seafood / 1991/QLCL-CL1 dated 21.10.2011
28.  / Carlos Seafood, Inc. / 4041 N W 28 Street Miami, Florida 33142 / CFN no.
USDC no. 0472 / Whole Raw Spiny Lobster
29.  / Clipper Seafoods, Ltd. (F/V Clipper Endeavor) / 641 West Ewing St., Seattle, WA 98119 USA / CFN 3025929; / Greenland turbot HGT, Greenland turbot heads, Greenland turbot tails, Grenadier HGT, Alaska cod H&G, Alaska cod heads, Alaska cod collar, Alaska cod whole gutted fish, Black cod heads, Arrowtooth flounder HGT, Alaska Pollock H&G / 1991/QLCL-CL1 dated 21.10.2011
Updated on 15/8/2013
30.  / Clipper Seafoods, Ltd. (F/V Clipper Epic) / 641 West Ewing St., Seattle, WA 98119 USA / CFN 3027824 / Greenland turbot HGT, Greenland turbot heads, Greenland turbot tails, Grenadier HGT, Alaska cod H&G, Alaska cod heads, Alaska cod collar, Alaska cod whole gutted fish, Black cod heads, Arrowtooth flounder HGT, Alaska Pollock H&G
31.  / Clipper Seafoods, Ltd. (F/V Clipper Surprise / 641 West Ewing St., Seattle, WA 98119 USA / CFN 3025930 / Greenland turbot HGT, Greenland turbot heads, Greenland turbot tails, Grenadier HGT, Alaska cod H&G, Alaska cod heads, Alaska cod collar, Alaska cod whole gutted fish, Black cod heads, Arrowtooth flounder HGT, Alaska Pollock H&G
32.  / Clipper Seafoods, Ltd. (F/V Frontier Explorer) / 641 West Ewing St., Seattle, WA 98119 USA / CFN3026672 / Greenland turbot HGT, Greenland turbot heads, Greenland turbot tails, Grenadier HGT, Alaska cod H&G, Alaska cod heads, Alaska cod collar, Alaska cod whole gutted fish, Black cod heads, Arrowtooth flounder HGT, Alaska Pollock H&G
33.  / Clipper Seafoods, Ltd. (F/V Frontier Mariner) / 641 West Ewing St., Seattle, WA 98119 USA / CFN3025942 / Greenland turbot HGT, Greenland turbot heads, Greenland turbot tails, Grenadier HGT, Alaska cod H&G, Alaska cod heads, Alaska cod collar, Alaska cod whole gutted fish, Black cod heads, Arrowtooth flounder HGT, Alaska Pollock H&G
34.  / Clipper Seafoods, Ltd. (F/V Frontier Spirit) / 641 West Ewing St., Seattle, WA 98119 USA / CFN3025943 / Greenland turbot HGT, Greenland turbot heads, Greenland turbot tails, Grenadier HGT, Alaska cod H&G, Alaska cod heads, Alaska cod collar, Alaska cod whole gutted fish, Black cod heads, Arrowtooth flounder HGT, Alaska Pollock H&G
35.  / Glacier Bay Fisheries, LLC (F/V Glacier Bay) / 641 West Ewing St., Seattle, WA 98119 USA / FEI3003756994 / Greenland turbot HGT, Greenland turbot heads, Greenland turbot tails, Grenadier HGT, Alaska cod H&G, Alaska cod heads, Alaska cod collar, Alaska cod whole gutted fish, Black cod heads, Arrowtooth flounder HGT, Alaska Pollock H&G / 1991/QLCL-CL1 dated 21.10.2011
Updated on 15/8/2013
36.  / Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC / 1100 W.EWING ST., PO BOX 70739 SEATLE,
WASHINGTON, USA 98199 / FDA CFN 3004047650 / - Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), headed/gutted, frozen Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), headed/gutted, frozen
- Headed/gutted, frozen (IQF or Block) of Red (Sockeye) Salmon (Oncorynchus nerka); Pink Salmon (Oncorynchus gorbuscha); Chum Salmon (Oncorynchus keta); Coho Salmon (Oncorynchus kisutch); King Salmon (Oncorynchus tschawycha); Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis); Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus); Thornyhead (longspine and shortspine) (Sebastolobus spp); Rock fish (Sebastes spp, & Scorpaena cardinalis); Sablefish (Black cod) (Anoplopoma fimbria)
- Frozen Salmon mince, Salmon, Halibut & Pacific Cod Heads.
- Frozen Salmon Frame
- Frozen Skate wings
- Frozen Halibut/Black Cod/Salmon Collar
- Frozen Halibut Cheek
- Frozen Pacific Cod Milt
- Frozen Pacific Cod Stomach / 01/9/2015
37.  / Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC / 1100 W.EWING ST., PO BOX 70739 SEATLE,
WASHINGTON, USA 98199 / FDA CFN 3014556 / - Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), headed/gutted, frozen Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), headed/gutted, frozen.
- Headed/gutted, frozen (IQF or
Block) of Red (Sockeye) Salmon (Oncorynchus nerka); Pink Salmon (Oncorynchus gorbuscha); Chum Salmon (Oncorynchus keta); Coho
Salmon (Oncorynchus kisutch);
King Salmon (Oncorynchus
tschawycha); Pacific Halibut
(Hippoglossus stenolepis);
Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus); Lingcod
(Ophiodon elongates); Rock fish (Sebastes spp, Helicolenus papillosus, & Scorpaena cardinalis); Sablefish (Black cod) (Anoplopoma fimbria).
- Fresh, Iced/Chilled and Frozen Salmon Heads / 01/9/2015
38.  / Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC / 1100 W.EWING ST., PO BOX 70739 SEATLE,
WASHINGTON, USA 98199 / FDA CFN 3004047651 / - Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), headed/gutted, frozen Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), headed/gutted, frozen.
- Headed/gutted, frozen (IQF or Block) of Red (Sockeye) Salmon (Oncorynchus nerka); Pink Salmon (Oncorynchus gorbuscha); Chum Salmon (Oncorynchus keta); Coho Salmon (Oncorynchus kisutch); King Salmon (Oncorynchus tschawycha); Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis);
Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus); Lingcod (Ophiodon elongates); Rock fish (Sebastes spp, Helicolenus
papillosus, & Scorpaena cardinalis); Sablefish (Black cod) (Anoplopoma fimbria).
- Fresh, Iced/Chilled and Frozen Salmon Heads / 01/9/2015
39.  / Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC / 1100 W.EWING ST., PO BOX 70739 SEATLE,
WASHINGTON, USA 98199 / FDA CFN3014362 / - Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), headed/gutted, frozen Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), headed/gutted, frozen.
- Headed/gutted, frozen (IQF or
Block) of Red (Sockeye) Salmon (Oncorynchus nerka); Pink Salmon (Oncorynchus gorbuscha); Chum Salmon (Oncorynchus keta); Coho Salmon (Oncorynchus kisutch);
King Salmon (Oncorynchus tschawycha); Pacific Halibut
(Hippoglossus stenolepis);
Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus); Lingcod (Ophiodon elongates); Rock fish (Sebastes spp, Helicolenus
papillosus, & Scorpaena cardinalis); Sablefish (Black cod) (Anoplopoma fimbria).
- Fresh, Iced/Chilled and Frozen Salmon Heads / 01/9/2015
40.  / Wanchese Fish Company, Inc / 2000 Northgate Commerce Pkwy. Suffolk. Virginia 23435 / FDA# 14976958850
USDA (1088) / Croaker. Sea Scallop. Shrimp / 12/12/2012
41.  / Big Creek Fisheries, LLC / 3900 Railway Avenue, Everett Washington, 98201 USA / CFN# 3022131
USDC# 1256 / Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka) Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus Keta)
42.  / UniSea, Inc / Corporate Mailing: UniSea, Inc. P.O. Box 97019 Redmond, WA 98071-9719 US
Plant Production Facility: UniSea, Inc. 88 Salmon Way Dutch Harbor, AK 99692-0008 US / CFN# 3017615 / Opilio Crab Clusters Cooked Frozen;
Alaskan King Crab Clusters Cooked Frozen;
Alaskan Pollock Fillet Block Frozen;.
Alaskan Pollock Surimi Block Frozen
43.  / F/T Seafisher, / C/O Summit Seafoods 192 Nickerson Street Suite 301 Seattle, Washington 98109 USA / CFN 3025093 / Frozen Bottom fish
44.  / Aqua Best Inc / 276 Grand Street, NY 10002 / FDA# 13439803516 / Live Lobster, Frozen Conch, whelk / 12/12/2012 updated on 15/8/2013
45.  / Ekuk Fisheries, LLC / 202 Cannery Row Via Ekuk, Dillingham, AK 99576 / FEI# 3005102507/ AK# 1268 / Frozen wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka)-Headed and gutted, Fillet, Whole Round, Trims, Salmon roe frozen wild chum salmon (Oncorhynchus Keta)-Headed and gutted, Fillet, Whole round, Trims, Salmon roe