RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES The State Scientific Institution Kurgan Research Institute of Agriculture
APPROVED: Deputy Director on Scientific Work, KRIA, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences ______S.D. Gilev «_____» ______2010
Professor V.V. Nemchenko Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Chief ResearcherLaboratory for Growth Regulators and Plant Protection
PhD N.Yu. Zargaryan

Senior Researcher
Laboratory for Growth Regulators

Kurgan, 2010

1. Conditions and Мethods of Experiment

1. Trading name of the agrochemical - ECOFORCE.
2. The active substance - nitrogen total (N) not less than 5.6%, total potassium in terms of K2O not less than 0.69%.
3. Designed as a liquid complex fertilizer for pre-sowing processing of seeds.
4. Location o tests – city of Kurgan /SRI of Agriculture/.
5. Date of tests -2010.
6. Soil-and-climatic zone - forest-steppe zone.
7. Culture - spring wheat, Omsk 36 cultivar. Lutescens variety. Medium early, high-yielding, intensive, technological, adaptive cultivar, provides a stable yield when grown both on low and high agricultural background.
8. Type of experiment – field experiment.
9. Conditions of the experiment - soil: chernozem (black earth soil) leached, moderate, loamy, medium-humus, humus on Tyurin is 4.8%, water pH 6.7-6.9, salt pH 5.8-6.2. Preceding crop – out of crop. Background fertilizer - N16P16K16. Preplant soil treatment - cultivation to a depth of 5-7 cm, date of sowing - 25 May, seeding rate – 5.5 million of germinating seeds per a hectare.

10. Extreme weather conditions: lack of moisture in May-August (-121 mm (less) from the norm) and high air temperatures almost throughout the entire growing season (+2,3 ° C from the norm). May was characterized by a low rainfall, during June and July there was an air and soil drought (tillering –and- booting period). August had no enough moisture (-28mm from the norm), and an increased air temperature (+4.1°C deviation from the norm). SCC -0.3 (Table 1).

11. The size of testing plot and their location: size - 25 m2, location – systematic. 12. Number of replications - 4 /four/.

Table 1 - Meteorological Data of Vegetation Season 2010

(According to the Kurgan hydro-meteorology station)

Indicators / Months and ten days periods
May / June
1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3
Air temperature, 0С
b) current year / 15,0 / 13,9 / 14,9 / 19,2 / 20,5 / 20,4
c) deviation from the norm, С / +4,4 / +1,2 / 0,0 / +3,6 / +2,2 / +1,7
Precipitation, mm
b) current year / 0,4 / 2,1 / 6,6 / 5,9 / 20,1 / 1,1
c) percentage to the norm, % / 6 / 18 / 73 / 28 / 106 / 5
Indicators / July / August
1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3
Air temperature, 0С
b) current year / 18,4 / 20,0 / 22,0 / 23,3 / 19,7 / 18,5
c) deviation from the norm, С / -1,7 / +0,4 / +2,9 / +5,6 / +3,0 / +3,6
Precipitation, mm
b) current year / 6,3 / 11,1 / 0,0 / 12,0 / 1,8 / 4,5
c) percentage to the norm, % / 30 / 62 / - / 80 / 11 / 30

13. Tested chemical application technology - pre-sowing seed treatment (loss of working solution -10 l/t).

14. Record keeping and observation – in accordance with the Methods of the State grade testing of agricultural crops, 1983.

15. Methods of harvesting and yield accounting – yield accounting is continuous, plot based and made by the SAMPO–130 harvester. The yield has been taken down to 100% purity and 14% humidity. Statistical evaluation of the reliability of the obtained results had been based on the variance analysis at a 5% significance level.

2. The results of research The problems of the plants’ growth and their development have always been and will continue to be central issues of the Agronomy. Essentially, all agricultural researches have as their ultimate goal the studying of complex mechanisms and laws of the plants’ growth and development in order to create the most favorable conditions for the formation of high and stable yield of agricultural crops. For this purpose there goes a continuous search of chemicals which would facilitate a yield increase, protection against diseases and stimulate the growth of agricultural crops. In this experiment we used a complex fertilizer ECOFORCE.

Laboratory tests have showed that the vitality of wheat seeds was 44% and germination - 90%. Based on the data received from observing the phenological phases of the plant’s development, we have found out that the ECOFORCE agrochemical in the dose of 0.5 l/t, 1 l/t and 2 l/t had accelerated their occurrence by 1-2 days in advance.

Impact of the test agrochemical on the root and leaf-stem diseases was not identified due to their absence for the reason of drought conditions of 2010.

The complex fertilizer ECOFORCE was the most effective in the dose of 0.5 l/t for a field germination (60%), the quantity of grain in spike (19.6 pcs.), mass of grain per a spike (0.78), and mass of 1000 grains (35.9), which has influenced the productivity of the crops. The yield increase amounted up to 270 kg/ha. The increased doses of the agrochemical (1-2 l/t) mostly contributed to the growth of vegetation mass, rather than the mass of grain, and under these conditions the yield increase amounted only up to 130 -190 kg/ha (Table 2 and 3).

Table 2 - Effect of complex fertilizer ECOFORCE on the field viability of spring wheat

Option / Number of plants (shoots), pcs./m2 / Number of plants before harvest, pcs./m2 / Field
viability, %
Control / 305 / 248 / 56
Ecoforce 0.5 l/t / 328 / 244 / 60
Ecoforce 1 l/t / 289 / 212 / 53
Ecoforce 2 l/t / 309 / 268 / 56

Table 3 - Structure of the spring wheat yield depending on applied doze of complex fertilizer ECOFORCE

Option / Number of stems per m2, pcs. / Number of productive stems per m2, pcs. / Length of the main spike, cm / Number of grains in the main spike, pcs. / Mass of grain
from the main spike, g / Mass of grain from a plant, g / Mass of 1000 kerns, g / Grain to straw ratio
Control / 348 / 280 / 7.4 / 18.0 / 0.67 / 1.0 / 31.0 / 1:1
Ecoforce 0.5 l/t / 284 / 276 / 6.7 / 19.6 / 0.78 / 1.2 / 35.9 / 1:1.1
Ecoforce 1 l/t / 276 / 232 / 6.1 / 17.8 / 0.72 / 1.1 / 35.1 / 1:1.2
Ecoforce 2 l/t / 384 / 364 / 7.6 / 18.8 / 0.69 / 0.9 / 35.7 / 1:1.2

In addition to the crops productivity one must consider and the quality as well, this means the amount of gluten and protein. The maximum value of these indicators was provided by ECOFORCE in the dose of 0.5 l/t – 32.9% and 15.5%. The received grain can be referred to the 2nd Quality Group II (Table 4).

Table 4 - Effect of complex fertilizer ECOFORCE on yield and quality of spring wheat

Option / Урожайность, centners/ha / +/- to the Control, centners/ha / Amount of gluten, % / Amount of protein, %
Control / 16.0 / - / 31.2 / 14.0
Ecoforce 0.5 l/t / 18.7 / 2.7 / 32.9 / 15.5
Ecoforce 1 l/t / 17.3 / 1.3 / 31.1 / 14.8
Ecoforce 2 l/t / 17.9 / 1.9 / 31.9 / 15.0
НСР 0,5 / 1.25

3. Conclusion

In order to improve the productivity and quality of spring wheat we recommend to treat the seeds with the complex fertilizer ECOFORCE in the dose of 0.5 l/t.