APPO Phase II – New External Requisition Generator Implementation

With the Program Release in early 2008, a new front end external requisitioning system and replacement for the 3270 transaction EPRQ will be delivered. Business Services, working with a team of campus representatives, has begun development of the system. Essentially, the system functions as a replacement for the External Requisition Generator in MY UW and the 3270 transaction EPRQ. In addition to producing the paper requisition document for routing and approval, it also saves a copy of the detail of the requisition and its funding in order to expedite the creation of a Purchase Order from the Requisition.

Timing to get this system built and into place for the release is tight and has put significant constraints on available enhancements. Further system enhancements will be considered once initial rollout is completed. The new requisition generator is based upon the same concepts of producing a paper requisition document as the approval mechanism for purchases; that is, the paper requisition with approvals on the form must reach Purchasing Services in order to create the Purchase Order. Training and demonstrations of the system and changes will be conducted closer to release.

System Features:

  • Easy to use web interface based upon current My UW Requisition Generator
  • Net ID used as authorization to create or edit requisitions
  • Use of SFS, rather than Legacy coding
  • Funding string edits built into system
  • Ability to save profile information for use as defaults on new requisitions, including:
  • Ship To preferences
  • Funding string defaults
  • Contact person
  • Ability to retrieve old requisitions and copy information to a new one being produced
  • Requisitions will be full sheets (8.5x11) of paper rather than half sheets
  • Requisitions will be produced as a PDF document printable at your desktop
  • Ability to edit the electronic requisition document until the signed paper original is received in Purchasing
  • Ability to identify when the requisition has been received and is being worked on by Purchasing Services
  • Ability to have someone other than the originator modify/correct a requisition before having it sent to Purchasing
  • Database tracking of last Net ID to modify a requisition and last NetID to print a requisition
  • Original Dean’s signature is the only one required for the requisition to be processed in Purchasing, allowing Divisions to distribute use of the system and paper based routing as they see fit
  • Elimination of dual entry in Purchasing Services as the Requisition database is used to prepare the Purchase Order
  • Requisition, funding, and Purchase Order data all originate in one database rather than a marriage of Legacy and Purchasing data, allowing modifications to be more integrated