Literacy Planning
Unit 4: 8 weeks –
Concept Question: How have those who’ve gone first influenced those who have gone after?
Weeks 3 and 4 – 9/15 to 9/27
The Chimpanzees I Love – Why is it important to study animals responsibly?
Genre: ExpositoryNonfiction
Vocabulary strategy: Dictionary/Glossary
Comprehension skill: Author’s Purpose
Comprehension strategy: Answer Questions
9/15 – YWBAT build vocabulary by finding words related to the lesson concept.
YWBAT listen and answer questions to determine the author’s purpose.
YWBAT use a dictionary or glossary to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
- Warm up: Quick Write – Why is it important to study animals responsibly? Discuss briefly.
- Read: Elephants’ Silence
- Comprehension check
- Build a concept web
- Teach: determining author’s purpose using Jane Goodall.
- Activate prior knowledge on chimpanzees and animal research using KWL
- Students read Zoos Then and Now
- Discuss the vocabulary words and how to use a dictionary and/or glossary:
- In pairs or threes fill out graphic organizer columns: word, definition guess, and dictionary or glossary definition.
- Spelling pre-test (5 minute study first)
9/16 – YWBAT Identify and define pronouns and antecedents.
YWBAT Identify features of a story.
YWBAT use vivid words in a story about an animal.
- Warm up – Quick Write: What is an author’s purpose? Can an author have more than one purpose? Give an example.
- Daily Fix It
- Reading-Grammar connection – pronouns and antecedents, direct and whole class instruction.
- Reading-Writing connection – write a paragraph about an animal using vivid words.
- Identify vivid words used in Jane Goodall story
- Write paragraph about ONE feature of their chosen animal using vivid words.
- Wonder
9/17 – YWBAT identify the author’s purpose to improve comprehension.
- Warm up – look at the title and pictures in The Chimpanzees I Love. What do you think this selection is about? What is an expository nonfiction?
- Read: Chimpanzees I Love
- Guide comprehension/re-read
- Assessment: complete questions 1 and 2 on page 448 using The Chimpanzees I Love.
9/18 - YWBAT use a dictionary or glossary to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
YWBAT use pronouns that agree with their antecedents.
YWBAT spell words with prefixes dis-, de-, out-, and un-.
- Warm up – What is a pronoun? What is an antecedent? Give examples of both.
- Daily fix-it
- Individual or pairpronoun and antecedent practice.
- Whole class spelling word sort (prefixes)
- Book Clubs/Wonder
9/19 - YWBAT answer questions to determine the author’s purpose.
YWBAT employ strategies to develop word choice.
- Warm up – quick write: Do you think chimpanzees have feelings? Why or why not? and: How can you make a difference in the way animals are treated?
- Look Back and Write: writing from the perspective of JoJo.
- Frontload Writing Connection – Story about an animal.
- Show example
- Modeling
- Rubric
- Book clubs/Wonder
9/23-YWBAT use pronouns and antecedents correctly in writing.
YWBAT use vivid words in a story.
YWBAT focus on word choice.
YWBAT Use a rubric
- Warm up – re-writing sentences to use correct pronouns and antecedents.
- Daily Fix-it
- Pre-write and draft story about an animal
- Edit – can you upgrade your language choice to be more vivid?
- Book Clubs meet
Story Writing Rubric:
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Word Choice / Precise nouns, verbs and adjectives / Clear and interesting nouns, verbs and adjectives. / Vague or repetitive words / Dull and/or inaccurate word choices
Story entertaining and engaging with strong word choices / Story generally entertaining and engaging / Story weakened by lack of exact language / Story weak and/or dull with ineffective language
Story Components / Has a clear beginning, middle and end. / Has a somewhat clear beginning, middle and end. / Is missing a beginning, middle or end. / Has no clear flow.
9/24-YWBAT examine features of expository nonfiction.
YWBAT practice the test-taking strategy of drawing conclusions.
YWBAT compare and contrast across texts.
YWBAT Use a rubric
- Warm up – Quick write: What do you think humans could learn from animals?
- Read, “Going Ape Over Language” individually
- Discuss strategy
- Whole class application
- Individual application
- Finish drafting story
- Wonder
9/25-YWBAT become familiar with pronoun and antecedent assessment on high-stakes tests.
YWBAT spell words with prefixes dis-, de-, out-, and un-.
- Warm up – High stakes test prep, go over as a class
- Spelling word matching puzzles in pairs
- Peer edit animal stories
- Wonder
9/26-YWBAT answer questions to determine the author’s purpose.
YWBAT Use a rubric
- Warm up – quick write: why is it important to study animals responsibly? Give examples you learned from this week’s readings.
- In pairs, read either The Great Apes or The Price of Knowledge and answer question 1 on the back cover regarding the author’s purpose.
- Type animal stories
- Illustrate animal stories (if time)
9/27-YWBAT spell words with prefixes dis-, de-, out-, and un-.
- Warm up – re-read The Chimpanzees I Love
- Spelling post-test
- The Chimpanzees I Love story test.
- Illustrate animal stories (if time)
Chimpanzees I Love spelling and vocabulary lists:
For use from 9/15 to 9/27
Vocabulary: / Spelling:Captive / Discontent
Existence / Decline
Ordeal / Outward
Primitive / Dispatch
Stimulating / Unwavering
Companionship / Destruction
Sanctuaries / Disintegrate