Colonial America

U.S. History I – 9-12


Stage 1 Desired Results
USI.1 Explain the political and economic factors that contributed to the American Revolution. (H, C)
  • the impact on the colonies of the French and Indian War, including how the war led to an overhaul of British imperial policy from 1763 to 1775
  • how freedom from European feudalism and aristocracy and the widespread ownership of property fostered individualism and contributed to the Revolution
6-8. RH.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
W9.1 (grade 9) – Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. / Transfer
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
  • Understand how physical and human geography can inform responsible interactions with environment.

Applyconcepts and systems of economics to participate productively in a global economy.

U1 – Economics influence political and social change.
U2 – Geographical differences contribute to unique regional cultures.
U3 – Desire to control natural resources results in international conflict. / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONSQ
Q1 – How do wealth and power influence societal and political changes?
Q2 – Why was there so much variation between the colonies?
Q3 – Why did European nations want to settle and control North America and the Caribbean?
Students will know…K
Content vocabulary:
-mercantilism, balance of trade, Navigation Acts, salutary neglect, colony, Triangle Trade, Middle Passage, cash crop, Albany Plan of Union, Proclamation of 1763, colony, subsistence farming, plantation
Academic vocabulary:
-import, export, commodities, deficit, debt, smuggling, domestic, identify, determine, compare, contrast, cause, effect, union, analyze, persuasive, inference
Colonial culture & economics
  • Variations between New England, the Middle Colonies, and the South (U2)
  • Drive for cheaper labor and the increase in the slave trade (U1)
  • Middle Passage and the dehumanization of Africans (U1)
The French and Indian War 1754-1763
  • Key players, including the French, British, Colonists, and First Nations (U3)
  • Each group's alliances, motivations (Local, regional, national, global), and feelings about the other groups (U3)
Outcome of the War
  • French losses to the British and the impact for French-allied Tribes (U3)
  • Rising tensions between the British and the Colonists (Q1)
  • Unification of the Colonists, under Benjamin Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union (Q1)
/ Students will be skilled at…S
Analyzing primary and secondary documents for determining life in the colonies (Q2)
Analyze and interpret maps to infer the importance of economics and geography. (U2)
Expository writing about colonial life. (U2)
Identify main idea and details about mercantilism. (U1)
Determining cause and effect of the French and Indian War (Q3)
Identifying and analyzing opposing points of view of the Navigation Acts. (Q1)
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria / Assessment Evidence
Your goal is to assume the point of view of a historical figure between the years 1750 and 1763 and write a letter.
You will take on the role of one of the following people:
  • A British or French soldier in the French and Indian War
  • A Northern rum importer
  • A Southern plantation owner
  • An Iroquois Native American
  • A slave on a Southern plantation
Your audience is either a family member or a friend.
The world around you is rapidly changing. You need to update your family or friend on how those changes have affected you and how you have responded to those changes.
Each character should include 3-5 historically accurate key events/terms/people that apply to that particular role.
Term/Event/Person / Definition / How this applies to my role
Standards and Criteria for Success
See rubric
Social studies specific, technology / OTHER EVIDENCE:OE
  • Persuasive paragraph on whether the Navigation Acts were fair or unfair
  • Content-Response Notes
  • Write an expository paragraph that connects colonial economies, colonial cultures, and the French and Indian War
  • Colonial America tests/key term quiz

Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
Lessons to include:
Lesson 1:Northern and Southern Economies and Cultures
Lesson 2: The French and Indian War
Lesson 3: Outcomes of the French and Indian War
Lesson 4:CEPA
Lesson 1: Northern and Southern Economies and Cultures
  • Define the word “colony” using a Vocabulary building word map
  • Summarize the key details of the early colonial economy and culture
  • Examine the relationship between England her colonies, including the concepts of mercantilism and salutary neglect
  • Compare and contrast key features of the economy in the Northern and Southern colonies
  • Analyze the British and Colonial perspectives on and reactions to the Navigation Acts
  • Explain the role of slavery in the colonies using primary and secondary sources
Lesson 2: The French and Indian War
  • Determine the causes of the war using primary and secondary sources
  • Create a timeline of the major events of the French and Indian War
  • Examine how colonial cultures influenced reactions to the French and Indian War
  • Interpret the purpose of Benjamin Franklin’s “Albany Plan of Union”
Lesson 3: Outcomes of the French and Indian War
  • Interpret maps to identify changes in land ownership
  • Explain the purpose of and reactions to the Proclamation of 1763
  • Examine the effects of the war on the inhabitants of North America
Lesson 4: CEPA
  • Examine anchor papers and recognize elements of high quality letters
  • Develop character by outlining contents of letter by identifying key events, terms, and people to include
  • Draft, revise, edit and complete final letter