لیست ژورنالهای دانشکده برق

  1. applied spectroscopy 1985-1998
  2. applied optics 1983-1998-2000
  3. AT & Technical journal 1991-1996
  4. automatica 1997-
  5. bell labs technical journal 1996-1998
  6. biotechnology & bioengineering 1987-1997
  7. byte 1987-1997
  8. computers & biomedical research 1991-1998
  9. computing & control 1992-
  10. control engineering 1988-1999
  11. control engineering practice 2000-
  12. electric power systems research 1991-1999
  13. electronic engineering1980-1998
  14. electronic letters1985-1986,1990-
  15. electronic world1986-1998
  16. energy conversion and management1991-
  17. IEE proceeding CDS1998-1998
  18. IEE proceeding CDT1989-1998
  19. IEE proceeding communication 1988-1998
  20. IEE proceeding CTA 1988-1998
  21. IEE proceeding EPA 1986-1998
  22. IEE proceeding GTD 1986-1998
  23. IEE proceeding MAP 1987-
  24. IEE proceeding optoelectronics 1988-1998
  25. IEE proceeding RSN 1986-1998
  26. IEE proceeding SMT 1986-1998
  27. IEE proceeding SOFTWARE 1997-1998
  28. IEE proceeding VISP 1994-1998
  29. IEE REVIEW 1988-1998
  32. IEEE CIRCUITS & DEVICES 1983-1998
  33. IEEE communication magazine 1988- 1998
  34. IEEE computer application in power magazine 1988-1998
  35. IEEE computer graphic application 1984-1999
  36. IEEE computer magazine 1984-1999
  37. IEEE concurrency1997-1998
  38. IEEE control systems magazine 1984-
  39. IEEEdesign & test of computers1985-1999
  40. IEEE electrical insulation magazine 1986-1997
  41. IEEE electron device letters 1985-
  42. IEEE engineering management review 1981-1998
  43. IEEE engineering in medicine & biology1985-1998
  44. IEEE expert magazine 1986-1999
  45. IEEE industry applications magazine 1995-1998
  46. IEEE instrumentation & measurement 1998
  47. IEEE internet computing 1997-1998
  48. IEEE /osa j.of lightwave technology 1984-1998
  49. IEEE j.oceanic engineering1984-1998
  50. IEEE j.of quantum electronics 1985-1999
  51. IEEE j.of selected areas in communication 1988-1998
  52. IEEE j.of solid-state circuits 1985-
  53. IEEE micro magazine 1985-1999
  54. IEEEmicrowave & guided wave letters 1991-1998
  55. IEEE multimedia 1994-1998
  56. IEEE network 1988-1999
  57. IEEE parallel & distributed technology 1993-1996
  58. IEEE personel communications 1992-1998
  59. IEEE photonics technology letters 1989-1999
  60. IEEE power engineering review 1982-1998
  61. IEEE robotics & automation 1995-1999
  62. IEEE signal processing letters 1991-
  63. IEEE signal processing magazine1991-1998
  64. IEEE software magazine 1985-1998
  65. IEEE technology & society magazine 1984-1997
  66. IEEE trans .on acoustics , speech and signal proce change of signal proceeding
  67. IEEE trans.on aerospace & electronic syst 1984-1998
  68. IEEE trans.on antennas & propagations 1981-1999
  69. IEEE trans.on applied superconductivity 1991-1998
  70. IEEE trans.on automatic control 1971-1976,1986-
  71. IEEE trans.on biomedical engineering 1986-1992
  72. IEEE trans.on broadcasting 1984-1998
  73. IEEE trans.on circuits & systems 1984-1998
  74. IEEE trans.on :1 1982-1998
  75. circuits & systems:videotechnology 1991-1998
  76. IEEE trans. On communication 1985-
  77. IEEE trans. on component,packaging part A 1994-1997
  78. IEEE trans.on component,hybrids and manufac 1994-1998
  79. IEEE trans.on computer 1969-1999
  80. IEEE trans.on computer-Adies design of 1984-1998
  81. IEEE trans.on consumer electronics 1987-1998
  82. IEEE trans.on control systems technology 1993-
  83. IEEE trans.on dielectrics & electrical insulation1994-1998
  84. IEEE trans.on education 1984-1998
  85. IEEEtrans.on electrical insulation 1984-1993
  86. IEEE trans.on electromagnetic compatibility1987-1999
  87. IEEE trans.on electron devices 1985-1998
  88. IEEE trans.on energy conversion 1988-1998
  89. IEEE trans.on engineering management 1984-1999
  90. IEEE trans.on evolutionary computation 1997-1998
  91. IEEE trans.on fuuzy systems 1993-
  92. IEEE trans.on geoscience & remotesensing 1986-1998
  93. IEEE trans.on image processing 1992-
  94. IEEE trans.on industrial electronics 1984-1998
  95. IEEE trans.on indystry applications 1991-1998
  96. IEEE trans.on info. Technology in biomedicine 1997-1998
  97. IEEE trans.on information theory 1971-1972,1986-1999
  98. IEEE trans.on instrumentation & measurement 1986-1998
  99. IEEE trans.on knowledge & data engineering 1989-1999
  100. IEEE trans.on magnetics 1985-1999
  101. IEEE trans.on medical image 1986-1998
  102. IEEE trans.on microwave theory &technics 1984-1999
  103. IEEE trans.on neural network 1990-
  104. IEEE trans.on nuclear science 1988-1999
  105. IEEE trans.on parallel & distributed systems 1990-1998
  106. IEEE trans.on pattern,analysis & machine intelligent 1984-1998
  107. IEEE trans.on plasma science 1985-1998
  108. IEEE trans.on power delivery 1986-1999
  109. IEEE trans.on power electrnics 1987-1999
  110. IEEE trans.on power systems 1986-1999
  111. IEEE trans.on professional communications 1989-1998
  112. IEEE trans.on rehabilitation engineering 1993-1998
  113. IEEE trans.on reliability 1986-1999
  114. IEEE trans.on robotics & automation 1986-
  115. IEEE trans.on semiconductor manufacturing 1988-1999
  116. IEEE trans.onsignal processing 1991-
  117. IEEE trans.on software engineering 1986-1998
  118. IEEE trans.on speech & audio processing 1993-1998
  119. IEEE trans.on system,man & cybernetics part A 1996-1998
  120. IEEE trans.on system,man & cybernetics part B 1996-1998
  121. IEEE trans.on ultrasonic, Ferroelectric 1986-1998
  122. IEEE trans.on vehicular technology 1989-1998
  123. IEEE trans.on very large scale integration 1993-
  124. IEEE trans .on visualization & computer graphics 1995-1998
  125. IEEE /ACMtrans.on database systems 1991-1998
  126. IEEE/ACM trans.on networking 1993-1998
  127. international j.of control 1991-1998
  128. international .of numerical methods in engine 1991-1998
  129. international j.of satellite communication 1984-1998
  130. journal of crystal growth 1986-1998
  131. journal of material science1986-1989-
  132. j.of material science”material of electronics” 1990-
  133. j.of material science”material of medicine” 1990
  134. j.of material science letters 1986-
  135. j.of medical engineering & technology 1991
  136. j.of microelectronical systems 1992-1998
  137. j.of optical society of America ,A 1984-1998
  138. j.of optical communications
  139. j.of power resources 1991-1998
  140. j.of vaccume science& technologyB 1991-1998
  141. microelectronics 1987-1996
  142. microprocessing & microprogramming 1993-1997
  143. NDT& E 1987-1990-1998
  144. operating systems review 1985-1997
  145. optimal control application methods 1991-1998
  146. power engineering journal 1990-
  147. proceeding of the IEEE1971-1975,1989-1998
  148. progrees in crystal growth & characterization of mater 1986-1998
  149. R & D research & development 1984-1986,1989-1998
  150. sigir forum 1989-1998
  151. software engineering journal 1986-1996
  152. systems & control letters 1997-1998
  153. the visual computer 1991-1998
  154. ultrasound in medicine & biology 1991-1999
  1. antenance and propagation magazine
  2. automatica and control engineering
  3. computing and control engineering
  4. international journal of control
  5. international journal of robust and nonlinear
  6. journal of material science and JMS nonlinear
  7. journal of medical engineering and technology
  8. power engineering journal
  9. IEE proceeding
  10. IEEE control systems
  11. IEEE electron device
  12. IEEE journal of solid state circuits
  13. IEEE transaction on automatic control
  14. IEEE transaction on communications
  15. IEEE transaction on control systems
  16. IEEE transaction on fuzzy systems
  17. IEEE transaction on image processing
  18. IEEE transaction on neural network
  19. IEEE transaction on robotics and automation
  20. IEEE transaction on signal processing
  21. IEEE transaction on very large scale integration