Teacher: Mrs. Lori Schleinkofer
717-901-2500 x3021
Google Classroom Code: qovod3w
Applied Geometry Syllabus
Room 221
Course Information:
Textbook:Larson, Ron, Laurie Boswell, and Lee Stiff. Geometry: Concepts and Skills.
Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. Print.
Textbook Number: ______
Courses Topics:
1.Basics of Geometry
2.Segments and Angles
3.Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
4.Triangle Relationships
5.Congruent Triangles
8.Polygons and Area
9.Surface Area and Volume
10.Right Triangles and Trigonometry
Homework Policy:
Each student has the opportunity to add 2 percentage points to their final average for each marking period. These are not free points however. In order to earn these 2 points, every homework assignment must be completed. For each assignment that is not completed, one point will be subtracted from these two points. If two homework assignments are not completed, no extra percentage points will be added.
Grading will be done on a total points basis.
Points will be given on a daily basis for:
- Participation
- Classwork
- Homework
- Assessments (quizzes/tests)
- Projects
All students will be expected to put forth their best effort.
Note: No extra credit opportunities will be given to individual students. If extra credit is offered, it will be offered to the whole class. I will update grades on Parent Portal on a regular basis. You may also ask me to see your grade in school at the end of class when necessary. It is the students’ responsibility to keep track of their grade and to take the steps necessary to maintain their desired average.
- Arrive to class on time every day
- Be prepared for class with all of your supplies every day (pencil, math folder, etc….)
- We will keep a folder for classwork that needs to be graded in class. Please get a math folder for any handouts you will be receiving.
- Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time (unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher).
- You must follow all school procedures and policies. For example, during assessment days, all cell phones will be placed in a bin on the teacher’s desk for the period, no cell phones or computer use unless directed, no hats, etc.
- Be respectful of both your teachers and fellow classmates (do not talk while teacher or other classmates are giving instructions/answers).
- You are expected to take responsibility for your own actions. Responsibility and courtesy toward others is required at all times.
- No eating in the classroom. If you would like to bring in a water bottle (with a closeable lid) that is fine.
Google Classroom
The class will be utilizing google classroom. To log in, students will use their district-provided google email addresses. They will receive instruction on how to access google drive as various assignments will be posted on google drive.
Academic Honesty
Cheating is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Any student caught cheating will be subject to disciplinary action (which may include detention/parent conference).
Additional Information
If you are having any difficulties in my class, please do not hesitate to speak with me. I am willing to work with you toward your success.
Contact Information
The easiest/most convenient way to contact me is via my email: . I will make every effort to return all emails within 24-48 hours. If you would like to schedule a conference call, please email me and let me know the best time to call you. Information such as assignments and grades can be accessed through our Student Information System online.
Camp Hill Grade Scale:
A: 90% – 100%
B: 80% – 89%
C: 70% – 79%
D: 60% – 69%
F: 0% – 59%