-- Mining-Related Stream-Transport Simulation --
Applications of OTEQ, OTIS, and Transient Storage
for Metals, Cations, and Acidic Streams
OTEQ is formed by coupling the solute transport model OTIS with a chemical equilibrium submodel. The submodel is based on MINTEQ, a model that calculates the distribution of inorganic species under the assumption of chemical equilibrium. The coupled model considers a variety of processes including advection, dispersion, transient storage, transport and deposition of water-borne solid phases, acid/base reactions, complexation, precipitation/dissolution, and sorption. Precipitated and sorbed species may reside within the water column or on the streambed; precipitated and sorbed species residing in the water column are subject to transport and settling. Total component concentrations are partitioned between dissolved, precipitated and sorbed phases based on equilibrium calculations for each computational stream segment.
More information about OTEQ is available at http://co.water.usgs.gov/oteq/. The OTIS software is available from http://co.water.usgs.gov/otis/. More information and a current version of MINTEQ is available from http://www.epa.gov/ceampubl/mmedia/minteq/.
OTEQ: Applications
A simulation-based approach for estimating premining water quality: Red Mountain Creek, Colorado
Runkel R.L., Kimball B.A., Walton-Day, K., Verplanck, P.L.
(2007) Applied Geochemistry, 22 (9), pp. 1899-1918.
Use of field-scale experiments and reactive transport modeling to evaluate remediation alternatives in streams affected by acid mine drainage
Kimball, B.A., Runkel, R.L., and Walton-Day, K.
(2003) in Jambor, J.L., Blowes, D.W., Ritchie, A.I.M., eds., Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes: Mineralogical Association of Canada, Short Course Series, v. 31, p. 261-282.
Evaluating remedial alternatives for an acid mine drainage stream: Application of a reactive transport model
Runkel R.L., Kimball B.A.
(2002) Environmental Science and Technology, 36 (5), pp. 1093-1101.
pH dependence of iron photoreduction in a rocky mountain stream affected by acid mine drainage
McKnight D.M., Kimball B.A., Runkel R.L.
(2001) Hydrological Processes, 15 (10), pp. 1979-1992.
Development of OTEQ
Reactive solute transport in streams: A surface complexation approach for trace metal sorption
Runkel, R.L.,Kimball, B.A.,McKnight, D.M.,Bencala, K.E.
(1999)Water Resources Research,35(12),pp. 3829-3840.
Reactive solute transport in streams. 2. Simulation of a pH modification experiment
Runkel, R.L.,McKnight, D.M.,Bencala, K.E.,Chapra, S.C.
(1996)Water Resources Research,32(2),pp. 419-430
Reactive solute transport in streams. 1. Development of an equilibrium- based model
Runkel, R.L.,Bencala, K.E.,Broshears, R.E.,Chapra, S.C.
(1996)Water Resources Research,32(2),pp. 409-418.
Reactive solute transport in an acidic stream: Experimental pH increase and simulation of controls on pH, aluminum, and iron
Broshears, R.E.,Runkel, R.L.,Kimball, B.A.,McKnight, D.M.,Bencala, K.E.
(1996)Environmental Science and Technology,30(10),pp. 3016-3024.
OTIS: Mine Drainage Streams
Walton-Day, Katherine, Paschke, S.S., Runkel, R.L and Kimball, B.A, in press, expected 2007, Using the OTIS solute-transport model to evaluate remediation scenarios in Cement Creek and the upper Animas River, Chapter E25, in Church, S.E., von Guerard, Paul, and Finger, S.E., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1651.
Flooding and arsenic pollution: influences on stream ecosystem structure and function
Lottig, N.R.,Valett, H.M., Schreiber , M.E., Webster, J.R.
(2007) Limnology and Oceanography, 52:1991-2001.
Predicting changes in hydrologic retention in an evolving semi-arid alluvial stream
Harvey, J.W., Conklin, M.H., Koelsch, R.S.
(2003) Advances in Water Resources, 26, 939.
Effect of enhanced manganese oxidation in the hyporheic zone on basin-scale geochemical mass balance
Harvey, J.W.,Fuller, C.C.
(1998)Water Resources Research,34(4),pp. 623-636.
Modeling CO degassing and pH in a stream-aquifer system
Choi, J.,Hulseapple, S.M.,Conklin, M.H.,Harvey, J.W.
(1998)Journal of Hydrology,209(1-4),pp. 297-310.
OTIS: Acidic Streams
Transport and cycling of iron and hydrogen peroxide in a freshwater stream: Influence of organic acids
Scott, D.T.,Runkel, R.L.,McKnight, D.M.,Voelker, B.M.,Kimball, B.A.,Carraway, E.R.
(2003)Water Resources Research,39(11),pp. HWC11-HWC114.
In-stream sorption of fulvic acid in an acidic stream: A stream-scale transport experiment
McKnight, D.M.,Hornberger, G.M.,Bencala, K.E.,Boyer, E.W.
(2002)Water Resources Research,38(1),pp. 61-612.
OTIS: Cation Transport
Sensitivity analysis of conservative and reactive stream transient storage models applied to field data from multiple-reach experiments
Gooseff, M.N., Bencala, K.E., Scott, D.T., Runkel, R.L., McKnight, D.M.
(2005) Advances in Water Resources 28 (5), pp. 479-492.
Reach-scale cation exchange controls on major ion chemistry of an Antarctic glacial meltwater stream
Gooseff M.N., McKnight D.M., Runkel R.L.
(2004) Aquatic Geochemistry, 10 (3-4), pp. 221-238.
Weathering reactions and hyporheic exchange controls on stream water chemistry in a glacial meltwater stream in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Gooseff M.N., McKnight D.M., Lyons W.B., Blum A.E.
(2002) Water Resources Research, 38 (12), pp. 151-1517.
Redox processes controlling manganese fate and transport in a mountain stream
Scott, D.T.,McKnight, D.M.,Voelker, B.M.,Hrncir, D.C.
(2002)Environmental Science and Technology,36(3),pp. 453-459
Documentation of OTIS
One-dimensional transport with inflow and storage (OTIS): a solute transport model for streams and rivers. RL Runkel, USGS WRIR 98-4018, 1998. LINK: [http://co.water.usgs.gov/otis/].
Using OTIS to model solute transport in streams and rivers. RL Runkel, USGS Fact Sheet 138-99, 4pp., 2000. LINK: [http://pubs.water.usgs.gov/fac138-99/].
Related Applications Leading to the Development of OTIS
Evaluating the reliability of the stream tracer approach to characterize surface-subsurface water exchange
Harvey, J.W., Wagner, B.J., Bencala, K.E.
(1996) Water Resources Research, 32(8), 2441.
Coupling of hydrologic transport and chemical reactions in a stream affected by acid mine drainage
Kimball, B.A.,Broshears, R.E.,Bencala, K.E.,McKnight, D.M.
(1994)Environmental Science and Technology,28(12),pp. 2065-2073.
Tracer-dilution experiments and solute-transport simulations for a mountain stream, Saint Kevin Gulch, Colorado
Broshears, R.E.,Bencala, K.E.,Kimball, B.A.,McKnight, D.M. (1993)U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 92-4081,pp. 1-18.
U.S. Geological Survey: Denver, CO. LINK: [http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/usgspubs/wri/wri924081]
Characterization of transport in an acidic and metal-rich mountain stream based on a lithium tracer injection and simulations of transient storage
Bencala, K.E.,McKnight, D.M.,Zellweger, G.W.
(1990)Water Resources Research,26(5),pp. 989-1000.
Reactive iron transport in an acidic mountain stream in Summit County, Colorado: a hydrologic perspective
McKnight, D.M., Bencala, K.E.
(1989) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53 (9), pp. 2225-2234.
Interactions of solutes and streambed sediment. 2. A dynamic analysis of coupled hydrologic and chemical processes that determine solute transport.
Bencala K.E.
(1984) Water Resources Research, 20 (12), pp. 1804-1814.
Copper transport along a Sierra Nevada stream
Kuwabara, J.S.,Leland, H.V.,Bencala, K.E.
(1984)Journal of Environmental Engineering,110(3),pp. 646-655.
Simulation of solute transport in a mountain pool-and-riffle stream with a kinetic mass transfer model for sorption.
Bencala K.E.
(1983) Water Resources Research, 19 (3), pp. 732-738.
September 14, 2007
Prepared by Ken Bencala ( , http://water.usgs.gov/nrp/proj.bib/bencala.html )
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