Application to Tool 2: Young Scientist sponsorship
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“Young scientist sponsorship” can be applied by PhD students, young clinicians and post docs for their own salary during their academic training on a CF-specific research field e. g. CF therapy, diagnostic or preclinical research. Therefore this funding will enable young scientist to deepen their knowledge in CF research and to place oneself within the network of CF scientists. In the long term, this should result in the establishment of an own CF research group.
The application should be submitted by the young scientist by presenting a work outline for a CF-relevant project, training or study during the academic education. The planned project must be CF-relevant and the work plan has to be explained. Additionally, the application must include a letter of support of a mentor/senior scientist experienced in CF and who confirms the supervision throughout the whole funding period. In the case of applicants from hospitals, additionally there must be a confirmation of the direction about the release from clinical activities.
A „Young scientist sponsorship“ is only available for applicants from groups located in Germany.
The duration of funding may not exceed 3 years and depends on the education status (e. g. funding of a doctoral student will be possible up to three years, funding of a post doc will be possible up to two years). The costs for consumables and equipment must be provided by the working group of the applicant. Additionally, travel cost can be requested up to 1.000 € per year.
Applicants should note that only applications using our form sheets and which are completed in full will be taken into consideration. Applications which do not meet the published deadlines or do not fulfil format requirements will be returned to the applicant without examination by experts.
Format: The application should not exceed 15 pages (incl. literature list and pictures). Diagrams and charts should be inserted below point 12.
Please entitle the topic of your work short and concisely (max. 140 characters).
Version of the application:
(please indicate revised versions by 1.2; 1.3; ….)
1. Applicant:
Please add a detailed CV at section 11!
MI 04.27/Version from March 2018 page 4 from 42. Mentor/Supervisor
Name, Institution and the scientific focus and expertise should be mentioned.
Leader of the working group (in the case it differs from the mentor):
3. Exclusion of experts for evaluation
If there are any experts you do not wish to get your grant application (e.g. competitive groups), you may note this here.
4. Research Proposal:
SUMMARY: (max. 250 words)
Divide your summary into introduction, hypothesis, work programme and a description of the CF relevance.
You should not exceed the number of words permitted. A more detailed explanation of the project can be done in the fields given below.
BACKGROUND: (¾ page)
Provide an introduction to the subject area and its standing in the state of the art, giving details of the issues involved. Please, quote the relevant publications (for reference list see section 9) of the form sheet).
Graphics and photographs may be inserted in section 12.
If you have already conducted preliminary work on the planned research project, give a brief outline of this work here (e.g. definition of methodology used in your study group, own expertise in the subject area). Please, quote your own relevant publications (for reference list see section 10 of the form sheet).
Graphics and photographs may be inserted in section 12.
OBJECTIVES of planned research project: (¼ page)
In this field, you should state the basic hypothesis of your project and give an outline of its objectives.
WORK SCHEDULE (1-2 pages)
Please indicate how and with which methods you hope to achieve your objectives. You should give an estimated time framework for the intended methods/work planned (including milestones). Please specify which work packages can be performed autonomously and which work packages will be dependent on the supervisor and additional cooperation partners.
Graphics and photographs may be inserted in section 12.
5. Outlook : (ca. ½ page):
Please describe the long term goals of the work program (CF relevance!) and the expected achievements regarding your academic training/career.
6. Period for which application is submitted:
7. Cost estimate:
SALARY per year in total
Please calculate the according pay group according to TV-L/ TVÖD (50%/100%)!
The funding provided by MI is a non-commercial research grant and therefore is not subject to Value Added Tax or any other kind of taxation.
Consumables which are necessary to perform the work packages must be provided by the working group of the applicant.
Travel costs (1.000 € / year) can be applied additionally. The necessity must be explained (e. g. CF-relevant congresses or visits to cooperation partners).
8. Third-party funding:
An application has also been submitted to additional bodies for financial support for this project.
Insofar as an application for financial support from a third-party body has been successfully granted or such funding appears likely or an additional application has been made for financial support for the project or part of the same, this should be indicated here:
9. Short summary of the proposed project in lay language
The evaluation process will include CF patients/parents to gain information on the patient priority of proposed proposals. Therefore, please describe the goal of the project in lay language: Which new knowledge will be gained by the project? Why is the new knowledge needed? What is the profit for the patients? How is the project performed (clinical trial? Pre-clinical analysis: Cell culture or animal model?)
10. Bibliography of all quoted publications:
11. Bibliography of the working group (publications of the applicant and supervisor during the last two years):
12. Curriculum vitae
Please focus on your academic training!
13. Graphics and photographs
14. Attachment (e. g. submitted publications or congress abstracts)
Please recognize: The application must be submitted together with a letter of support of the mentor confirming the supervision throughout the whole funding period. In the case of applicants from hospitals, additionally there must be a confirmation of the clinic direction about the release from clinical activities.
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