Please find detailed below the report for the site monitoring undertaken on3 April 2014. If you should have any queries or require any photographs taken on site please do not hesitate to contact me.
File Ref: 12 421 20 / Visit no: 1 of 1Monitoring Officer : Rachel Edney & Claire Tomalin
Tel No: 03330 136 815 / Time on site: 11.30 / Time off site: 12:00
Site Co-ordinator: Rachel Edney / Tel No: 03330 136815
Site Name: Tile Kiln
Operator: Tile Kiln Barns Ltd
Site Representative: Paul Sarel
Planning Permission no’s: ESS/75/03/BTE
Permission Number & Romp Date: N/A
Outstanding Submission of details: N/A
Inspection Results/Actions from last site visit:
Importation of wood waste to cease immediately. Planning permission would be required from ECC if it is proposed to continue the importation of wood to the site.
Only soils on site can be used for remediation works. There is no planning permission in place to import additional soils to the site.
Existing wood waste to be removed from site within 28 days.
Displaced top soil layer to be replaced – but there should be no importation of additional soils onto the site.
If a biomass burner is proposed for the site planning permission would be required from ECC and a further consent may be required from the Environment Agency.
As the current works have destroyed part of the restored area a further 5 year period of aftercare will now have to be undertaken as the site cannot now be signed off as completed.
Inspection Results Summary:
The waste wood has been removed from the site and the displaced top soils replaced.
The old site office and weighbridge have been removed from the site
A lorry load of crushed concrete has been imported onto the site to be used for creating tracks within the site and improving existing tracks – PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT
It is proposed to extract sand from the exposed sand face for agricultural use within the site – PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT FOR AGRICULTURAL USE
Rare breed pigs have been brought onto the site
Winter barley has been planted although it is struggling to establish
It is proposed to replant some of the restored area with grass to be grazed by sheep/cattle - need to check restoration plans and confirm this is ok
Actions to be taken before next site visit:
Note:The actions noted in this report are required in order to ensure adequate progress is made and to avoid potential enforcement action against a breach of planning control.