Application to Master of Applied Statistics Program

Department of Experimental Statistics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5606
Phone: (225) 578-8303 FAX: (225) 578-8344

Use Microsoft Word to complete this form by typing the requested information into the gray-shaded data-entry areas or by selecting your answers from the pull-down lists. Save the file using File, Save As… The file name is your last name, first name, and middle name followed by App (e.g., if your name is Terry Lee Smith, use the file name SmithTerryLeeApp). E-mail it with copy of your resume (named with Res instead of App, e.g., SmithTerryLeeRes) to .

Basic information:

Last name / First and middle names / LSU ID
Date of birth: / E-mail address:
Semester and year you wish
to enter program: / Do you plan to apply for an assistantship?
(select from pull-down menu) / NoYes

Current mailing address:

Street address or P.O. Box
City / State / Zip Code / Country / Phone (with Area Code)

Permanent mailing address:

Street address or P.O. Box
City / State / Zip Code / Country / Phone (with Area Code)

Universities or colleges attended: (list all, including current one, most recent first):

Institution, Location / Inclusive Dates / Degree / Major / Minor

Undergraduate scholastic record:

Compute the GPAs requested by counting semester credit of A=4 pts., B=3 pts., C=2 pts., D=1 pt., F=0pts. Note that 1 quarter credit equals 2/3 of a semester credit.

Junior-senior GPA: / (last 4 semesters or 6 terms or quarters)
Credits completed in undergraduate major: / GPA in undergraduate major:
Academic honors earned:

Graduate Record Exam information:

Test date: / Verbal Aptitude score: / Quantitative Aptitude score:

Graduate School information:

Admitted to LSU Graduate School? / (admission status)Already admittedHave appliedWill apply
Minor area interested in (if known):

If you have already earned graduate credits:

Total credits (including transfer credits): / Credits
at LSU: / Credits
in major: / GPA
in major:

Work experience:

List in reverse chronological order, including teaching, industry, armed forces, graduate assistantships

Inclusive dates / Employer / Title, Nature of work (teaching what?)


List at least two people whom you will ask to write directly to the Department Head regarding your academic ability and qualifications for graduate student. It is your responsibility to ask your references to write the recommendation.

Name / Position / Address

Assistantship Application

Department of Experimental Statistics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5606
Phone: (225) 578-8303 FAX: (225) 578-8344

Use Microsoft Word to complete this form by typing the requested information into the gray-shaded data-entry areas or by selecting your answers from the pull-down lists. Save the file using File, Save As… The file name is your last name, first name, and middle name followed by Assistantship (e.g., if your name is Terry Lee Smith, use the file name SmithTerryLeeAssistantship). Hand-deliver it to Sylvia Atkins (Ag. Admin. 161) or e-mail it to .

Basic information:

Last name / First and middle names / LSU ID
Date of birth: / E-mail address:

Current mailing address:

Street address or P.O. Box
City / State / Zip Code / Country / Phone (with Area Code)

Permanent mailing address:

Street address or P.O. Box
City / State / Zip Code / Country / Phone (with Area Code)

Assistantship Qualifications:

Are you currently an LSU graduate student? (select from pull-down menu) / YesNo
If English is not your native language, have you received a letter of recommendation to teach from the Spoken English program? (select from pull-down menu) / NoYesN/A
If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, provide a copy of the recommendation letter to Sylvia Atkins.
If you answered “No” to the previous question, are you enrolled in English 1051 Spoken English for International Students? (select from pull-down menu) / NoYes

Teaching Experience:

Institution/Company, Location / Inclusive Dates / Subject(s) Taught

List all completed EXST courses (numbers only, e.g., 7003, 7013):

What software are you familiar with? (e.g., SAS, R, JMP, SPSS, Excel, 1-2-3, Word):


Other assistantship information:

When are you available to start working on an assistantship? (semester and year)
Do you currently have an assistantship in another department? (select from pull-down menu) / NoYes
If your answer to the previous question is “Yes”, in what department do you have an assistantship?

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