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Workshop Descriptions

Wednesday, September 17th Round 2
1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Avoiding Wage and Hour Pitfalls
Presenters: Joe Hannon, Esq & John R. Vreeland, Genova, Burns, Giantomasi, and Webster Attorneys-At-Law
Berkshire / One of the fastest growing forms of litigation for employers are wage and hour claims. This session will cover the ten most common pitfalls that employers fall victim to in wage and hour claims under federal and state law. The topics to be covered include hours of work, overtime, compensatory time, special wage and hour issues and recordkeeping. The session will provide a general understanding of the wage and hour laws and conclude with a focus on the ten most common pitfalls and provide explanation as to how to avoid them.
"The Security Illusion: Is ‘safe’ really safe?”
Joe Adams Dave Nenno, CE Union
Imperial / Attendees will participate in a review of the New Jersey Local Government Ethics Law (N.J.S.A 40;9-22.1 et seq. ) and the foundation and pillars of government ethics. Participants will be guided through a review and renewal of their ethics "pledges." Instructors will teach the basics of digital identity and provide detailed instructions on how to make safe decisions in the computer world by grasping a solid understanding of how accounts should be managed. Attendees will understand the key terms and concepts needed to make safer decisions pertaining to governmental operations as well as their own digital lives.
Students will learn what happens during eDiscovery including the methods used by the "experts" to find and recover documents (hidden files, password protected files, emails, etc). This analysis of eDiscovery will enlighten students on how to best manage their personal data, as well as, provide pointers on how to retrieve lost data filed by former coworkers or by employees who may have hidden information in an attempt to hide their tracks. Best practices for keeping communication safe and communication systems up and running will also be explored.
Presenters: Elaine Kennedy
Longwood / Working in government is tough enough and the documentation of the work product is just as important as the work that is done. This comprehensive interactive workshop, which is being led by one of the most knowledgeable municipal clerks in the state will lead workshop participants through the 10 principles that govern an effective records management program, the destruction of records in the proper form as well as the location to store records effectively will be covered. The workshop will also cover the ins and outs of the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and its relevance to the workforce system.
Employment Growth using Green Technology
Presenters: Bill Bonadies – Renewable Energy Advisor - ITM; David Utain – Instructor/Course Development Specialist – ITM
Brian Sant’Angelo – Lincoln Technical Inst.
Central / ·  The State of New Jersey expects the creation of over 20,000 new GREEN jobs by the year 2020.
·  The Federal Government estimates the number of GREEN jobs in the United States at 3.1 million.
·  The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that GREEN goods and services accounted for 2.4% of total United States employment in 2010.
What can we do to meet these Green Technology employment needs?
How can we get a trained workforce to meet these needs?
What you should be looking for in a training institution?
Where can these people receive (OJT) through an industry accepted Externship Program?
How can we help these people prepare for their nationally recognized certifications?
Come to this workshop to get answers!
Reliable and Relevant Training: Strengthening Provider Accountability and Alignment with Regional Demand
Adam Albanese, Newark WIB;
Tien Nguyen, Newark WIB
Lincoln / This workshop will cover topics regarding the selection of training programs and providers, ensuring performance accountability of those training investments, and the use of labor market information to align training closely with regional employer demand and economic development. Areas of discussion will include navigating the ETPL, case studies in training performance data analysis and ITA policy, defining demand occupations, valuable labor market information sources and applications, and the sharing of local success stories and barriers to collecting and using performance data to set strategy and make decisions.
The workshop will be a mixture of facilitated discussion and the sharing of national models and best practices, as well as efforts the Newark WIB has undertaken with their Workforce Innovation Fund grant project, “Managing for Success.”
Major Changes in Performance Measures under WIOA and The Year in Review
Presenter: Ken Ryan, FutureWork Systems
Monticello/Fairmount / Workshop will explore the new and expanded set of performance measures under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. The workshop will also look at state and local performance outcomes in relation to other states and the nation with a candid focus on best practices.. The data presented by FutureWork Systems comes from NJ AOSOS system and the data submitted by states to U.S. Department of Labor.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): More of the Same or a Chance to Transform the System?
Presenter: Bridget Brown, CWDP
National Association of Workforce Development Professionals
Tivoli / The Workforce Investment Act was created in a different economy and reflected the workforce needs of that time. NAWDP has been on the forefront of these negotiations and has been working to protect the interest of workforce professionals, job seekers and employers alike. After 11 long years, workforce reauthorization legislation has been approved by Congress.
What are the main differences between this legislation and current law? How will it impact the local level? What are the politics that are involved? And, how can you start preparing for this change now? The workshop will highlight the provisions of the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) and discuss many of the key provisions that will impact the delivery of the local delivery of workforce services. We also will discuss the outlook for funding these critically important programs.