Application to amalgamate patriotic funds
Section 33B Veterans Act 2005
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Before starting your application
- If completing the form by hand, please use a blue or black pen and print clearly using block letters.
- Do not delete any part of this form. Leave any sections blank that do not apply.
- If more than two patriotic funds are proposing to amalgamate, please attach an appendix to this application setting out all information required in Part 1 for each additional amalgamating patriotic fund.
There is no fee to apply to amalgamate patriotic funds.
Part 1: Details of the first amalgamating patriotic fund
- What is the name of the patriotic fund?
- What was the date of establishment of the patriotic fund? (if known)
- What are the objects of the patriotic fund?
(If the objects of the patriotic fund are set out in a trust deed, please attach a copy of this document.)
- Who are the trustees of the patriotic fund?
(Please include the name, address, and description (such as ‘person’, ‘company’ or ‘incorporated association’) of each trustee. If any of the trustees are incorporated entities, please also include the registration number of the entity.)
- Who is the secretary of the patriotic fund?
(If none, please leave blank.)
Family nameGiven name(s)
Address (including state and postcode. Can be PO box)
Daytime telephone number (including area code)
- Who is the treasurer of the patriotic fund?
(If none, please leave blank.)
Family nameGiven name(s)
Address (including state and postcode. Can be a PO box)
Daytime telephone number (including area code)
- What are the banking institution details for the patriotic fund?
Name of bank or deposit taking institution where trustees will open an account
Telephone number
- What are the assets of the patriotic fund?
Please attach a schedule listing all assets held in the patriotic fund.
Part 2: Details of the second amalgamating patriotic fund
- What is the name of the patriotic fund?
- What was the establishment date of the patriotic fund?
- What are the objects of the patriotic fund?
(If the objects of the patriotic fund are set out in a trust deed, please attach a copy of this document.)
- Who are the trustees of the patriotic fund?
(Please include the name, address, and description (such as ‘person’, ‘company’ or ‘incorporated association’) of each trustee. If any of the trustees are incorporated entities, also include the registration number of the entity.)
- Who is the secretary of the patriotic fund?
(If none, please leave blank.)
Family nameGiven name(s)
Address (including state and postcode. Can be a PO box)
Daytime telephone number (including area code)
- Who is the treasurer of the patriotic fund?
(If none, please leave blank.)
Family nameGiven name(s)
Address (including state and postcode. Can be a PO box)
Daytime telephone number (including area code)
- What are the banking institution details for the patriotic fund?
Name of bank or deposit taking institution where trustees will open an account
Telephone number
- What are the assets of the patriotic fund?
Please attach a schedule listing all assets held in the patriotic fund.
Part 3: Details of new patriotic fund
- What is the proposed name of the new patriotic fund?
- What are the proposed objects of the new patriotic fund?
(If the objects of the patriotic fund will be set out in a trust deed, please attach a copy of this document.)
- Who is proposed to act as trustee of the new patriotic fund?
(Please include the name, address, and description (such as ‘person’, ‘company’ or ‘incorporated association’) of each proposed trustee. If any of the proposed trustees are incorporated entities, also include the registration number of the entity.)
- Who will act as secretary for the new patriotic fund?
(If none, please leave blank.)
Family nameGiven name(s)
Address (including state and postcode. Can be a PO box)
Daytime telephone number (including area code)
- Who will act as treasurer for the new patriotic fund?
(If none, please leave blank)
SurnameGiven names
Address (including state and postcode. Can be PO box)
Daytime telephone number (including area code)
- What are the banking institution details for the new patriotic fund?
Name of bank or deposit taking institution where trustees will open an account
Telephone number
- Who will be the auditor of the new patriotic fund (if applicable)?
(If the new patriotic fund will receive income of more than $10,000 a year, the trustees must ensure that its financial accounts are audited. The auditor should be appointed in accordance with section 42(6) of the Veterans Act 2005.)
Name and qualification of auditorAddress
Telephone number
- What is the account period for the lodgement of the annual statement?
(The account period for most patriotic fund trustees is the twelve months ending 31 December each year. If you wish to nominate an alternative period please advise here:
Details of trustees making this application
First amalgamating patriotic fund
- Name of patriotic fund
- Name of trustee/s
- Signature of trustees/s
- Date
Second amalgamating patriotic fund
- Name of patriotic fund
- Name of trustee/s
- Signature of trustee/s
- Date
Consumer Affairs Victoria
GPO Box 4567, Melbourne 3001
Telephone: 1300 55 81 81
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