The Glenmont PTA
Invites You to Join
The 2017 Lip Sync Show
March 10, 2017
6:30 P.M.
Glenmont Elementary School Cafeteria
What is Lip Sync?
You and a group pretend to sing a favorite song on stage. You can accompany your song with some favorite dance steps and props too!
Who can participate?
Any student in Glenmont Elementary can participate. You and a group of friends perform a song together. In order to keep the number of acts to a reasonable amount, no solos are allowed and there MUST be a minimum of four (4) students per group. Also, please note that each student may participate in only 1 group, unless it is a class organized by the teacher.
Each group must do the following:
· Consist of four (4) or more students and have a parent representative (to lead and instruct the group) and a parent volunteer who will be responsible for a job on the evening of the Lip Sync performance.
· Submit permission slips as early as possible so that your first song choice can be picked. In order to present a diversified program, we will not allow songs to be duplicated.
· Costumes, clothing and props should relate to the song. The song, dance moves and costumes MUST be appropriate for a school setting and an audience of all ages.
When and How do I sign up?
Complete the permission slip on the next page and return ALL of the permission slips for the group in ONE envelope to the Main Office by February 1st. Remember, the sooner you sign up, the better chance you will have of receiving your group’s first song choice! The Parent Representative will be notified if the song choice is OK or if the group needs to go to their 2nd choice.
The 2017 Lip Sync Show
March 10, 2017
6:30 P.M.
Glenmont Elementary School Cafeteria
Next Steps:
1. Meet with your group and parent representative to pick out your first and second song choices and complete the permission slips. Please time your song and create a digital version that does not exceed the timeframes listed below. Songs should be e-mailed to Beth and Andrew Kourt at NO LATER THAN February 15th.
Suggested Song Lengths:
Grades K, 1 and 2 - 2 minutes
Grades 3, 4 and 5 - 2 ½ minutes
*3 minutes is the MAX!!!
2. Hand in ALL permission slips together in ONE envelope marked “Lip Sync” to the Main Office by February 1st.
3. Practice and have fun with your group!
4. Attend the Dress Rehearsal at the Glenmont Cafeteria on Wednesday March 8th at 4:30 PM. Your parent representative must attend the dress rehearsal as this is when they will learn how to do the job they have been assigned.
5. Be prepared to perform at the Lip Sync Show on Friday March 10th at 6:30 PM. All performers and a parent representative must be there by 6:00 that evening.
Please complete the permission slip on the next page!!
Any questions should be directed to:
Cara Qualia:
Beth & Andrew Kourt:
The 2017 Lip Sync Show
March 10, 2017
6:30 P.M.
Glenmont Elementary School Cafeteria
Permission Slip
I give permission for my child _______________________________________________________
to participate in the Lip Sync Show on Friday March 10, 2017. He/She is in grade _____________.
Our parent representative (working with the group) is ___________________________________.
His/Her phone number: ______________________ email ________________________________
Our parent job volunteer (for the night of rehearsal & show) is _____________________________
His/Her phone number: ______________________ email ________________________________
The Volunteer Job will consist of: assisting the children backstage, moving the children to the stage from their seats, keeping track of props, exiting the children off stage and opening/closing the curtain. The jobs will be broken into one of 3 shifts so that you do not miss your child’s performance.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________
Our group will include the following students (must be 4 or more students):
2. _____________________________________6. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________7. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________8. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________9. _____________________________________
Our first song choice is: _________________________________________________________
Our second song choice is: ______________________________________________________
Song approved by parent signature: _______________________________________________
Return this permission slip and ALL group slips to the Main Office in ONE envelope Marked Lip Sync by February 1st.