The purpose of the British Association for Nursing in Cardiac Care is to provide a forum for communication, professional interest and national representation for all nurses in Britain who are involved in the care of cardiac patients.


To promote excellence in cardiac nursing, and in the care of cardiac patients and their families.

To promote the professional development of cardiac nurses, including the definition of roles and competencies, standard setting, and the acquisition of appropriate knowledge and skills for competent specialist and advanced practice.

To represent the interest of nurses and the practice of nursing in all fields of cardiac care, at a national and international level.

To promote the sharing of knowledge between all cardiac nurses and other disciplines.

To promote evidence-based nursing practice, and the development of nurse-led initiatives in the field of cardiac care.

To actively encourage nursing research to build the evidence base for effective nursing care.

To promote the nursing contribution to research in cardiac care, in terms of participating in trials, and carrying out original research projects.

To encourage close working relationships with associated organisations, both nationally and internationally.

For £30.00 per year you will receive:

A quarterly newsletter and other communications from the Association’s office (calls for abstracts, notice of meetings)

A subscription to the British Journal of Cardiology

Access to BANCC section of BCS website.

Reduced registration for the British Cardiac Society Annual Scientific Conference

Support for local educational events

Access to funding for training events

Association membership of the British Cardiac Society

Full participation in BANCC business meetings and voting rights.


Please share your thoughts and suggestions for further development for the role and functions of the BANCC with us. You can contact us at the address on this leaflet, byemail or Tel: 0207 692 5413; all enquiries will be forwarded to the appropriate BANCC representative for action.

I enclose my membership fee (please indicate):

£30.00 per annum (registered nurses and AHP’s)

£35.00 per annum (nurses based overseas)

£15.00 per annum (students – pre registration)

SIGNATURE: ______DATE: ______


Correspondence Details [BLOCK CAPITAL]
Title: ______Surname: ______Forename:______
Address: ______
Town: ______
County: ______Country: ______
Postcode: ______Telephone: ______
Email*: ______

*more communication is being carried out by email so please ensure you provide an email address if you have one.

To assist BANCC in providing a service that matches your needs please fill in the following information:

Professional Qualifications
RN EN Post Registration Cardiac course:
Level 2 
Level 3 
Please give title:______Level 4 
UK Resuscitation Council:ALS Provider Instructor 
Other: ______/ Academic Qualifications (C = complete, P = in progress)
Diploma CPDegreeCP
Current Job Title: ______
Clinical grade (D-I): Agenda for Change band:
Other or non-clinical: ______
Areas of Professional Interest
 Arrhythmias/ Electro
 Audit and Epidemiology
 Cardiac Surgery/ Transplantation
 Cardiomyopathy/ Heart Failure
 Cardiovascular Pharmacology
 Coronary Heart Disease
 Echocardiography
 Exercise testing /  Hypertension
 Imaging
 Invasive/ Interventional Cardiology
 Myocardial/ Vascular Biology
 Non-intervention
 Pacing
 Paediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease
 Rehabilitation
 Valvular Heart Disease

RETURN TO: BANCC, 9 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HW – cheques made payable to BANCC