Stefan Camilleri with Vital Beat Yoga

Hey there yogi! It an absolute pleasure to share this process with you, and get to know you. You’re reading this document for one of the following reasons;

  1. You love yoga
  2. You’ve dreamed of becoming a qualified Yoga Teacher
  3. You need assistance with the cost of training
  4. All of the above!

Thisscholarship will enable one lucky Teacher Trainee the ability to complete their 200 hour vinyasa training with Stefan Camilleri in Perth, AugustSeptember of 2018. For course details and dates, please see the training page on our website

Completed applications to be submitted to

Important Dates:

Applications close 12pm Midnight on April 18th, 2018.

Assessment Period will be from April 20thth to May4th and finalists will be contacted on May5th.

Finalist interviews will be conducted at a mutually convenient time between May 6thMay 13th, with the winner announced May 14th 2018

What the scholarship entails:

The successful applicant will be gifted a $2800 grant towards their 200 hour YTT certification. It will enable them to enrol in the course as a fully paid student teacher, and access all of the same materials and extras that full fee paying student teachers receive, including the ability to attain accreditation with Yoga Alliance.

Scholarship covers tuition and does not include transport to training location, accommodation, or purchase of any required texts or materials.

The successful applicant will be required to contribute the final $900 of the training fee, in full, by August 1st, 2018.

What we’re looking for:

You do not have to be an advanced asana practitioner, or have a deep knowledge of sutras, yoga history, or theory, however a minimum of 6 months steady yoga practice is recommended.

Applicants must answer all questions in their scholarship application with thoughtfulness and honesty, we are looking for determination, purpose, passion, and authenticity.

Please share your story with us- the way you communicate your story shows us how you may connect with your future students. Show us your love of yoga, tell us how and why it has affected your life.

And please have someone proof read your application!

The top 2 finalist applicants will be required to attend an online interview with Stefan Camilleri. Consider this an informal chat, where we get to know you beyond a paper application.


Stefan Camilleri with Vital Beat Yoga


Full Name:

Residential Address:

Email Address:

Contact Phone:

Tell us a little about yourself, your passions, what lights you up, and why you felt compelled to apply for a Teaching Scholarship at Vital Beat.

(maximum 800 words)

Why are you drawn to alignment-based Vinyasa with Stefan, and what are you hoping to get from the course?

(maximum 400 words)

What styles of yoga are you familiar with/have experienced and where do you practice currently? Give us an insight into your practice, the styles you’re drawn to, how often you practice, and do you have a personal/home practice?

(maximum 400 words)

Which mantra, quote, or poem inspires and motivates you the most, and what affect does it have on how you interact and engage with people?

(maximum 400 words)

N.B If it is a very long hymn/poem etc, you can post an abridged version, or give us a link to an online version

Please tell us about your favourite yoga teacher/s. What is it about their teaching style that draws you to their classes, and what parts of their personality shine through when they teach? What parts of your personality do you hope will also shine through?

(Maximum 400 words)

Share with us to your biggest fear about becoming a Yoga Teacher. What tools/techniques do you think you could use to help work through these apprehensions?

(Maximum 400 words)

Introduce us to your MOST favourite yoga pose and why you love it.

(maximum 200 words)

Introduce us to your LEAST favourite yoga pose and why it challenges you.

(maximum 200 words)

The Vital Beat scholarship offers one student who is financially unable to commit to a full fee training, the opportunity to access this life changing program. The winner will be determined by a balance of passion, and financial need. Please explain how or why you would otherwise struggle to commit to a full fee or a payment plan for training? All information given here is held in confidence.

(maximum 400 words)


Stefan Camilleri with Vital Beat Yoga

The Small Print:

Prize is non-transferrable and non-redeemable.

Prize will only be awarded to the applicant and cannot be gifted.

Prize cannot be redeemed for money.

Prize must be utilised for the Vinyasa training course commencing in August 2018.

Students unable to attend this course for any reason will lose their scholarship and it will be transferred to the 2nd place applicant, to be deemed by Stefan Camilleri and Vital Beat Yoga.

Students must participate in the full course as if they were a full fee paying student and 100% attendance is required.

The successful applicant will be required to contribute the final $900 of the training fee, in full, by August 1st, 2018. Failure to make this final payment will forfeit their place and will be granted to the 2nd place applicant.

The judge’s decision is final and no debate will be entered into.

Completed applications to be submitted to

I have read, and agree to, the terms of entry and application, including The Small Print listed above.

I understand that the judges decision is final, and that I will be required to contribute my share of the enrolment investment by the dates listed above.

Full Name:



Copyright Vital Beat 2018