Application Process for Residents (Not FMTC)
- Prior to rotation, resident to be provided with Application and Confidentiality Agreement. These are to be completed and returned to FMTC asap. All information to be completed and checked by FMTC.
- Supervisor’s approval and department chief approval to be obtained before forwarding documentation to Jenny Barth, MSO.
- Robert Fielder to be contacted by email at least 48 hours before the resident commences his/her rotation. Example: Hi Robert: Would you please send mnemonics for the following resident: Dr. Vikram Kapoor, PGY2, Internal Medicine, September 1 to 30, 2010, Primary Campus BCH. Please print the Statement of Accountability to printer: NMHCHAD-MF02.
- Once mnemonics have been issued, an email should go to Betty Mahabirsingh, Janet Smit and Maria Macatangay at least 48 hours before the resident commences his/her rotation. Example: Hi Ladies: Can I please request a dictation number for:Dr. Vikram Kapoor (KAPVI), PGY2, Internal Medicine, September 1 to 30, 2010, Primary Campus BCH.
- On the date the resident starts the rotation, he/she should agree to come to the FMTC at 0800 hours with the completed Application and Confidentiality Agreement (if not previously returned to the FMTC).
- Check the Resident’s documentation. Have him/her sign the Statement of Accountability (from Robert Fielder). Provide a copy to the resident and return the original to Robert Fielder via internal mail asap.
- Provide the resident with an Orientation Folder. Remind them that they must complete their Rotation Schedule and return this to the FMTC when they complete their rotation. The completed form is given to Jenny Barth, MSO.
- Give the resident an FMTC pager. These are not provided by the MSO. Keep a note of the number of the pager and remind them that this must be returned at the end of their rotation or they will be expected to pay for the pager.
- Give the resident Dictation Instructions with their dictation number.
- Inform the resident regarding the process for using the Resident On-Call Room, if applicable, i.e. where to obtain the key, etc.
- Complete the top section of the Carillion Request for ID Badge. You have to write on the bottom of the page which doctor’s profile should be copied, i.e. the supervisor of the resident but if the supervisor is a Department Chief, then the name of a supervisor within that Department, i.e. if Dr. Martino is supervisor, ask that Dr. Banerjee’s profile is copied. Do not copy the profile of any of the chiefs. Go to Carillion Services in the basement with the Resident with one of the FMTC temporary ID badges (if the resident is only doing a one month rotation). Carillion Services will photograph the resident and attach this photograph to the temporary ID badge. Remind the resident that this badge MUST be returned at the end of the rotation. FMTC to remove the name on this badge and shred it.
- Take the resident to the Parking Office in the multi-storey parking lot basement so they can arrange their parking pass. The resident must have a credit card with them.