ACTION PLAN: Terminology Resources

Online Workstation:

Lead: Diane Struck


Christel Anderson

Chris Corkins

Cathy Ivory

Cyndie Lundberg

Diane Struck

HIMSS Strategic Objective:

•5.1 Improvements in clinical quality are achieved through the development and support of HIT practices, policies, end user tools, and other resources.

FY10 HIMSS NI Community Deliverable: Develop educational tools for nurse informaticists regarding implementation of terminologies.

Mapping to ANI/TIGER Strategic Plan: TIGER Framework: Fully Engage in HIT Standards and Interoperability Development

Background: A previous NI Task Force held a panel discussion on the outcomes of the Vanderbilt Terminology Summit.Presentation available at:

Please note this deliverable and the HIMSS NI Community will not engage in the “Terminology Debate” – rather will provide educational resources for nurse informatics implementing/wanting to implement terminologies/seeking knowledge on terminologies.

Workgroup members:

It is envisioned that this group would be comprised of a wide representation of end users, vendor representatives, academia, etc.

Suggested activities (with timeline if applicable):

Discussion 10/23/2009:

Create a suggested nursing terminology resource list available through public access

  1. Remain objective
  2. Identification of a resources/glossary list

ACTION:Workgroup members are asked to start an inventory of all existing terminologies in the U.S (?). It is envisioned that on the next call describe/identify each. *Note we can also reach out to the Task Force for input.

Discussion 11-20-2009 Start with ANA list and build from there (do not limit ourselves) i.e. internationally Use Case development is not looking at ANA terminologies

  • How does XX meet my needs (interdisciplinary approach)? Additional information beyond a list of links.
  • Is there a need for separate terminologies across disciplines? Looking at outliers
  • Identification of different levels/different specialties
  • Compare and contrast capabilities (objectively) – yes: article in OJNI 2008
  • Urologic Nursing Journal September/October issue Terminology Use in Electronic Health Records: Basic Principles. January issue will have another article. JONA will have an article (Authors from Terminology Implementation Group from Vanderbilt Term Summit)
  • Updates? i.e. ICNP mapping to SNOMED
  • International case studies?
  • NHIN – interoperability perspectives based on standards
  • Meaningful use criteria?

11/20/09 ACTIONGlossary need: Harmonizing glossaries, Collaborative space, i.e. Collaborative Space, HITSP, IHE Profiles,glossary share, read and have computable data between systems (IHE) and disciplines.

  1. Link to current research - Identify relevant professional journal articles/manuscripts that support use of nursing terminologies
  • Compare and contrast capabilities (objectively) – yes: article in OJNI 2008
  • Urologic Nursing Journal September/October issue Terminology Use in Electronic Health Records: Basic Principles January issue link to JONA (Terminology Implementation Group from Vanderbilt Summit)
  1. Differentiate between reference information models and terminology models/classification systems a lot of information/dialogue is underway
  2. Provider data: Descriptor of what it can do for you, what care settings can it be used in – if the data is not available. Pulse Survey.
  3. External Data: Conduct an inventory assessment of EHR/EMR vendors who use terminologies and which terminologies are in use. What are their thoughts for future use? Pulse Survey
  4. National mapping Describe the alignment of nursing terminologies with national efforts (HHS ONC)
  5. Collect evaluative statements for the various resources

Future Activity:

  • Identify research-based tools/resources that aid in the determination of a business case or ROI to implement a standardized nursing terminology


There isn’t much out there. Measure & research nurse outcomes.

Share NQF resources/opportunities for public comment

  • Identify additional considerations

Future activity:

  • international needs assessment

Future Activity:

  • Determine where to publish resource center: Websites (HIMSS Analytics?); List Servs (HIMSS NI Wiki?); Other?


1. Workgroup members are asked to log on to the wiki start using this tool for working documents.

2. Glossary creation. Each workgroup member is asked to identify potential glossary terms/resources for inclusion.

3. Next call is scheduled for December 18, 2009 10:00am central/11:00am eastern *logistics have been provided via an outlook appointment

Christel ACTION: how may HIMSS nurses are international?


Wiki – How To:

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Wiki Walk Thru’s:

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