ACTION PLAN: Terminology Resources
Online Workstation:
Lead: Diane Struck
Christel Anderson
Chris Corkins
Cathy Ivory
Cyndie Lundberg
Diane Struck
HIMSS Strategic Objective:
•5.1 Improvements in clinical quality are achieved through the development and support of HIT practices, policies, end user tools, and other resources.
FY10 HIMSS NI Community Deliverable: Develop educational tools for nurse informaticists regarding implementation of terminologies.
Mapping to ANI/TIGER Strategic Plan: TIGER Framework: Fully Engage in HIT Standards and Interoperability Development
Background: A previous NI Task Force held a panel discussion on the outcomes of the Vanderbilt Terminology Summit.Presentation available at:
Please note this deliverable and the HIMSS NI Community will not engage in the “Terminology Debate” – rather will provide educational resources for nurse informatics implementing/wanting to implement terminologies/seeking knowledge on terminologies.
Workgroup members:
It is envisioned that this group would be comprised of a wide representation of end users, vendor representatives, academia, etc.
Suggested activities (with timeline if applicable):
Discussion 10/23/2009:
Create a suggested nursing terminology resource list available through public access
- Remain objective
- Identification of a resources/glossary list
ACTION:Workgroup members are asked to start an inventory of all existing terminologies in the U.S (?). It is envisioned that on the next call describe/identify each. *Note we can also reach out to the Task Force for input.
Discussion 11-20-2009 Start with ANA list and build from there (do not limit ourselves) i.e. internationally Use Case development is not looking at ANA terminologies
- How does XX meet my needs (interdisciplinary approach)? Additional information beyond a list of links.
- Is there a need for separate terminologies across disciplines? Looking at outliers
- Identification of different levels/different specialties
- Compare and contrast capabilities (objectively) – yes: article in OJNI 2008
- Urologic Nursing Journal September/October issue Terminology Use in Electronic Health Records: Basic Principles. January issue will have another article. JONA will have an article (Authors from Terminology Implementation Group from Vanderbilt Term Summit)
- Updates? i.e. ICNP mapping to SNOMED
- International case studies?
- NHIN – interoperability perspectives based on standards
- Meaningful use criteria?
11/20/09 ACTIONGlossary need: Harmonizing glossaries, Collaborative space, i.e. Collaborative Space, HITSP, IHE Profiles,glossary share, read and have computable data between systems (IHE) and disciplines.
- Link to current research - Identify relevant professional journal articles/manuscripts that support use of nursing terminologies
- Compare and contrast capabilities (objectively) – yes: article in OJNI 2008
- Urologic Nursing Journal September/October issue Terminology Use in Electronic Health Records: Basic Principles January issue link to JONA (Terminology Implementation Group from Vanderbilt Summit)
- Differentiate between reference information models and terminology models/classification systems a lot of information/dialogue is underway
- Provider data: Descriptor of what it can do for you, what care settings can it be used in – if the data is not available. Pulse Survey.
- External Data: Conduct an inventory assessment of EHR/EMR vendors who use terminologies and which terminologies are in use. What are their thoughts for future use? Pulse Survey
- National mapping Describe the alignment of nursing terminologies with national efforts (HHS ONC)
- Collect evaluative statements for the various resources
Future Activity:
- Identify research-based tools/resources that aid in the determination of a business case or ROI to implement a standardized nursing terminology
There isn’t much out there. Measure & research nurse outcomes.
Share NQF resources/opportunities for public comment
- Identify additional considerations
Future activity:
- international needs assessment
Future Activity:
- Determine where to publish resource center: Websites (HIMSS Analytics?); List Servs (HIMSS NI Wiki?); Other?
1. Workgroup members are asked to log on to the wiki start using this tool for working documents.
2. Glossary creation. Each workgroup member is asked to identify potential glossary terms/resources for inclusion.
3. Next call is scheduled for December 18, 2009 10:00am central/11:00am eastern *logistics have been provided via an outlook appointment
Christel ACTION: how may HIMSS nurses are international?
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