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Application Form

Ideas Competition: International Research Marketing

Please use this form to submit your proposal for international research marketing actions to the Ideas Competition International Research Marketing. Your application must be in English. Please note the guidelines on font, font size, line spacing and maximum number of pages in sections II – VII.

Texts in < > serve as placeholders and explanations to help you complete the form. Blue placeholders are only important if you are submitting a proposal jointly with other universities/non-university research institutions. Please delete all explanations when you have finished completing the form.

Application Form

Ideas Competition: International Research Marketing

Title of proposed idea

<English title>

<Please choose a short, but descriptive title.

<German title>

<Please choose a short, but descriptive title.>

Name of research network

<Name of research network

<If the proposal is being submitted by a group of universities/non-university research institutions, please enter the name of the network here. Please list the names of all participating institutions and cooperation partners under "I. Core data".>

Name of (coordinating) institution

<Name of (coordinating) university/non-university research institution (the award recipient)>

Implementation period: Month Year – Month Year

<Please enter the period during which you intend to implement the concrete actions. Implementation can only begin after receipt of the award letter and must be completed by 31 December 2015.>

I.  Core data

Project coordinator/leader

<Academic title, first name, last name>


<Name of university/non-university research institution>

<Faculty, institute, etc.>

<Office address>

<Telephone number>

<E-mail address>

Area <Research or administration>

Deputy project coordinator/leader (optional)

<Academic title, first name, last name>


<Name of university/non-university research institution>

<Faculty, institute, etc.>

<Office address>

<Telephone number>

<E-mail address>

Area <Research or administration>

<Place, date> / <Signature>
(Project coordinator)
<Place, date> / <Signature>
<Name, position e.g. rector, president, vice chancellor for international affairs, research>
(Management of the coordinating university/non-university research institution)

Participating universities/non-university research institutions

<Please enter the names of the participating institutions that make up the network.

Participating cooperation partners

<Please name all cooperation partners involved in the proposal (within the university/non-university research institution and also external and international partners).>

Institution/organisation / Organisational/work unit / Internal / External / Name of person
<e.g. University XY> / <e.g. institute, department, dean's office> / <Yes/No> / <Yes/No> / <Academic title, first name last name>

II.  Current international research marketing strategy at the institution
(Maximum of 2 DIN A4 pages, in English, font Arial, font size 11pt, line spacing 1.15)

<Please cover the following points:

·  Describe the current situation relating to international research marketing at your research institution.

·  If your university/non-university research institution has previously carried out or is currently carrying out international research marketing activities, please give a brief description.

·  What development potential do you see for international research marketing at your university/non-university research institution (prospects for long-term integration / future prospects)?

·  How do the proposed actions fit into your institution's internationalisation strategy/university development plan (e.g. environmental analysis)?

III.  Summary of proposed actions (German and English)

(Maximum of 3000 characters including spaces per language, font Arial, font size 11pt, line spacing 1.15)

<Please formulate a summary clearly outlining the main objectives of the proposed actions. If the proposal is accepted, the summary will be published online by the DFG.

IV.  Detailed description of actions

(Maximum of 8 DIN A4 pages, in English, font Arial, font size 11pt, line spacing 1.15)

<Please describe the proposed project. One or more actions may be proposed. The following points must be covered:

·  Aim of the actions

What are the aims of the proposed actions? Which target groups are you addressing? How do you intend to address/reach the target groups? What characteristics are specific to the target groups/countries?

·  Originality and innovativeness of the actions

What is new and original about the proposed actions? How do the actions differ from activities already in place at your institution?

·  Added value for the research institution/region

What is the added value for the institution and the region?

·  Enhancement of Germany's international visibility as a research location/international orientation of the actions

To what extent will the proposed actions enhance the international visibility and attractiveness of Germany as a research location? What international reach do the actions have?

·  Work programme

Explain and describe the intended approach and planned implementation of the actions. What work packages will be implemented by which parties? Please give reasons for this distribution of tasks.

·  Networking with partners

Are other partners involved in the implementation of the proposed actions (either within the university/research institution or external partners)? Please explain why.

·  Sustainability of actions, quality assurance

What sustainability aspects are inherent in the actions? What outcomes do you intend to achieve through the implementation of the actions? How do you intend to measure the quality of the implemented actions?

V.  Schedule and cost plan
(Maximum of 1 DIN A4 page, in English, font Arial, font size 11pt, line spacing 1.15)

<Please briefly outline the milestones of the actions and list the project-related costs to be funded with the prize money. The prize money may be used for direct project costs and staff costs. >

VI.  Outline of previously activities

(Maximum of 1 DIN A4 page, font Arial, in English, font size 11pt, line spacing 1.15)

<If you have previously undertaken any international research marketing activities, please outline these here or attach relevant samples of work to your application (e.g. flyers, reports, presentations, photos or films - maximum of 5 items). Publications relating to international research marketing may also be submitted.>

VII.  Obligations of applicants/award recipients

In submitting a proposal to this competition, and in the event of an award, the applicant agrees to fulfil the following obligations:

·  The applicant will ensure that the proposed international research marketing actions, which form the object of the submitted proposal, are not already receiving funding from another source. These actions should also serve as further developments of existing activities where applicable.

·  The award recipient acknowledges that the prize money, sponsored through special funds of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is earmarked and may only be used for the specified purpose and as outlined in the approved proposal. The DFG reserves the right to reclaim funds that have not been used in an appropriate manner.

·  The applicant acknowledges that the selection committee’s decision is final and no legal recourse may be taken.

·  The approved actions will be implemented by the award recipient by 31 December 2015. A final report will be presented by 29 February 2016. The prize money may be claimed at any time after receipt of the award decision, but no later than 31 January 2015.

·  The actions carried out will be visibly associated with the ‘Research in Germany’ brand, and the logo will appear on all publications, promotional material, PowerPoint presentations, banners, etc.

·  The applicant agrees that, should a prize be awarded, part of the proposal and the final report may be published (particularly in print and electronic form), edited and shared with third parties (along with the contact details of the coordinator: name, e-mail address and website) by the DFG.

·  The recipient acknowledges that the award is subject to usage guidelines. The prize money may be used for direct project costs and staff costs. It will be paid as a lump sum. It is not therefore necessary to submit a numerical breakdown of expenditure to the DFG. More conditions regarding the use of funds can be found in the ‘Usage guidelines for the International Research Marketing Ideas Competition’. A copy of the binding and mandatory usage guidelines will be enclosed with the award letter and must be acknowledged when the prize money is claimed.

Please submit the following documents to the DFG, in English, by 15 September 2014:

·  On CD-ROM or USB stick:

®  Completed application form ‘Ideas Competition: International Research Marketing’, with the signature of the management of the coordinating institution (e.g. rector, president, vice chancellor for international affairs, research)

®  If available: Samples of work from previous measures (e.g. flyers, reports, presentations, photos, films - maximum of five samples), any relevant publications relating to international research marketing

Please generate PDF files with no access restrictions for reading, copying and printing.

·  Printed on paper (original)

®  Completed application form ‘Ideas Competition: International Research Marketing’, with the signature of the management of the coordinating institution (e.g. rector, president, vice chancellor for international affairs, research)

Send the complete set of documents to:

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Internationales Forschungsmarketing

53170 Bonn

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Kennedyallee 40 ∙ 53175 Bonn ∙ Postal address: 53170 Bonn ∙ / DFG