Application form for Mentees
CIPS Africa Mentorship Programme - Pula Madibogo (‘We lift as we rise’)
First Name: / Last Name:
CIPS Membership number: / Phone Number:
E-mail address: / Physical location (town):
Name of institution and title of highest qualification obtained: / Other skills and qualifications: Licenses, Skills, Training, Awards:
Present Or Last Position: / Employer:
- Mentoring needs: technical and professional competency:
Note: It is a requirement for this programme, to have completed the CIPS Sourcing Knowledge Questionnaire (SKQ). Please attach a copy of your SKQ results to your application.
- Supply base analysis
- Risk analysis
- Negotiation skills
- Customer client management
- Contract management
- Contract selection and legal
- Procurement process management
- Finance for procurement
- Supply chain analysis
- ‘Universal’ leadership/management competency[1]:
(NOTE: If you have completed a Universal Competency Report, please attach it and use it as a basis to complete this section)
- Leading and deciding
- Deciding and initiating action
- Leading and supervising
- Supporting and cooperating
- Working with people
- Adhering to principles and values
- Interacting and presenting
- Relating and networking
- Persuading and influencing
- Presenting and communicating information
- Analysing and interpreting
- Writing and reporting
- Applying expertise and technology
- Analysing
- Creating and conceptualising
- Learning and researching
- Creating and innovating
- Formulating strategies and concepts
- Organising and executing
- Planning and organising
- Delivering results and meeting customer expectations
- Following instructions and procedures
- Adapting and coping
- Adapting and responding to change
- Coping with pressures and setbacks
- Enterprising and performing
- Achieving personal work goals and objectives
- Entrepreneural and commercial thinking
- General
- What would you like to learn more about or become better at with the help of a mentor?
- What other information would you like us to know about you in selecting a mentor for you?
- Please write and submit (attached to this application form) an essay of
5 – 6 pages (typed, single space) describing yourself, your career to date, your future aspirations and what you hope to accomplish by participating in the CIPS Africa Mentorship Programme. This essay will be used as the key tool to select candidates for the mentorship programme.
- Please submit a letter from your immediate manager, indicating his/her support for your participation in the programme and motivating why he/she thinks you may be a good candidate for the programme.
[1] Refer to Universal Competency Definitions attached hereto as Annexure B.