/ Weekly Newsletter
November 12, 2017
Birthday's & Anniversaries
Orphan Sunday
All Church Thanksgiving Dinner
Operation Christmas Child
Prayer Concerns
Just Another Tuesday
Decorating for Christmas
Music Ministry
Youth Praise Band Performance
Children's Ministries
Youth Ministries
Celebrate Recovery
Cherry Street
Helping Puerto Rico
Blood Drive
The Church In:
Teaching / 75
10:23 Service / 207
10:30 Service / 66
Nursery / 9
KidzStation / 37
Wednesday Night Fusion (11/1) / 19
The Church In Giving:
General Fund / $10,820.00
Food Pantry / $35.00
One Great Hour of Sharing (Puerto Rico) / $20.00
Parsonage Remodel / $50.00
S.O.F.A.S. / $155.00
ABWM / $100.00
Deacon's Fund / $324.85
World Mission Offering / $12.80
Pastors Discretionary Fund / $500.00
Memorial Fund: Jackie Beck Memorial / $25.00
As a reminder, when giving to specific funds, please indicate your intentions on the memo line of your check or on your giving envelope (for example:Deacon's Fund, Food Pantry, Parsonage Remodel, etc.) Thank You!!
You can give to First Baptist Church
using your Debit/Credit card at the Kiosklocated in the Commons Area of the Good News Center
Or you can useMobile Giving by downloading thefree SecureGive app from the App Store or Google Play market.
If you have any questions please contact the Church office.
7:30 AM-Board of Deacons Meeting
9:15 AM-Sunday School
10:23 AM-KidzStation
10:23 AM-Worship/Orphan Sunday-GNC
10:30 AM-Worship-Sanctuary
5:00 PM-All Church Thanksgiving Dinner
9:00 AM-Monday Bible Study-GNC (also @ 11, 12, 1 & 4:30)
2:00 PM-Staff Meeting (Office Closed during mtg)
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Operation Christmas Child Box DropOff
3:00 PM - 9:00 PM-Kids Praise Band-GNC Gym
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Operation Christmas Child Box DropOff
3:00 PM - 9:00 PM-Kids Praise Band-GNC Gym
Chelsy Bearden out
6:30 AM-T.G.I.W. Men's Bible Study - GNC
6:30 AM-Prayer Time in the Sanctuary (open to all)
10:30 AM-Bible Study-GNC
3:00 PM - 9:00 PM-Kids Praise Band-GNC Gym
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Operation Christmas Child Box DropOff
5:30 PM-Joyous Sounds-Fellowship Hall
6:00 PM-Wednesday Night Fusion-GNC
7:00 PM-Worship Choir-Sanctuary
7:00 PM-High School Youth Group @ BaseCamp
Chelsy Bearden out
9:00 AM - Christian Women's Club - GNC
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Operation Christmas Child Box DropOff
6:00 PM-Thursday Bible Study-GNC
6:00 PM - Corporate Prayer - GNC
7:00 PM-Worship Team-GNC
Chelsy Bearden out
9:00 AM-11:00 AM - Mobile Food Pantry (400 S. Highland)
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Operation Christmas Child Box DropOff
7:00 PM - Youth Praise Band Musical Performance – GNC
Chelsy Bearden out
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Operation Christmas Child Box DropOff
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM - GNC Commons Area in use
Chelsy Bearden out
9:15 AM-Sunday School
10:23 AM-KidzStation
10:23 AM-Worship/Communion-GNC
10:30 AM-Worship-Sanctuary
2:00 PM-5:00 PM - Operation Christmas Child Box DropOff
4:00 PM - Celebrate Recovery - GNC
5:30 PM - TeamKID / TeamKID Jr.
6:00 PM - Middle High Youth Group
7:00 PM - Community Thanksgiving Service @ First United Methodist Church
/ Quick Links
FBC Website
Church Staff Contact
First Baptist Church
(620) 431-2910
Minister DJ Dangerfield
Lead Pastor
Rev. Kathy Carlson
Team Pastor
Chelsy Bearden
Youth Pastor
Jackie Aday
Office Manager
Wynona Baum
Elizabeth Brunger
Children's Ministry
KidZone (Sunday School)
KidzStation (Worship Service for Children)
TeamKid (Sunday evening programming for children)
Youth Ministry
ABY - American Baptist Youth
Chelsy Bearden
Worship Opportunities
Worship Services
A Nursery is available during all services. Nursery is located in the East Hallway of the Main Church Building
Birthday's & Anniversaries
11/12 Raebern Nelson
11/12 Gabe Stich
11/13 Denise Buchanan
11/14 Rick Wingate
11/14 Myrl Ford
11/14 Ethan Bush
11/16 WannettaWiltse
11/16 Starla Shields
11/18 John Stewart
11/18 Bryan Hall
11/18 Chrysabelle Bayles
11/18 Rivers Bayles
11/14 Bill & Irene Boaz (#19)
A large (perhaps a 55 gallon) black trash can with a lid and on wheels is missing from the GNC Kitchen. PLEASE if you borrowed this trash can, please return it to the Church!! Thank You!!!
Orphan Sunday
November 12
10:23 AM
Guest Speaker: Roger Thomlison
Missionary to Mexico with Dayspring Outreach Ministries
Dayspring Children's Home, Casa Dayspring
They are currently building a new orphanage home.
National Collection Week
November 13 - 20, 2017
(only 2 more weeks)
Our Goal: 150 Shoe Boxes from FBC
1. Start with an average size cardboard shoebox. Boxes are available at the Church.
2. Decide whether you will pack a box for a girl or boy, and the age category: 2-4, 5-
9, or 10-14
3. Fill with Gifts
4. Pray
5. Follow Your Box Labels ($9 donation per shoebox, please)
6. Drop-Off your filled box at First Baptist Church during the National Collection
Gift Suggestion to put in a shoe box:
- A "Wow" Item
- Personal Care Items
- School Supplies
- Clothing and Accessories
- Crafts and Activities
- Toys
- A Personal Note
Go to: get all the details!
Jeri WyattTravisBearden
Glennis WilsonJackie Woods
Debbie BaileyAddleeEwen
Linda TiegreenJo Roper
Amy WrightBrandy Edwards
Janee UmbargerRob Dickerhoof
Rick Ward Connie Bingham
DJ Dangerfield
Family of Merle Davis
Community Feeding Ministry - held the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month (September - May) at Otterbein Church from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM. There is no charge for the meal, but a free will donation is greatly appreciated!
Each week a different Church/Organization prepares the meal.
November 14 - First Christian Church
November 28 - Otterbein Church
(our next turn to serve will be December 12)
Decorating for Christmas
Sunday afternoon, November 19th, Pastor Kathy (if she has helpers) will begin decorating the sanctuary for Christmas. If you can help, we'klike to start around 2:00 PM and work until 5:00 PM. We'll be putting up the garland and bows, big wreath, and a couple of Christmas trees. Contact Pastor Kathy (433-0846) to help.
Thank You to ALL those who helped with Makerfest. Thanks to Traveling Light Sunday School class for cooking and serving. Thanks to all the youth helpers, both High School & Middle School, all the station leaders and helpers. Many thanks to those who helped with preparing: Warehouse Kids, Middle School ABY, High School ABY, the whole Becannon family, Pastor Chelsy & Travis.
Makerfest was a lot of fun this year! We had over 160 families come through and be creative, sing, listen to the Bible story and fellowship over some hot dogs and chips!
- DO YOU LOVE TO COOK? TeamKID is in need of people who enjoy cooking to prepare a simple light meal on Sunday evenings (just once a month), for about 30 children. The meal would need to be ready at 5:30 PM in the Main Building. We need help on the 2nd and 5th Sundays of the month. (Funds available tohelp with food costs). Contact Pastor Kathy (433-0846).
- TeamKID Building God's Word in the hearts of our kids! Do you love kids? Enjoy helping out? Teaching? Playing games? ... There's a place for you on Sunday evenings from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM with children - Snack Supper at 5:30 PM. TeamKID 6pm-7pm ... Team Kid (1st through 5th grade) has a Bible lesson, fun activities, games, music and some craft time. TeamKID Jr (3 years old through kindergarten).
- KidZone (Sunday School Teachers: 1st/2nd grade class. Teaching our exciting new curriculum "Dig In". Help Heather out!Teaching every other month. Talk with Pastor Kathy if you are interested.
The Sanctuary will be open every Wednesday morning from 6:30 - 7:30. Come and join Starla Shields in prayer.
MARRIAGE-TO-MARRIAGE- If you would like to take the assessment and go over the results just let Derek or Karra Waggoner know. The assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete, per person, and costs $35. If you would like to take the assessment but don't have the money, we can help you with that too! Just let us know!
MARRIAGE-TO-MARRIAGE Weekly Small Group- will now be meeting on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM. Contract Travis & Wendy Jones if you have any questions.
FREE ON-LINE BIBLE STUDIES: The Churchhas a subscription to this on line Bible study resource. It's at You may use it any time, any where on any device (computer, laptop, tablet and phone), Check it out.
If you are having trouble using it, please contact the Church office and we will be glad to help. When you open up the site be sure to log in (top right hand corner). If you haven't done so already, you will need to set up your account and password. There are some excellent Bible studies that you could use personally or for a small group.If you need another e-vite for this program, contact the church office.
Support Group Meeting, every 3rd Tuesday of the month at First Baptist Church, Good News Center, 7:00pm. Contact Nikki or Phil Jacobs at 431-3985,
SUPPORT GROUP For parents of kids with ADD/ADHD. They will be meeting on the first Tuesday of each month (7:00 PM in the GNC). If you have any questions please contact Erica Warriax at 620-212-9176. The next meeting is scheduled for April 4th, 2017.
THE PENNY PROJECT: The Children in Poverty Initiative - American Baptist Home Mission Societies. Raising awareness. Raising change for Change. Raising 14 million pennies to represent the number of children living in poverty in the United States and Puerto Rico. Our goal is 278,599. So far we've collected 181,021.
ALLIANCE OF CHURCHES FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING announce this years Thanksgiving Community Service will be held on Sunday, November 19, 2017 at 7:00 PM at First United Methodist Church, 200 S. Lincoln, Chanute.
The presider will be Pastor Thomas Eastman, First Christian Church. The message will be brought to you from Pastor Steve Galt, Grace Community Church. Special music will be brought to you by the Chanute Nazarene Praise Team, Nazarene Church. The offering collected will be used for ACCL general purposes.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers Needed:
Wednesday, November 22nd at G & W Foods
Friday, November 24th at Walmart
Saturday, November 25th at Walmart
To help at any of the above dates please contact Rex Babcock at 212-8268
We will be singing this Sunday, November 12th in the 10:30 AM service. Next rehearsal will be November 15th at 7:00 PM.
JOYOUS SOUNDS: Will rehearse Wednesday, November 12th at 5:30 PM. Next week rehearsal will be on Monday, November 20th (not on Wednesday, November 22nd) in the Good News Center at 5:30. We'll have a dress rehearsal on December 6th beginning at 5:30 and Saturday, December 9th beginning at 9:30 AM.
You Are Invited to Join Us!!
Students from several different churches will be accompanied by our own FBC Praise Band as we join together in songs of praise.
Friday, November 17, 2017
7:00 PM
First Baptist Church - Good News Center
Sunday School (begins at 9:15 AM)
KidZone! Jr.- (3,4, and 5-year-old preschoolers)
KidZone! 1-(Kinders-1st grade) Room 106 at 9:15am every Sunday morning in the main church building.
KidZone! 2-(for kids 2nd-5th grade) Room 107-108 at 9:15am every Sunday morning in the main church building!
During Church Service...
Kidz Station (for kids in grades 1 - 4)
10:23 for kids 1st through 5th grade. Meeting each Sunday in the KidzStation Room of the Good News Center (GNC).
Kidz Station Junior(for [potty trained] kids 3 years old through kindergarten) we will meet in room 107 & 108 across from the nursery in the main building this Sunday. Parents: please register your child at the nursery desk.
On the 5th Sunday of the month, kids worship with their parents.
Parents, we would love for you to help out once a month. Just contact Pastor Kathy or let the teacher know what Sunday you can help. (We always hands for snacks, crafts, and bathroom breaks.)
: Not Meeting This Week! We'll be joining our family for the All Church Thanksgiving Dinner in the GNC at 5:00 PM. Our next meeting will be on November 19th
5:30 PM - TeamKID Snack Supper
6:00 PM - TeamKID / TeamKID Jr. Activities.
American Baptist Youth
Chelsy Bearden - Youth Minister
Raebern Nelson - Leader
Natalie Andruss - Leader
Jacob Andruss - Leader
Arlan Newby - Leader
Cameron Durbin - Leader
Caleb Durbin - Leader
High School:
Meeting eachWednesday @
7:00 PM - BaseCamp
Middle High: Sundays from 6-7pm in Basecamp Building
Got a Hurt, Habit or Hang-up?
Celebrate Recovery Meets Every Sunday!
Large Group ...... 4:00 - 5:00pm
Lesson or testimony (live or video)
Small Group ...... 5:00 - 6:00pm
Men's and Women's Open Share
**Childcare Available**
First Baptist Church
Good News Center
Items Needed at Cherry Street
for the
Christmas Baskets
that they give to each family of their Cherry Street Kids
Items needed at Cherry Street for the Christmas Baskets that they give to each family of their Cherry Street Kids:
- Laundry Soap
- Tooth paste (large tube, please
- Band Aides
- **New and gently used items for the Christmas Store
"Rebuilding, Restoring, Renewing Puerto Rico" seeks to raise $1 million within the next three to six months through One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) to support rebuilding the homes, churches and lives of our brothers and sister in Christ.
Please give generously. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a big difference for our Puerto Rican American Baptist family. Last year, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that close to half of the population in Puerto Rico was living in poverty.
Donations may be made via your church; via credit cardonlineor via a check designated to "OGHS-Puerto Rico" and mailed to the attention of Kim Wilkins at American Baptist Home Mission Societies, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA, 19482-0851.
One hundred percent of donations go to relief efforts; no dollars are retained for administrative costs. To ensure that your church receives credit for your gift, write the church name on your check or, if giving online, in the "comment" box.
Go To - -
Wednesday Night Worship Service
Blood Drive
Chanute Community
1654 W. Main
Chanute, KS 66720
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
1:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Please call 431-9271 to schedule your appointment
1-800-RED CROSS | redcrossblood.org
Download the Blood Donor App
Jackie Aday
First Baptist Church