Application Form for Discussion Facilitators of the 44th SSEAYP in 2017

Part I: Please choose a Group Theme you are interested in.

Discussion Group Theme / ( ) a. Good and Bad Aspects of Globalization
( ) b. Information and Media
( ) c. International Relations (ASEAN-Japan Cooperation)
( ) d Measures against Lifestyle-related Disease
( ) e. Quality Education
( ) f. Reduced Disparity
( ) g. Resilient and Sustainable City Design
( ) h. Youth Entrepreneurship

Part II: Personal Information


/ (Photo)
-  Upper half body
-  No hat
-  Plain background
-  Within the past six months
Nationality :
Gender : / ( ) Female ( ) Male
Date of Birth :
(DD/MM/YYYY) / / / / Age:
Experience of SSEAYP : / Year Batch
Contact Information: / Address :
Home Phone : Fax :
Mobile Phone :
Email :
Occupation : / □ Employee (□ Government □ Private □ NGO/NPO)
□ Self-employed □ Teacher □ Student
□ Other ( )
Position :
Office/School: / Name :
Address :
Phone :
Fax :
Final Schooling : / Major field :
Language :
- indicate test score / English : (test score: )
Others :
Special skills (if any) :
Experience of residence
in Japan :
*excluding SSEAYP / ( ) Yes (Date and Purpose: )
( ) No
Food Restriction / Religion / □ Non-halal food □ Meat ( □ Beef □ Pork □ Chicken ) □ Alcohol
□ Others ( )
Vegetarian / □ Meat □ Fish □ Egg □ Dairy □ Others ( )
Health Issues / Case history:
Prescription (drugs, injection, etc):
Allergy to medicine:
Smoking: □ Yes □ No

Part III: Record of Activities

A.  Please explain your work history (name of organization/company, job description, year, etc.).

(200 words)

B.  Please explain your experiences of facilitation in English speaking environment.

(200 words)

C.  Please describe your background and experiences in the Group Theme/field you have chosen.

(200 words)

Part IV: Statement of Purpose

Please write what kind of topic/s you would like to empathize under the Group Theme you chose. Please refer to the Group Themes Focus set in the Guideline for the Discussion Program and Post-Program Session of the 44th SSEAYP in 2017. (800 words)


* Please do not to exceed the prescribed word limit; otherwise your application might not be included in the selection.

* The provided information will be used for the selection of the Facilitators of the 44th SSEAYP in 2017. The information of the person who is appointed as a facilitator may be provided to the other invitees and those who are concerned with the program.

* All data is securely held in accordance with “Act for Protection of Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs.”

2 / 3 Deadline: May 8, 2017