K.S.P.A. Minutes of Meeting held at Kenton Primary School on Friday 21st September 2012
Present: Laura Kelly (Chair), Leigh Mansfield, Nicola Amos, Sharon Smaridge, Leigh Cotton, Gill Faircloth, Mark Moore, Nicki Bradford, Jodie Pitson, Jodie Wood, Lydia Hughes and Kelly Goldsworthy
Apologies: Lisa Morgan-Anstee, Belinda Collins and Liz Wardle
- Apologies- Apologies received from Lisa, Belinda and Liz who could not make the meeting today.
- Minutes from previous KSPA Meeting AGM were reviewed.
Laura informed the attendees of the resignation of Belinda Collins as secretary. Laura Kelly wanted to thank Belinda for all the hard work that she has put in since holding the post. Fundraising was discussed at length and it was also discussed what could be done to include more parents in the KSPA and the work that is done.
- Chairs Report – Another successful year of fundraising has been had by the KSPA. LauraKelly (Chair) thanked everyone for their enthusiasm, dedication, good will and generosity.
The fundraising events have included
Kenton Food and Craft Markets – Particular thanks to Lisa Morgan-Anstee. They have been a huge success and have raised substantial funds for the KSPA. Volunteers to help run the kitchen in November please.
May Day - Particular thanks to Sharon Smaridge, Leigh Cotton and their families. A fantastic day was had by all and £700 was raised for the KSPA.
School Uniform Distribution – Thank you to Gill Faircloth
Casino Bond Night
Halloween Treasure Hunt
Tea Towels designed by the children of KentonSchool. Thank you to Lesley Gillard for her organisation.
Quiz Nights held at the Dolphin - Please support this, so Steve can continue to support the KSPA.
Ice Cream Friday’s – Unfortunately only one this year because of the poor weather conditions.
Future Fundraising Activities
2 Food and Craft Markets. 3rd November and 8th December.
A New Year’s eve party, jointly arranged with the twinning association. This will be a family event.
Some of the things the KSPA have spent money on
Kenton School Sporting kit
School trips for all of the children
Educational day’s run by external companies
Coaches for KS2 swimming in the spring term
Future plans to spend money in the next academic year
Coaches for the school trip to the Eden Project in October. This has substantially reduced the cost of the trip for parents.
New equipment for the ICT suite
Classroom wishlists of new books, educational games and equipment
- Financial Report
KentonSchool Parents Association
Treasurer’s Report – Year Ending 31st August 2012
Bank Balance £3,055.49
Monies Due May Day
£ 700.00
TOTAL £3,755.49
Committed Spend Eden Project
£ 500.00
Available Funds £3,255.49
- Election of Committee
Chair – Laura Kelly to continue
Secretary – Liz Wardle and Kelly Goldsworthy jointly
Treasurer – Nicola Amos
- Vote of thanks – Thank you to everyone who has supported the KSPA over the last year. We always welcome new committee members, and usually meet in the pub, so please come and join us.
Next meeting on Thurs 4th October at 8pm in The Dolphin.
KentonSchool Parents Association
Chairs Annual Report – Sept 2012
Kenton School Parents Association has had another good year. Once again we have been very active in our fundraising and thanks to some member’s enthusiasm, dedication, good will and generosity we have achieved another successful fundraising year.
The Food and Craft Markets we have held have been a huge success and have drawn people from far and wide; they have also been a fantastic contribution to the community of Kenton. May Day, which was co-run with Kenton PreSchool, was a resounding success this year despite the weather trying to put a dampener on the day! Our JamesBondCasino night earlier in the year was a very entertaining evening, the Vodka Martini’s (shaken and not stirred) went down a treat!
I would like to thank everybody who has helped make the KSPA a success over the past year. So thank you to all the parents who have come along to our events, organised them, manned a stall, made and bought cakes, donated a prize, organised the sale of school uniform…….it is all so appreciated and we hope to make the next year another successful fundraising effort for all our children.
Special thanks must also go to the KSPA committee members who are an amazing team and make being in the KSPA fun.
Remember all parents are automatically a member of the KSPA. But we always welcome new Committee members, or any parent that may want to get involved occasionally at any of our events.
Get involved, make a difference and have fun!
Laura Kelly
Chair of KSPA