At Rocky MountainCommunityChurch
The Rocky Mountain Presbytery (RMP)
May 2017
Please electronically fill out this form and email back.
Name: / Email:Phone #:
Date of birth: / Age:
Baptism: Infant Believer
By which church?
Church of current membership:
Marital status:Single Married / Children: Boys / Ages:
Girls / Ages:
Date of marriage: / Wife’s name:
Present occupation:
Formal education:
Institution / Dates / Degree
Employment record (list last two employers)
Employer & address / Position / Dates employed
Name below five references who know you well, including your pastor and elder.
Name: / Email / Current phone #
II. Expectations:
- Describe your relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. When did you become a Christian?
- At this point, what sense of call to this ministry do you have? What people and experiences have influenced you to make this application for director of discipleship?
- What is discipleship? How have you been discipled and how are you discipling?
- What activities and organizations have you been involved in that have given you an opportunity for Christian service?
- What are the attitudes of your parents (if living) and spouse (if married) toward your decision to make application for Director of Discipleship at RMCC?
- Describe your personal devotional life and other means by which you are seeking to grow as a Christian.
III. Experience:
- What experience have you had working in ministry?
- What elements constitute a poor discipleship ministry (in terms of the session, pastor, parents, youth, youth pastor, etc.)?
- What constitutes a successful discipleship ministry (in terms of the session, pastor, parents, youth, youth pastor, etc.)?
- Would people who know you say that you have a heart for Christ and His church?
- How does the gospel relate to discipleship?
- What experience have you had working with youth?
- How would you characterize today’s youth culture? How would you describe their greatest need?
- In your opinion, what are the top five areas for youth to be equipped in before they graduate from high school?
- Have you ever led a person to Christ?
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Twenty years? How long do you desire to be the RMCC Director of Discipleship?
Applicant's Signature
Please email / mail to:
2832 Broadwater Ave., Billings, MT 59102