General Application for Undergraduate Course Assistant for Prof. Foreman
Fill in all required information. Incomplete applications will be discarded. Read the whole form! See the notes at the bottom. All requests will be confirmed or denied via email only. Please check your email DAILY during the break.
Bnumber / first name / Last name / email / phoneB00000000 / / xxx-xxx-xxxx
CheckALLActivity-section numbers (like “A51”, not times or CRN numbers) for which you are available for this course.For courses with multiple sections, if you are selected, you will be assigned one or two of them, depending on class size and number of selectees. The more you list, the better your chances of being selected.For courses that do not have Activity sections, list times when you can have office hours (2 per week).
[Enter the letter “a” (for available) under the section #’s you can cover.
NOTE: not all of these sections may exist, so be careful]
A50 / A51 / A52 / A53 / A54 / A55 / A56 / A57 / B50 / B51 / B52 / B53
N/A / N/A
See BU-Brain or go to for the schedules.
Put an X under the course you are applying for:
105 / 212 / 311/350 / 338 / 360
State the semester you are applying for, not the current semester, here>
Semester AND year when you took the course: / Put an X next to the Instructor who taught the course:
Check your email DAILY and be sure your mailbox does not get filled up. If I send an email requesting a response and you do not respond within 48 hours, your application will be dropped. If you will be unable to check your email for any time during the break, please inform me BEFORE you leave.
Email the completed application to Prof. Foreman. NOTE: These are PAID positions(except for CoE majors who get course credit for the job.) The pay rate is the NY state minimum wage.
IF YOU GET THE POSITION, follow these instructions:
Please come see me the 1st week of classes (see my website for my schedule that week– be sure it’s been updated). At that time, I will give you keys to the cabinets (as needed) and show you where graded papers go.
You MUST bring proof of identity (any one of the following 5) to school the FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES.Original documents only. NO COPIES allowed:
- a US Driver’s license,
- US or Foreign passport,
- Resident Card,
- form I766,
- a previous I9
If you do NOT bring this ID the FIRST WEEK of classes, you CANNOT work and you will be dropped from the position. This is a rule from NY State. The state is VERY strict about this.
You will also need your Social Security card (not just the number).
Go to the PAYROLL office to get an I9 form (or to validate an old one) at the Payroll office. Take your ID (as above) with you! Do NOT say you are going to be a TA. You are going to be a CA (Course Assistant –they might call it a Student Assistant or Undergraduate Course Assistant). A TA is a position only open to GRADUATE students and the rules are different. The payroll office doesn’t know if you are a graduate or not, so you must be careful. These 2 positions have different kinds of paperwork (the TA paperwork is longer). Call or go to Human Resources if you need more info.
Also during week 1, AFTER you go to Payroll, and before you see me, bring the I9 form to my secretary Lucy Pompeii in the CS dept. office, room P01 of the Watson Bldg (see the map on my website). She will give you forms to account for your work hours and I will sign them as you complete the form EACH 2 WEEKS.