The Building Act 1984

The Building Regulations 2010

Building Control

Bishops’ College Churchgate

Cheshunt Hertfordshire EN8 9XE

Tel:01992 785566

Fax:01992 350386

This form should be completed by the owner or agent. Please type or use block capitals.

If the form is unfamiliar please consult the office indicated above.

Only one copy of this form is required with plans and the fee.

1 / Applicant’s address
Name: / 2 / Agent’s address (if applicable)
Address: / Address:
Post code: Tel No: / Post code: Tel No:
E-mail: / E-mail:
3 / Location of building to which work relates
Post codeTel No:
4 / Work carried out
5 / Date work was carried out(if not known give approximate date)
6 / Use of the building? / Present:
Is the building to be put, or intended to be put to one of the following uses?
Hotel or boarding house, factory, office, shop or railway premises. YES/NO
7 / Fees (not refundable)(see Table 1 - 3 of Fees)
New Dwelling: Table 1- please circle number of new Dwellings: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / >5 Fee: £
Conversion:Table 1 - please circle number of Flats created: 2 / 3 / over 3 Fee: £
Extensions: Table 2/3 - please circle floor area: <10m2 / 10-40m² / 40-100m² / >100m² Fee: £
Alterations: Table 2/3 - please state the estimated cost exc. VAT: £ Fee: £
Other Works:Please contact Building Control Manager Total fee enclosed: £
8 / Statement
This notice given in relation to the building work as described, is submitted in accordance with Regulation 21
I enclose drawings showing the building both before and after the work was carried out
I enclose the appropriate charge (Please telephone 01992 785566 for the Building Control charge)
Signed: Name: Date:

BC015 OCTOBER 2010


  1. The applicant is the building owner.
  1. One copy of this notice should be completed and submitted with plans and particulars indicating the works carried out. Further details including structural calculations may be requested.

Where Part B (Fire Safety) imposes a requirement in relation to building work a further two copies of the plans should be deposited.

  1. A regularisation application must be accompanied by the appropriate fee, which is charged at a rate of 120% of the normal fee payable had the works not otherwise already been carried out (VAT is not payable).

The appropriate fee is dependent upon the type of work carried out. Fees scales and methods of calculations are set out in the Guidance Notes on Fees.

  1. In accordance with the Building Regulation 18 the council may require an applicant to take such reasonable steps, including laying open the unauthorised work for inspection, making tests and taking samples as the authority think appropriate to ascertain what work, if any, is required to secure compliance with the relevant requirements are met.
  1. These notes are for general guidance only, full particulars of a “Regularisation” request are contained in Regulation 18 of the Building Regulations 2000, and in respect of fees the Building (Prescribed Fees) Regulations 2010.
  1. Persons who have carried out the building work or have made a material change of use a building are reminded that permission may also have been required under the Town and Country Planning Act.
  1. A Regularisation Certificate shall be evidence (but not conclusive evidence) that the relevant requirements specified in the certificate have been complied with.

BC015 OCTOBER 2010