Minutes of the General Meeting heldJAN 2018at the Bridgewater Inn
GKCSA Executive:Peter Fritz, Daniel Bowden, Gavin Fowler (minutes).
Present:Emilio Colantuano, , David Rinaldi,Andrew Jericho, Ben and Tayla Heath, Greg Stillwell
Apologies:Brandon Stillwell, Warren Nietz, David Dowson, Angus Waite
GKCSA Visitors: Duncan Gavin, Tim Murphy, Ilya Lawson
Meeting opened at 7:39pm with Peter Fritz in the chair.
Previous minutes: Read :All, Moved : PF, Seconded : DB
Business arising from previous minutes:
- Exec draft a constitution for delegates to read - ongoing
- Discuss ‘Bring a Mate’ day, better value if local kart businesses are involved, will start looking at a date – ongoing – date yet to be set – ongoing
- Location of the Race America starting lights is on-going, require the engineering drawings for the race tower to design beams to attach lights to, DB to followup – drawings have been found and is being assessed by an engineer
- Motion by AJ to purchase three more chargers for the Race America Track lights so that each light battery has its own charger, so simultaneously re-charging of batteries can be done, 2nd DB, all passed – ongoing – complete.
- Motion : Nationals practice for non-members will be $50 for 48 hr period, ie the weekend. AJ will coordinate a loan which will be availab;e for pickup when $50 is paid, day membership for practise, and competitor will need to provide the practice at the track if requested – all passed.
- Emails to the club secretary are not getting through the email server- PF to fwd emails as required.
- Received correspondence from KA regarding new Warning Sign update, and new screen printed copies will be posted to our address for the sign boards – sign has arrived
- The green artificial grass on 2 corners has worn and lift from the track, this will need repairing for next year – competed during the Jan working bee.
- Discuss the possible hot weather we predict for the Round 1 of the National; Championship Round, looking at organising air conditioning for te canteen, for the volunteers behind the counter. – ongoing discussion with KA
Previous Business:
- Nil
New Business:
- Recycling bottles and cans stolen again
- Fuel tank leak under tower has melted the bitumen and will require a significant repair. PF to send a reminder to all members that this are is not to be used as a pit area.
- Lawns needs mowing
- Tyre bundles need modifications to bring track back into safety compliance
- Mylaps – clearly the software needs more work to bring it up to a standard that is fit for purpose for karting in Australia. KA needs to look into the issues urgently and feedback has been provided from us from our use of the timing system at our Xmas meeting.
- A new feature of the Mylaps timing is that if you practice with a transponder, your lap times will be available from your registered Mylaps account.
- Motion : PF – Club needs a new telco SIM card for an internet connection to enable the Mylaps timing feature. PF to investigate various plans upto a value of $40 per month.
President’s report:
- New practice rules – see KA manual and webpages for more details
- Motion : PF to purchase new first aid kit and storage container to display at track to comply with new rule
- Motion : WN/PF to coordinate a new track map to be printed and displayed at out grid, need to have maps for each track configuration.
- Motion : PF to purchase a Red and chequer flag and to be positioned at the out grid to be used for practice days to comply with new rules
- New OLT rules and membership procedures for KA like a new App, and a online training video and online safety video to complete before membership.
Other Presidents reports:
Treasurer’s report:
- Reviewed last years race budgets and can report that race meeting provide positive cash flow for the club.
- The current treasurer will stand down at the end of this year.
- The president also comment that he will also stand down at the end of this year.
- Currently have 146financial members
- Note that pro-rata membership commenced this month at $135.
Secretary’s report: Incoming correspondence (in no order):
- See KA website for all the new rules and regulations for 2018.
Delegates Report:
- Our club needs a new Member Protection Officer as our last delegate has retired does not attend meetings anymore.
- Also, the delegate was to provide the Sec with a copy of the previous meeting, but Sec forgot to remind delegate so is hoping that delegate will read this and send a copy to Sec to include in this report.
Race secretaryreport:
- Good feedback that our Xmas meet race format was enjoyable and fun, where seniors were all combined into one race for the endurance race format.
Canteen Report:
- Canteen was in operation during Xmas meeting and some money was left in the cash tin at the end of the day.
Other Business:
- TM discussed the new KA 4-stroke class and inclusion into race meetings
Next is a big discussion on the Nationals
- AJ is going to help PF and cover for him while he is away with work commitments
- The timing of the event in February is a big issue, especially for hot weather. A quote has been received to provide shade at the start grid area, and has being forward to KA.
- All un-official practice for non-members will be $50 for each 48hr period, ie a weekend, and comply to the KA Nationals practice rules.
- A track safety inspection was conducted and a few items need to be addressed for the track to comply for the Nationals Round. A working bee to address these items has been organised for 14 January.
- The last day for Nationals training is 3 Feb at 12:00.
- Working bees to prepare the facility for the Nationals will be held on these dates:
14 Jan, 4 Feb, 11 Feb and 18 Feb.
- Track safety officer, GS, to provide consumables to help with the track preparation.
- TM discussed options to assist with re-cycling practice tyres, and re-sell back to competitors. Previously a cage trailer is provided for all tyres and is emptied at the end of each day. TM to coord if he wishes to do anything different.
- PF is requesting assistance to operate the track safety lights console for the duration of the race weekend, and a starter assistant.
- Rubbish will be a significant issue during the meeting, and EC will investigate options for extra bins to be provided and emptied during the Nationals. Help will be required during the day to empty full bins and generally keep the facility clean and tidy during the event.
Meeting Closed– 10:12pm by Peter Fritz.
Next Meeting –Atthe Bridgewater Inn on Tuesday 6th February from 7:30pm. Those wishing to have dinner prior are requested to arrive and place a food order on a single docket at 6:30pm.