/ MASTS, Scottish Oceans Institute
St Andrews, East Sands, Fife KY16 8LB
Email: / For MASTS Use Only
Proposal Code
Date received

Application for MASTS Visiting Fellowship Scheme

One electronic copy of this application and a CV for the Visiting Fellow, together with any supplementary material must be returned to MASTS by email by the closing date. The completed form should be returned to:

  • Applicants should complete each part of the form as fully as possible.
  • To move from one fill-in location (field) to another, press the UP or DOWN arrow or click the location, unless directed otherwise.

1. / Proposer’s full name and title / Tel: No. (incl.
STD code)
Position held / Fax No.
E-mail address
2. / Name and address of hostorganisation / Postcode
1. / Visiting Fellow full name and title / Tel: No. (incl.
STD code)
Position held / Fax No.
E-mail address
2. / Address of Visiting Fellow / Postcode
3. / Name, address and contact details of VF contracts manager / Contact details
4. / (a) Project title (maximum 120 characters)
(b)Abstract to describe the proposed fellowship to include the main objective, relevance to MASTS and any intended outputs or deliverables. This section of text should not exceed half a page of A4 at a minimum of font size 12.In the event that the application is successful, the abstract may be published on the MASTS website and used in other MASTS publicity material.
This table will expand to accommodate the information you wish to enter. To move to the next field, press the DOWN arrow.
(c) Total cost to MASTS (incl.VAT) / (d) Date submitted to MASTS
(e) Duration / (f) Proposed start date

(g) Which MASTS institutions will the Fellow visit (and dates if available)?

5.Summary of total estimated costs (including VAT) This should include the costs of work/activity which will be funded by (a) MASTS, (b) Bodies other than MASTS, (c) ‘in kind’ contributions as a value, as appropriate. A detailed breakdown of costs is required and only costs relating to the visiting Fellow are eligible. Please note that if the Fellow is funded, we may request that all costs are paid on evidence of actuals.
Funding Body / Cost/Contribution
(b) Other than MASTS
(c) ‘In Kind’
Total Cost: / £


The main objective of the MASTS Visiting Fellowship Scheme is to stimulate and enhance MAST-related research.

6. / Purpose. Summarise the research or technical problem which you propose to address and give reasons why MASTS support should be given. This table will expand to accommodate the information you wish to enter, To move to the next field, press DOWN arrow.
7. / Research context. Please describe how your proposal relates to the current state of knowledge and in which ways the results will advance research/technical understanding.
To move to the next field, press DOWN arrow.
8 / Objective(s). Please give details of (a) each research objective, (b) to what extent these objective(s) are interdependent; and (c) whether any factors exist to delay achievement of the objective(s).
(a)Research objective(s). (Technical and Scientific aims of the research which must be measurable and time-bound, please number the objectives). If your application is accepted, these objectives will be included in the agreement between you and MASTS. Please, therefore, restrict your entry to the salient points and set these out clearly and concisely. To move to the next field, press DOWNarrow.
9. / (a) Approaches and Research Plan. Outline the approaches to be used in realising the objectives and set out the work plan for the life of the project stating clearly how you intend to proceed. Please number the Approaches in the same way as the Objectives. If your application is accepted, the Approaches and Research Plan will be included in the agreement between you and MASTS. Please therefore, restrict your entry to the salient points and set these out clearly and concisely. To move to the next field, press DOWN arrow.
10 / Communication of results
(a)How will the results be communicated? Please list anticipated numbers and if possible expected dates for submission of e.g. publication in refereed journals, trade journals or the press, presentations or demonstrations to the scientific community in trade organisations and internal reports or publications.
To move to the next field, press the DOWN arrow
N.B. In any publication including press articles, the financial support of MASTS MUST be acknowledged.
(b)Any measures that will be taken to encourage technology transfer?
To move to the next field, press the DOWN arrow
11 / Benefits/Impacts
(a)Please describe and quantify the benefits which may arise from this project, how the results will be used and who will make use of the results of this research (e.g. MASTS, Regulators, industry or consumers).
To move to the next field, press the DOWN arrow
(b)Do you think further research or development will be needed before these benefits/impacts can be realised?
To move to the next field, press the DOWN arrow
(c) Is the proposed research likely to lead to:
(I) protectable results (e.g. patents, design Rights etc)? (Enter YES or NO)
(ii) other commercially negotiable Results (such as ‘know-how’)? (Enter YES or NO)
If YES, please give details including interest already expressed
To move to the next field, press the DOWN arrow
12 / Other details
Please give a brief description of the nature of any other contributions (in –cash/in-kind) that may be made to support the proposed Fellowship.
(A letter agreeing to any collaboration or suport should be attached to this application).
(i) Funding contributions other than MASTSTo move to the next field, press the DOWN arrow
(ii) ‘In kind’ contributions To move to the next field, press the DOWN arrow