Event Application Form
For Green Spaces and Loughborough Town Centre
IndexFront Page / Data Protection and Customer Consent
Section 1 / Organiser Details
Section 2 / Event Details
Section 3 / Insurance
Section 4 / Emergency Services
Section 5 / Risk Assessment
Section 6 / Documents available on request from Charnwood Borough Council
Section 7 / Monitoring Information
Section 8 / Documents Submitted
Section 9 / Compliance of Conditions
Section 10 / Guidance Notes to assist you with completing this form and planning your event
Appendix A / Mandatory Conditions
Event Details (please complete)
Name of event:
Event location:
Event date:
Data Protection and Customer Consent
By signing this form I, the data subject, understand and agree that the information about me may be shared across all relevant departments in the Council, the Emergency Services and the Charnwood Events Forum unless such sharing of information is prohibited by statutory instrument or I write to you at the Town Centre Management Department.
NOTE: This form and guidance was last updated on 15 March 2016. Prior to starting a new application please contact us to make sure that you are using the latest version:
Tel: 01509 634713, Email:
Section 1 – Organiser Details
Q1. Name of group / organisation:
Q2. Event organiser (name):
Q3. Event manager (name):
Q4. Contact address:
Q5. Post Code:
Q6. Telephone number(s):
Daytime / Landline (e.g. Home / Work):
Number to be used for public enquiries:
Q7. Email addresses:
To be used for correspondence relating to this application:
To be used for public enquiries:
Q8. What type of organisation are you (e.g. charity, commercial etc.):
Q9. Name of Charity (if applicable):
Q10.Charity registration no (if applicable):
Section 2 – Event Details
(Please also complete event details section on the covering page)
Q1. Brief description of event proposal:
Q2. Type of event (please tick ü all that apply):
Tick ü / Tick ü
Charity/Fundraising event / Non-commercial event
Community event / Commercial event
Civic event / Religious event
Other / If “Other” please explain the nature of the event:
Q3. Date / time to enter site for preparation:
Q4. Event start time(s) each day:
Q5. Event finish time(s) each day:
Q6. Date / time that the site will be vacated after the event:
Q7. Possible alternative site:
Q8. Approximate number of people anticipated to attend*:
Q9. Target audience / participants e.g. age range, area etc.:
Q10. Do you intend to use Highway Directional Signs, Banners or Posters? (Please refer to Guidance Notes) / Yes / No
Q11. Do you intend to utilise or permit any of the following infrastructure / attractions at the event? Please tick all that apply.
Infrastructure / Attraction / Tick ü / Infrastructure / Attraction / Tick ü
Marquees / Fireworks / pyrotechnics
Mobile stage (trailer) / Laser / lighting effects
Constructed stage / Bonfire
Power supply (available at limited sites) / *P. A. system
Lighting / Water (available at limited sites)
Barriers / fencing / Carnival / procession
Horses / donkeys, other animals / Motor cycles / vehicles
Toilets (available at limited sites) / *****Inflatable(s) , e.g. bouncy castles
Stewarding / marshalling / Balloon launch
Security (professional) / Hot Air Balloons
Lost children point / Market stalls
On site communications / Food / drink vendors / caterers
Hot food / drink between 11pm and 5am / **Alcohol
*****Fairground rides / Raffle / draw
Collection for charity / ***Portable generator
****Regulated Entertainment (see Q15) / Other (please specify)
Starred * Infrastructure / Attraction – refer to Guidance Notes (section 10)
Please supply as much information as possible about the above items.
Q12. Premises Licence for Regulated Entertainment (Southfields Park, Queen’s Park and Loughborough Town Centre only)
Please read the Guidance notes in Section 10 and the Mandatory Conditions (Appendix A) before completing this question.
I (name of Activity / Event Organiser):
of (name of Organisation):
have read and agree to abide by the Premises Licence for Regulated Entertainment Mandatory Conditions of Use
for (name of location):
for the (name of Activity / Event):
on (date of Activity / Event):
Q13. Do you have a PRS (Performing Rights Society) Licence? (please tick ü): / Yes / No
Q14. Traffic Management – do you anticipate the need for (please tick ü): / Yes / No
Road closures
Traffic diversions
On street parking restrictions
Car park/parking bays closures
Q15. If you have ticked any of the above, please provide full details of locations, dates and times.
Q16. Please provide details of the number, weight and size of delivery vehicles and/or participating vehicles that intend to remain on site overnight:
Q17. Please provide details of any site closures or exclusions to the general public and how you will manage them for safety / security purposes:
Q18. You are required to ensure that the toilet facilities are adequate. Please submit details of your proposals to include method of disposal and if toilets are hired, the name and address of the hire company:
Q19. Please describe the method(s) which will be used to maintain the area free of litter and refuse during and after the event:
Q20. Will you require car parking space(s)? (this facility is not available at all locations; a fee may be chargeable in certain circumstances) please tick ü:
For event staff / The general public
If yes, please state the number of vehicles attending the event; indicate on your site plan your proposed car parking area and how you intend to manage the parking of those vehicles.
Section 3 – Insurance
Provide a copy of your current policy of insurance in respect of Public Liability or Third Party risks (including products liability where appropriate).
Section 4 – Emergency Services
If permission is given for your event to take place, we request that you notify the following Emergency Services about your event in case of accident or incident:
Ambulance Service
Fire & Rescue Service
Q2. Please supply details of the first aid cover to be provided:
Section 5 – Risk AssessmentAssessment conducted by (print name):
(List hazards here) / Who might be harmed and how?
(List groups of people who are especially at risk from the significant hazards which you have identified) / Is the risk adequately controlled?
(List existing controls here or note where the information may be found) / What further action is necessary to control the risk?
(List the risks which are not adequately controlled and the action you will take where it is reasonably practicable to do so; state who will do it and when)
If you identify any risks or control measures, make sure you tell everyone who needs to know. Guidance on simple risk assessments, including examples, can be found at http://www.hse.gov.uk/risk/index.htm
(please add rows above, or continue on additional page if necessary)
Section 6 – The documents below are available on request from Charnwood Borough Council / Please tick if requiredü
· Large Events (more than 150 attendees) Food Safety Check List – 1 Food Provider
· Large Events (more than 150 attendees) Food Safety Check List – Multiple Food Providers
· Small Events (less than 150 attendees) Food Safety Check List – 1 Food Provider
· Small Events (less than 150 attendees) Food Provider – Multiple Food Providers
· Accident / Incident Form
· Lost and Found Child Procedure
· Lost Child Form
· General Instructions for Stewards / Marshalls
Section 7 – Monitoring Information
Please provide the following information. You may use information from a previous event or estimated figures. This information will be used strictly for our own monitoring requirements.
Ethnic Groups / Tick
ü / Estimated
Numbers / Age / Tick
ü / Estimated
Asian or Asian British / 0-10
Black or Black British / 11-19
Chinese / 20-59
White / 60+
Sex / Tick
ü / Estimated Numbers / Disability / Tick
ü / Estimated Numbers
Male / Yes
Female / No
Section 8 – Documents Submitted
If you have not submitted any of these documents please explain why they are not required or indicate when they will be available
I have enclosed the following documents (tick ü): / Yes / No / Comments
Traffic Plan
Site Plan
PA Site Plan
Route Plan
Noise Action Plan
Copy of Certificate of Public Liability Insurance for event organisation (£5m minimum)
Timetable of event activities
Section 9 – Compliance of Conditions
If permission is granted for the event I hereby agree to comply with the conditions set out in this form & Appendix A, the guidance notes in section 10, and any department terms & conditions and all reasonable instructions given by all authorised Officers of the Council.
Please send this completed form, together with all supporting documentation, to:
If it is not possible to send the form by email, it can be posted to:
Town Centre Operations Officer
Leisure and Culture
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TX
For enquiries contact us on:
Tel: 01509 634713
Section 10 – Guidance Notes to assist you in completing this form and planning you event· All questions in the application form must be answered. If a question does not apply to your event, the answer should be N/A.
· All application forms will be acknowledged by email. Please contact us if you have not received an acknowledgment within ten working days of sending you application.
· A fee may be chargeable for the usage of a green space or Loughborough town centre.
· For some locations a returnable bond of 25% of the total hire will also be required. If damage is incurred during the event, the cost of reparation will be deducted from the returnable bond and any remaining money will be returned. If the reparation of the damage incurred exceeds the returnable bond, the event organisation will be invoiced for the difference between the returnable bond and the actual cost of reparation. If a reparation bond is applicable we will advise you of this in the acknowledgment of your application.
· After an initial assessment of your application has been completed, you may be required to submit an Event Manual; a template document will be sent to you should the need arise.
Section 2
· If you intend to use Highway Directional Signs and / or Banners / Posters, written approval should be obtained from CBC Planning Enforcement which may take up to 8 weeks – telephone 01509 634743 for more information.
· The Council reserves the right to remove any unauthorised advertising and to recover the cost incurred from the event organisation.
· Some / all of these may not be permitted at some / all venues.
· *The location and direction of any PA / sound systems should be highlighted and submitted on the PA site plan.
· **A Temporary Event Notice will be required if there is "retail sale of alcohol".
· ***Petrol-fuelled generators are NOT permitted.
· ****Premises Licence for Regulated Entertainment or Temporary Entertainment Notice may be required
· *****A current ADIPS certificate and risk assessment must be provided for your records for each Fairground ride and Inflatable
· If any of the following activities are proposed as part of the event, this question should be completed.
v Playing of Music
v Dancing
v Entertainment of Similar Description to Making Music & Dancing
v Entertainment of a Similar Description to Regulated Entertainment
v Performance of a Play
v Exhibition of a Film
v Performance of a Dance
v Performance of Live Music
v Making Music
· This question should only be completed after the event organiser has read Appendix A, Mandatory Conditions.
· Queen’s Park, Southfields Park and Loughborough Town Centre are the only venues in Charnwood covered by a Premises Licence for Regulated Entertainment.
· Other green spaces in Charnwood - if any of the activities listed above are proposed as part of the event and more than 499 people will be attending, a TEN (Temporary Event Notice) or Full Event Licence may be required; the event organiser should contact Charnwood Borough Council Licensing Department on 01509 634562 or to discuss your event.
· Do not apply for a TEN or Full Event Licence from the Licensing Department unless you have received permission from us stating that your event can take place. The Licensing Department requires a minimum of ten working days’ notice and the local constabulary must be notified.
· For further information about Alcohol and Entertainment Licences visit http://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/licence_alcohol_and_entertainment
· Your event may require a PRS Licence (Performing Rights Society).
v Why do you need a licence?
Wherever you want to stage a live event you will need to obtain the correct licence.PRS collects and pays royalties to their members when their music is exploited in one of a number of ways including being performed or played in public. If you want to include music in your event you need clearance to do so from the owners of that music. PRS for Music and MCPS (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society) represent the owners and can get you the clearances you need. A licence should be obtained before the event.
v What is a MusicLicence and is itrequired by law?
The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 states that if you use copyright music in public, you must first obtain the permission of every writer or composer of the music you intend to play. PRS for Music represents these copyright owners and so aMusic Licence gives you the legal permission to play any copyright music controlled by them. A Music Licence is required regardless of the ownership of any other type of licence.
v What happens if I don’t obtain a Music Licence?
If you do not obtain a Music Licence, the performance of copyright music in public would be unauthorised and may constitute an infringement of copyright. PRS for Music may take legal action for infringement of the performing right and you may have to pay costs and damages if PRS for Music has to take legal action.