Taught Postgraduate Degrees

Application for Extension in Submission/Resubmission Time for Dissertation


1.1  This form should be used only for extensions to the submission or resubmission time for a dissertation.

1.2  A student seeking an extension to the deadline for the submission/resubmission of a dissertation should first complete section 2. The form should then be passed to the supervisor.

1.3  The supervisor should provide a report on the student’s work, including specific comments on the reasons for delay and on the timetable for completion.

1.4  The form should then be forwarded to the School Officer, who will submit it for the approval of the School Director of Graduate Studies (Taught Programmes), accompanied by the student file.

1.5  The School Director of Graduate Studies (Taught Programmes) may approve extensions which do not exceed three months. If the extension exceeds this, the School Officer should forward the form and student file to the Chair of the Faculty’s Director of Graduate Studies (Taught Committee for approval, following approval from the School Director of Graduate Studies (Taught Programmes).

Email: Tel:
Degree: Programme:
Period of registration – From: To:
Previous periods of intermission: (give dates):
Mode of study (Full-time or part-time):
School: Supervisor:
2.  Student’s Statement
I anticipate that I will need an extension to the submission/resubmission time for dissertation.
This statement should provide:
2.1  An account of the present state of the work:
2.2  The reasons why an extension is required:
2.3  An estimate of the extra time required to complete the dissertation:
2.4  A timetable for completing the dissertation agreed with the supervisor:
2.5  Details of any previous intermissions or extensions:
Signed: …………………………………………….. Date: …………………………
3.  Supervisor’s Statement
This should include comments on each element of the student’s statement in section 2.
Signed: …………………………………………….. Date: ……………………….
4.  Recommendation of the School Director of Graduate Studies (Taught Programmes):
This must state, as appropriate, the period of extension approved.
Signed: …………………………………………… Date: ………………………….
5.  Recommendation of the Faculty Director of Graduate Studies
This must state, as appropriate, the period of extension approved.
Signed: ……………………………………………… Date: …………………………

Updated April 2013