Post applied for Full or Part Time

Days and Times you are available for work


1.  Title 5. Date of Birth

2.  First Name(s) 6. Daytime Telephone Number

3.  Surname

4.  Address 7. Evening Telephone Number



8. 8. E-mail address

9. Please give details of:

(a)  The educational Qualifications you have achieved (b) Apprenticeships or traineeships you have completed

(c) Courses you have attended (d) Any other skills which may be relevant to the work

10.Please give details of your work history over the last five years:

Name of Employer / From / To / Brief details of duties / Reasons for leaving

11. How soon can you start work? 17. Briefly give the reasons why why you want to work in

this particular job.

12.Can you obtain references if necessary (tick a box)

Yes (complete Q 19) No

13.Do you have a driving licence (tick a box)

Yes No (go to Question 17)

What type of Licence is it? (tick more than one box if applicable)

CAR MOTOR 18. If there are any other facts

CYCLE that you think will be useful when we consider your

application, please list them. PUBLIC SERVICE VEHICLE - Class


14.Do you have any driving endorsements (tick a box)

Yes No (go to Question 17)

Please give details

19. Please give the names and

addresses and telephone

numbers of two referees

15.. How will you travel to this job?

16. Does your health stop you doing certain types of work

(tick a box)

Yes No (go to question 17)


Please give details

To the best of my knowledge the information

given on this form is correct.




Fairways Leisure Group Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, ethnic origins, national origins, marital status, disability, age or religion.

In order to help Fairways Leisure Group Ltd. ensure its equal opportunities policy is carried out would you please provide the information requested below, which will be kept in strictest confidence separate from your application form.

Name: Date of Birth:

Position applied for: Reference:

Please tick the appropriate boxes in the following sections

Sex Female Male

Marital Status Married Not married (ie single, widowed, divorced)

Ethnic Origin (This does not mean nationality or citizenship. UK citizens can belong to any one of the ethnic groups)

Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi / Chinese / Other - Specify
Black / White
Caribbean / African / Other - Specify / European / Other - Specify

Do you require a work permit to work in the UK? Yes No

Are you registered as disabled? Yes No

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence (other than a "Spent" conviction as specified under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)?

Yes No

If you answered yes to the last question please give details.

Signed Date