Application for CPC Project Assistance
Instructions: We encourage non-profit organizations and municipal agencies to contact the CPC with ideas for projects that can benefit the community while providing meaningful service-learning for RWU students. Please fill out the Application for Project Assistance, answering all applicable questions and including all supporting documents.
In order for any project to be considered for assistance, completed applications must be submitted to CPC Project Coordinator, Stephany Hessler, by 5 pm on March 3, 2014. Applications may be submitted by:
Fax: (401) 254-3565
Mail: RWU Community Partnerships Center
Roger Williams University
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809-2921
Any questions regarding the application process can be directed to Stephany at (401) 254-5211.
CPC project services are performed by students in support of their educational experience. Applicants shall understand that any deliverables generated through an accepted project are intended to provide conceptual information only to assist design and planning and as such are not intended, nor should they be used for, construction or other project implementation. Professional and/or other services may be needed to ultimately implement a sponsor’s desired goals.
SECTION 1: Organization Information
Name of Organization: Association for Gravestone Studies
Mailing Address: 101 Munson St, suite 108, Greenfield, MA 01301
Name of Project Contact Person(s): Anne Tait (trustee) & Jacky Santos (Administrator)
Contact Information:
Phone: 401-301-9034 (cell); Fax:
(413) 772-0836 (AGS office)
E-mail: &
Type of Organization
ð Public (town, city, municipality, special district, government agency)
ð Private (citizen, non-profit)
ð Other (please explain)
Description of Organization and Mission:
The Association for Gravestone Studies (AGS) was founded in 1977 for the purpose of furthering the study and preservation of gravestones. AGS is an international organization with an interest in gravemarkers of all periods and styles. Through its publications, conferences, workshops and exhibits, AGS promotes the study of gravestones from historical and artistic perspectives, expands public awareness of the significance of historic gravemarkers, and encourages individuals and groups to record and preserve gravestones.
How did you hear about the CPC? Anne Tait, RWU professor
SECTION 2: Project Description
Title of the Project: Study of State Laws Protecting Graves and Graveyards
Project Location (Address, City, State, and Zip): Can be done remotely but organization is housed in Greenfield, MA
General Project Description (you may attach a longer narrative if necessary):
The AGS is frequently sought by the public for support in protecting gravestones and graveyards/cemeteries. But since there is not nation-wide legal protection for historic cemeteries (except native American), the staff and board are often and haphazardly seeking this information state by state. It is the plan that this year the AGS would work with the CPC to establish a database that compiles existing state and national laws in one database that includes the web links to SHPO offices and Secretary of State’s citations and also pulls the various wording and enforcement methods throughout the 50 states.
In addition, we hope that with this information readily available we can go forward with assessment of varying states’ best practices in this area of preservation. In that way we can use our well-experienced board and the help from this project to lead in more effective protection of these often fragile historic resources.
Potential Scope of Work/Tasks for RWU CPC[1](you may attach a longer narrative if necessary):
The first step is to create a database structure that can bring together the web links, and citations into one state-by-state system. In the database it is important to have the contact offices and enforcement information as well. This structure can then be filled in the project by the most up-to-date information on each state’s laws.
What will be the final product output for this project? (survey, website, design plans, drawings, etc.)
We would like to have the database eventually provided on our website at In addition we plan to further study this to make a nation-wide recommendation of best methods for revising laws based on evaluation of this compendium.
We could like to have the advise of legal professionals who are familiar with environmental laws. Are there other areas where this kind of study has been done and how can we benefit from their methodologies?
Proposed Project Schedule (when the tasks/project needs to be completed):
This is long-term goal we are very grateful to have a chance to work on. The schedule can be worked out within the academic year. First, database categories and legal sources.
Please provide the names and contact information for any staff members or volunteers who will be playing a primary role in the proposed CPC project.
Anne Tait 401-254-3768 or 401-301-9034
Jacky Santos 413.772.0836
What resources/previous work would the CPC be building upon that you already have completed? (Please select all items that are applicable)
ð Strategic Plan
ð Marketing & Communication Plans
ð Additional organizational documents
ð Preliminary photos of the site/project
ð Maps
ð Previous research
ð Survey results
ð Architectural or building plans
What active support would your organization be able to contribute should your project be selected?
ð Funding
ð Volunteers
ð Staff time
ð Consultants
ð Other (please list)
SECTION 3: Project Outcomes
Please describe how this project will benefit your organization and the advancement of your mission:
As stated above, this state-by-state study would help to guide us in both education and policy regarding the protection or lack of protection for cemeteries/graveyards. This would be the first step toward offering the public a comprehensive list as well as evaluating the quality of protection to historic cemeteries.
Please describe how this project might benefit the overall community, including specific groups that could benefit from this project (i.e. target populations, neighborhoods, specific town/city/region).
Local communities are often faced with outside and inside threats to their historic cemeteries. They seek support from their state leadership to assist. They also contact AGS for help when they are not able to find state support. It is an important role we play that could be better served if we had in hand the contacts and legal materials on individual states regarding historic cemeteries and the recourses they offer. It is important to our mission and our membership, but also to the historic resources that conjoin us in the AGS.
Please explain why you have chosen to seek assistance from the RWU CPC with your project request, instead of undertaking the project using fee-for-services from a paid professional:
We feel that this project would serve a valuable educational opportunity for someone in preservation and/or preservation law as it is an important area content in preservation. Cemeteries hold not just historical, artistic and design significance, but human remains. This added issue is one unevenly addressed. With our modest budget and more remote location, we haven’t found the opportunity to cultivate this important area of our mission: legal protections for cemeteries. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to do so.
Please describe how this project will benefit RWU students.
SECTION 4: Financial Information
What is your organization’s annual operating budget? Please include a copy of your most recent budget with the application.
What are your major sources of funding?
How much funding from your annual operating budget is set aside for this project (if any)?
SECTION 5: Private Sector Involvement
Have you or your organization discussed the project with practicing professionals (e.g. architect, engineer, planner, consultants, etc.)? (please circle one): Yes / No
Our board has practicing professionals in these areas.
If no, please explain why:
SECTION 6: Supporting Documents
Please include the following items when submitting your application:
ð Budget for the current fiscal year
ð List of current Board members
ð Copies of supporting resources identified in section 2 as needed to support your application
ð AGS Board of Trustees
ð Officers:
ð Mark Nonestied (NJ) Andrea Carlin (MA) Dennis Montagna (PA) Joshua Segal (NH)
ð Trustees Nancy Adgent (NY) Lynne Baggett (MS) Perky Beisel (TX) Elise Ciregna (MA) Bob Drinkwater (MA) Joseph Ferrannini (NY) Joy Giguere (IN) Judy Juntunen (OR) Charles Marchant (VT) John Martine (IL) Sabrina Selfridge (CT) Brian Sheehy (MA) Richard Siembab (RI) Ed Snyder (PA) Jenny Swadosh (NY) Anne Tait (RI) Meg Winslow (MA)
Ex Officio:
ð Jim Freeman (MA) Laurel Gabel (MA) June Hadden Hobbs (NC) Richard Meyer (OR)
[1] CPC project services are performed by students in support of their educational experience. Applicants shall understand that any deliverables generated through an accepted project are intended to provide conceptual information only to assist design and planning and as such are not intended, nor should they be used for, construction or other project implementation. Professional and/or other services may be needed to ultimately implement a sponsor’s desired goals.