Competency Assessment

Project 11-1: Insert Pictures and Clip Art

An employee at Blue Yonder Airlines wants to add graphics to a worksheet that summarizes annualsales.


1. OPEN the Annual Sales file for this lesson.

2. On the Insert tab, click Clip Art. The Clip Art task pane opens.

3. In the Results Should Be fi eld, select Photographs. All other media types should bedeselected. The ClipArt search feature will not work without an Internet connection.

4. Key Airplane in the Search for fi eld and click Go.

5. Scroll through the search results and select an image of an airplane in an open sky.The image will be inserted and the Picture Tools tab will be activated.

6. In the Size group, click the value box in Shape Height, key 1, and press Enter.

7. Click the picture and move it to the blank space on the right side of A1.

8. Use the sizing handles to shrink the picture so that it fi ts into the blank space to theright of the title.

9. With the picture selected, use the keyboard arrow keys to align the picture against theright boundary of column B.

10. In the Picture Styles group, click Soft Edge Rectangle.

11. SAVE the workbook as Annual Sales 11-1. CLOSE the workbook and the Clip Art taskpane.

LEAVE Excel open to use in the next project.

Project 11-2: Format and Resize SmartArt Graphics

The School of Fine Arts has created a SmartArt graphic to represent the steps a department mustcomplete in order to add a new course to the department course offerings.

OPEN the Curriculum file for this lesson.

1. Click to select the WordArt text box at the top of the worksheet.

2. On the Format tab, click Morein the WordArt Styles group.

3. On the WordArt gallery, click Fill – Red, Accent2, Matte Bevel (last row).

4. Click to select the SmartArt graphic. Close the Text pane.

5. On the Design tab, click Change Colors and click Colored Outline - Accent 2.

6. Use the right-center sizing handle to decrease the graphic’s width and align thegraphic pane with the title.

7. Click Text Box on the Insert tab. Draw the text box in the center of the graphic.

8. Key New Course Cycle in the box. Widen the text box to accommodate the text youentered.

9. Click Shape Fill on the Format tab. Click Dark Red in standard colors.

10. Click in Shape Height value box and key 0.3. Press Enter.

11. Use the arrow keys to move the text box to the center of the SmartArt graphic.

12. SAVE the workbook as Curriculum 11-2 and then CLOSE the file.

LEAVE Excel open for the next project.

Proficiency Assessment

Project 11-3: Insert Pictures and Shapes into SmartArt

1. OPEN Curriculum from the data files for this lesson.

2. On the Insert tab, click Picture.

3. Select the Book image from the student files for Lesson 11 and click Insert.

4. Resize the picture so it is the same size as the SmartArt graphic. Move the picture sothat the graphic is hidden.

5. On the Format tab, click Brightness: _40% Contrast –40%.

6. Click Send Backward.

7. Click in the SmartArt graphic and press Ctrl_Ato select all the shapes in the graphic.

8. In the Shape Styles group on the Format tab, click Colored Outline – Red, Accent 2.Click outside the SmartArt graphic.

9. SAVE the workbook as Curriculum 11-3 and CLOSE the file.

LEAVE Excel open for the next project.

Project 11-4: Format and Reset a Picture to Its Original State

GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running.

1. OPEN the Pictures workbook file for this lesson.

2. Click the second picture in the fi rst column. On the Format tab, click Selection Pane.

3. In the Selection and Visibility pane, click Picture 1.

4. In the Picture Styles group, click Reflected Rounded Rectangle.

5. Click Color and in the Recolor area click Sepia.

6. Click Picture 2 in the task pane. Click Picture Effects.

7. Point to Glow and click Red, 5 pt. glow, Accent color 2.

8. Select Picture 3 in the task pane and click Crop. Place the crop tool at the lower rightcorner and drag up to the bottom of desktop in the picture. Click Crop again tocomplete the crop.

9. Select Picture 4 in the task pane. Click the Change Picture icon and select Book. ClickInsert.

10. Click Picture 2 and click Reset Picture.

11. SAVE the workbook as Pictures 11-4. CLOSE the workbook.

LEAVE Excel open for the next project.

Mastery Assessment

Mastery Assessment

Project 11-5: Create an Organization Chart

Blue Yonder Airlines wants to create an organization chart. Use SmartArt graphics to create and formatan organization chart.

GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running.

1. OPEN a new blank workbook.

2. On the Insert tab, click SmartArt.

3. Click Hierarchy and click Organization Chart.75

4. Enter the following information in the Text pane. When you have entered the names,the assistant shape should be connected to the line between the CEO and the twomanagers. Click Promote to move a shape to a higher level and click Demote to movea shape to a lower level as needed.

Name Position Reports to

Kim Ralls Executive

Mikael Sandberg Corporate Sales/Charter Flights CEO

John Evans Flight School and Sky DivingCEO

Frank PellowSales Representative Mikael Sandberg

Linda Russell Sales Representative Mikael Sandberg

Scott SeelySales Representative John Evans

Tracy Tallman Flight Instructor John Evans

Katie Jordan Sky Diving Instructor John Evans

Elsa Leavitt Assistant

5. Move the SmartArt graphic to the upper-left edge of the worksheet.

6. Use a corner-sizing handle to expand the graphic so that it fi ts in A1:I20.

7. On the Design tab, click Subtle Effect.

8. SAVE the workbook as Blue Yonder 11-5. CLOSE the file.

LEAVE Excel open for the next project.

Project 11-6: Correct Shapes and Images

GET READY. LAUNCH Excel if it is not already running.

1. OPEN the Advertising file for this lesson.

2. Press Shift to select the shapes and change the height of the shape to 1 inch high by1.35 inches wide.

3. Apply Colored Outline – Aqua, Accent 5 style to the shapes.

4. Rotate the shapes 20º.

5. Select the connectors and change the shape outline weight to 1½ ptand the shapeoutline to dark red.

6. Insert the Ship picture from the data files for this lesson.

7. Set shape height at 4.5 inches and accept the default width.

8. Change the picture brightness to _40%.

9. Send the picture behind the connected shapes.

10. SAVE the workbook as Advertising 11-6. CLOSE the workbook.

LEAVE Excel open for the next project.