Northern Ontario Exports Program

Application for Export Marketing Assistance 2016


Company’s Full Legal Name:

Mailing Address:

Business Address:

City: Postal Code:

Telephone: Fax:

E-mail: Web Site:

Total company annual revenue: $0 – $500K ___ $500K - $1 M ___

$1 – $2M ___ $2M – $5M ___

$5 – $10M ___ $10 - $20M ___

$20 M + ___

What sector does your company primarily serve (e.g. mining)? ______

Percentage of revenue from your primary sector: ____ %

Please indicate % of revenue and sector name for up to three other significant sectors served by your company below - if applicable:


Percentage of your primary sector sales sold in Canada outside of Ontario: ___ %

Percentage of your primary sector sales exported to areas outside of Canada: ___ %

Total number of employees: ____ and employees serving your primary sector: ____

How has the number of your employees changed over the past 2-3 years?

(Please provide a brief description)



Names of Key Personnel:

President: Tel #:

Finance: Tel #:

Sales/Marketing: Tel #:

Key Contact for this Application:

Name: Title:

Tel #: Fax:


Business Status:

Has the business been a registered company (federally

or provincially) for a minimum of two years?

Corporation or registration number of business

Is the business currently established and operating in

Northern Ontario? (If yes, briefly describe the scope of

operations in Northern Ontario)

To your knowledge, is the business in compliance with all

government laws and regulations?

Products and Services:

Please provide a brief description of products/services supplied to your primary sector(s) and as supported by this application:

If different from above, give a short description of products and/or services that you currently export or have export potential:

Strategic Planning and Marketing:

Are you part of or have you completed the Strategic Export

Marketing Program (SEMP)? Yes___ No___

Do you currently have a written export strategic plan? Yes ___ No ___

Do you currently have a written export marketing plan? Yes ___ No ___

(Please attach copies of any written strategic and marketing plans with your application)

How many employees are engaged in sales and marketing?

Indicate which best describes your current target markets and/or client base:

Local ___ Regional ___ Canada ___ International ___

Please state which countries, if any, you have

shipped / supplied products or services to over the past 3 years:

Indicate the continents/regions in which you feel there is a demand for your products or services and which you are interested in pursuing:

North America ___ South America ___ Africa ___

Asia Pacific ___ Middle East ___ Europe ___

Eastern Europe & Former Soviet Union ___ Mexico ___

Indicate which of the following marketing tools you currently utilize (check all that apply):

Web Site ___ Sales Training ___ E-commerce ___

Sales Calls ___ Trade Shows ___ Publicity ___

Conventions ___ Media Releases ___ Local Reps ___

Brochures ___ Lead Generation ___ Social Media ___

Newsletter ___ Telemarketing ___ Ad campaign ___

Plant Tours ___ Customer Service ___ Databases ___

Demos ___ Workshops ___ Tech. Papers ___

Market ___ Direct Mail / ___ Strategic ___

Research Fax / Email Alliances

Promo Items ___ In Market Intel. ___


Proposed Project Start Date and End Date

Proposed Project start and end date refers to the actual project start date and end date related to the activities listed in the application. Do not enter the date the application was submitted, or dates that do not specifically relate to the proposed project activities.

Please provide a brief summary of the proposed project. (please number multiple projects)

Please describe how your proposed project is a NEW export initiative for your company.





Why do you feel that your product and/or service is a suitable fit for the intended market(s) of this project?

What is your total marketing budget for 2016? ______


Applicants are required to provide quantitative and qualitative measures to demonstrate the successful completion of activities contained in the funding proposal.

The estimated dollar value of total new export sales

the company expects to achieve in the target market(s)

within 3 months of completing the proposed activities?

The estimated dollar value of total new export sales

the company expects to achieve in the target market(s)

within 3 year of completing the proposed activities?

The estimated number of new jobs created in Northern

Ontario as a result of export sales generated from the

target market(s)?

The estimated number of jobs maintained in Northern

Ontario as a result of your export marketing/sales

initiatives into target markets supported by your

proposed projects? (or alternatively estimated jobs at

risk should your efforts into target export markets be

unsuccessful) ______

The estimated number of products being certified for the

target market(s)? (applicable only if the project includes

product certification activities)

Please outline any other developments that may occur as a result of the proposed activities in the target market (for example setting up local representation, joint ventures) and how these will deliver economic benefit for your company:


In addition, how will your proposed project(s) be affected if the requested EMA funding is not approved? ______




* Please note that the evaluation committee has the right to determine the eligibility of all activity costs noted in your application. Only costs incurred after the date of your final, signed application being received are eligible. Ineligible activity costs include, and are not limited to: capital costs, expenses not directly associated with the project and/or deemed unrelated to export marketing, feasibility studies, proposal preparation, alcoholic beverages, gratuities, personal mileage, personal email/telephone or other telecommunications charges and travel and accommodations inside of Ontario. Eligible activity costs should include non-refundable HST only. If a portion of the HST will be reimbursed, indicate what percentage is refundable. (Note: refundable taxes should not be shown as either an eligible cost)

Activity / Amount ($) / Description
Outgoing Trade Missions and Activities
Booth rental and related exhibition costs
Translation services
Marketing activities (show guide, mail-out, other)
Return economy airfare for a maximum of two people
Matchmaking (pre-arranged meetings, preparation of company profiles, other)
Product testing (to meet foreign standards and certification)
Follow-up activities
Accommodations and meals up to $150 per person per day for a maximum of two people
Marketing/promotional materials
Developing display panels, pavilions, information booths
Ground transportation
Website enhancement/development
Total Project Costs:


Contributors / Financing Type* / Funding Status** / Activities Funded (if applicable) / Total Funding
(Your Company)
(other funding sources if)
MSS EMA Amt Requested / Conditional Contribution
MSS EMA% of Total Project Costs

*e.g. cash, in-kind, conditional contribution, etc. **e.g. confirmed, pending approval, etc.

Are you receiving any funding for this project from other Public

Sector funding sources? Yes ___ No ___

If yes, please describe the nature of the funding?


Below please state what year and month you anticipate submitting your claim amount. Claims can only be made upon the completion of all activities completed no later than March 2017.

Fiscal year / Projected Month / Projected $


We hereby declare that:

1.  That all information provided in this application is accurate and verifiable.

2.  We understand that contributions from the program to carry out the Project will be done in an economical and businesslike manner, demonstrate due diligence, and that all expenses incurred shall be done through a process that promotes the best value for the money.

3.  The City of Greater Sudbury, acting as the steward for the Northern Ontario Exports Program will not be held responsible for any cost overruns related to the Project

4.  We understand that The City of Greater Sudbury has the sole right to reduce the amount of the contribution.

5.  We understand that contribution payouts will only be made upon reconciliation of receipts provided by the recipient and following the completion of project activities.

6.  We confirm that the company has sufficient resources, both financial and human, to deliver on the potential increase in business activity that may result by carrying out the stated activities.

7.  We have fully disclosed whether any other public sector funding sources have been secured or requested for the same Project activity(s) being applied for in this application.

8.  We understand that the program may be promoted publicly to provide an opportunity for other firms to benefit and learn from our experience. We agree to assist with media interviews and to provide our company profile as well as report on any successes we have garnered via the program up to three years after the stated project completion.

Please accept this application for export marketing assistance through the Northern Ontario Exports Program.

Company: ______

Name: ______Title: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Please forward your completed application to Scott Rennie, Project Manager, Northern Ontario Exports Program, Ontario’s North Economic Development Corporation, , fax: (705) 671-6767 Tel: (705) 674-4455 X4403

Application forms are available at or may be obtained by emailing Scott Rennie at ONEDC. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis. Program funding is limited. There is no guarantee that all applications meeting program criteria will be approved.

Northern Ontario Exports Program 2016

Ontario’s North Economic Development Corporation (ONEDC) 1