Application for Class of 2014
Thank you for your interest in Leadership Saskatoon! Please review this information before completing an application.The deadline for submissions is June 14, 2013.
Documents Required:
There are five (5) documents we require for your application to Leadership Saskatoon. Please submit these electronically using the form and templates embedded on page 3:
- One completed application form
- Two (2) references
- One personal biography
- Your responses to five selection questions
If you are seeking tuition assistance, please also complete and submit that application form (see bottom of page 2).
Selection Procedure:
Candidates will be selected based on the information provided by the applicant and their two references.Leadership Saskatoon values diversity of age, ethnicity, employment sector, gender, socio-economic status, etc.
Because the program is highly experiential, full attendance andparticipation is expected. The majority of the program takes place during regular work hours, so it is imperative that supervisors/managers of program applicants are fully aware and prepared to support the time commitment involved.
Program Dates for 2013-2014:
Please review theseprogram dates to ensure you have no major schedule conflicts. [Double click on the icon to open.]
Tuition for the 2013 - 2014 program is $3,500. This covers food and lodging for the opening retreat, all materials, and costs for all challenge days. Tuition is to be paid by August 15, 2013 unless other arrangements have been made. Leadership Saskatoon urges employers to support participants by providing tuition assistance; applicants are encouraged to seek their employer's support.
Tuition Assistance:
A lack of funding should not deter anyone from making an application to the program. Some funding for tuition assistance is available. Please note: tuition assistance is considered a taxable benefit.
For further information go to or contact the office at 306-683-2265.
2013 - 2014 Application Form
Your Contact Information
Employer and Job Title: ______
Business Address Postal Code
Business telephone
Home Address Postal Code
Home telephone ______
Please indicate which address and telephone number you prefer us to use and share.
Business _____Home _____
Preferred e-mail address for communicating with LS: ______
Payment Information
If you are selected for the Class of 2014, to whose attention should the invoice for tuition ($3500) be sent?
Name ___
Address ______Postal Code
Telephone number ______
Please note any special instructions for our attention:
Tuition Assistance:
If you are seeking financial assistance from Leadership Saskatoon, please complete this form to make your case, and submit it with the rest of the required documents.(Double-click on the icon to open).
Additional Required Documents (preferably in electronic form (.doc or .rtf))
- References
We require references from two people who know you as a leader and are willing to support your application to participate in Leadership Saskatoon. using this reference form. (Double-click on the icon to open).
- Personal Biography
We need a personal biography to share with the selection committee and with a potential mentor. Please use this form and follow the instructions given.
- Selection Questions
Please answer all questions in this template and submit with your application.
Final Instructions:
- Ensure your name is recorded on all documents.
- Submit your completed application and all required documents to:no later than June 14, 2013.
Thank you for your interest!
We're looking forward to receiving and reviewing your application. The office will contact you by email to confirm receipt. All applicants will be notified once selection decisions are made.