LocklandLocalSchool District – Memorial Room
Minutes - Regular Meeting - Board of Education
Thursday, June 24, 2010 (Rescheduled from June 10, 2010)
The LocklandLocalSchool District Board of Education held a regular meeting on Thursday, June 24, 2010 in the High School Memorial Room. President Terry Gibson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Call to Order
Roll Call - All Present - Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Opening Exercises – Pledge of Allegiance
RESOLUTION #120 – 6/2010 - Approval - Revision of Agenda
It was moved by Mr. Gibson and seconded by Mrs. Neal to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
Public Participation - None
RESOLUTION #121 – 6/2010 - Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve the minutes of the regular meeting heldThursday, May 6, 2010 and the special meeting held Monday, May 24, 2010.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
VII. Business of the Board & Committee Reports
a. Old Business –
- Monthly Reports: Athletics, Food Services
b. New Business – Co-op agreement with Village of Lockland for district’s fuel.
c. Discussion Items
d. Committee Reports
Operations, Safety & Facilities Committee – Mrs. Carter and Mr. Gibson – June 29 at 1:00
Finance Committee – Mrs. Cromer and Mrs. Neal – (None)
Education-Student Achievement Committee – Mrs. Cromer and Mrs. Carter (None)
Government Relations Committee – Mrs. Strole and Mrs. Cromer (None)
Public Relations Committee – Mrs. Strole and Mrs. Neal – June 24 – Levy and OE publicity
OSBA Student Achievement Liaison – Mrs. Cromer – (None)
Minutes – 6/24/10
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OSBA Legislative Liaison – Mrs. Strole – (None)
Great Oaks District Liaison – Mr. Gibson – One Lockland student $1000 Scholarship
VIII. Treasurer’s Report & Recommendations
RESOLUTION #122 – 6/2010 – Approve Financial Reports, May 2010
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to approve the following financial reports for May, 2010 as presented byTreasurer, Larry McDonough:
a. Lockland Schools May, 2010 Cash Report
b. Receipt Ledger Report of All Funds 5/1/10 – 5/31/10
c. Check Register Report for Processing Months of May, 2010
d. Financial Summary Report for Processing Months of May, 2010
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #123 – 6/2010 – Approve Supplemental Appropriations, FY 2010
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to approve Supplemental Appropriations for FY 2010 as presented, Appendix A.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #124 – 6/2010 – Approve Fund Advances and Transfers, FY 2010
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve advances and transfers of funds FY 2010 as presented, Appendix B.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #125 – 6/2010 – Approve Temporary Appropriations, FY 2011
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to approve Temporary Appropriations for FY2011 as presented, Appendix C.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
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Meeting Topics and/or Presentations
- Family & Civic Engagement Team and Plan – Barb Greiwe
- Credit Flexibility Plan – Barb Greiwe
Superintendent’s Recommendations
RESOLUTION #126 – 6/2010 – Reduce In Force Social Worker, Arlington HeightsAcademy
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to reduce in force the position of Social Worker at Arlington HeightsAcademy for financial reasons for the 2010-11 school year.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #127 – 6/2010 – EmployArlington HeightsAcademyBuilding Secretary, Kathy Roberts
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to employ Kathy Roberts as a secretary for the Arlington HeightsAcademy for the 2010-11 school year at Step 1, $13.58 per hour, 7.5 hours per day, 211 days per school year on the OAPSE Salary Schedule.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #128 – 6/2010 – Grant Salary Notices,
M.Fritsch, A.Ellis, D.Wilson, S.Thieryoung, A.Stewart
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Strole to grant salary notices to the following unclassified personnel for the 2010-11 school year at their current rate and hours:
Mert Fritsch Alta Ellis Donna Wilson Sara Thieryoung Adam Stewart
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #129 – 6/2010 – Grant One-Year Contract 2010-11, David Bartoe
It was moved by Mrs. Neal and seconded by Mrs. Strole to grant a one-year contract for David Bartoe as Literacy Specialist, Data Manager and Technology Coordinator for Reading First at the rate of $71,300 for the 2010-11 school year.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
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RESOLUTION #130 – 6/2010 – Accept Resignation H.S. Spanish Teacher, Molly Biddle
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to accept the resignation of Molly Biddle as H.S. Spanish Teacher, effectiveAugust 19, 2010.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #131 – 6/2010 –Recall Employment, Spanish Teacher Nancy Ciriaco
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to recall the employment of Nancy Ciriaco at Step 10, BA + 18, $52,960 as Spanish Teacher K-12 for the 2010-11 school year.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #132 – 6/2010 – Increase Number of Bells on Teaching Contract, Emily Stanyard
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to increase the number of bells on the teaching contract of Emily Stanyard from 4/7th time to 6/7ths time for the 2010-11 school year, Step 15, MA+15 level.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #133 – 6/2010 – Renew Computer Network Service Contract, Forward Edge Company
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to renew the computer network service contract with the Forward Edge Company for three days per week, 144 total days, effective July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011 in the amount of $75,000.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #134 – 6/2010 – Accept $50 Donations, Scottrade
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to acknowledge receipt of a $50.00 donation from Scottrade to the Arlington HeightsAcademy.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
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RESOLUTION #135 – 6/2010 – Adopt Board Policy Manual Updated February 11, 2010
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to adopt the Lockland Local School District’s Board Policy Manual with an adopted date of February 11, 2010 as per Ohio School Boards Association’s Policy Revision Services.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #136 – 6/2010 – Pre-Approve Tuition Reimbursements
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to pre-approve tuition reimbursement to the following teachers as per LEA negotiated agreement:
Name Course Title & No. University Hours
Amanda Brickler Vergil, Aeneas, & Augusts 699A Miami 3 Sem
Brad Gaertner Interpretations & Apps. Research Ed. EDT689 Miami 3 Sem
Disorete Math for Secondary Teachers MTH604 Miami 3 Sem
Probability & Stats STA609 Miami 3 Sem
Amy Wagar Foundations of Ed. Admin EDFD505 Xavier 3 Sem
Chad Welage Human Development: Adolescence 18EDST737 U.C. 3 Qtrs
Jenni Mutters Problem Based Learning & Picture Perfect Science Ashland 4 Sem
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #137 – 6/2010 – Approve Stipend, Curriculum & Assessment – P. Cochran, J. Gibson
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to approve the following teachers for curriculum and assessment development work during the summer 2010 at $20 per hour for up to 35 hours funded by the School Improvement Grant:
Peggy Cochran Justin Gibson
ROLL CALL: Yeas (4) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Abstain (1) Mr. Gibson
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
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RESOLUTION #138 – 6/2010 – Accept Grant Monies, 2010-11 School Year
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to accept grant monies for the 2010-2011 school year as follows:
Title I - $344,331.78 (Title I $34,433.18 set aside for professional development)
Title IIA (Improving Teacher Quality) - $48,388.75
Title IID (Technology) - $1182.71
Special Education – Part B – IDEA - $155,471.19
Early Childhood Special Education – IDEA - $2,398.05
Alternative Challenge Grant - $32,997.00
Reading First Grant - $317,301.00
ARRA Title I - $72,547.00 (Carryover from 2010)
ARRA IDEA - $71,329.37 (Carryover from 2010)
ARRA ECSE - $5,262.40 (Carryover from 2010)
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #139 – 6/2010 – Employ H.S. Science Teacher, Fred Williams, Jr.
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to employ Fred Williams, Jr. as a High School Science Teacher for the 2010-11 school year at Step 4, BA+18, $42,087.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #140 – 6/2010 – Employ H.S. Science Teacher, William Hughett
15. It is recommended to employ William Hughett as a High School Science Teacher for the 2010-11 school year at Step 9, BA+18, $51,164.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
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RESOLUTION #141 – 6/2010 – Accept Resignation Part-time Speech Pathologist, Denise Turner
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to accept the resignation of Part-time Speech Pathologist, Denise Turner effective May 28, 2010.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #142 – 6/2010 – Reimburse Additional Tuition, CBI Training, Stacea McKeever
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to reimburse Stacea McKeever an additional $1,389.00 (including STRS and medicare) for twelve credits of CBI training.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #143 – 6/2010 – Accept 7th & 8th Grade Track Assistant Coach, Justin Gibson
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to accept the resignation of Justin Gibson as 7th & 8th Track Assistant Coach for the 2010-11 school year.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #144 – 6/2010 – Accept Varsity Girls Basketball Assist. Coach Resignation, D. Schilling
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Strole to accept the resignation of Donnie Schilling as Varsity Girls Basketball Assistant Coach for the 2010-11 school year.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #145 – 6/2010 – Approve 7th & 8th Grade Track Co-Ed Assist. Coach, Aaron Parker
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to approve Aaron Parker as 7th & 8th Track Co-ed Assistant Coach for the 2010-11 school year at Step8, $1620.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
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RESOLUTION #146 – 6/2010 – Approve Varsity Girls Basketball Assist. Coach, Steve Gentry
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve Steve Gentry as Varsity Girls Basketball Assistant Coach for the 2010-11 school year at Step 8, $3240.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #147 – 6/2010 – Approve Family & Civic Engagement Team Members Appointment
It was moved by Mrs. Carter and seconded by Mrs. Strole to approve the Board Resolution of the Lockland Board of Education Appointing Members To The Family and Civic Engagement Team as mandated by Ohio, House Bill (HB) 1 as presented by Director of Programs, Barb Greiwe, Appendix D.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #148 – 6/2010 – Adopt District’s H.S. Credit Flexibility Plan
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Neal to adopt the district’s plan for High School Credit Flexibility in compliance with the State of Ohio Governor’s Education Reform Plan for the 2010-11 school year, Appendix E.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #149 – 6/2010 – Adopt District’s ComprehensiveTobacco-FreeSchool Policy
It was moved by Mrs. Carter and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to adopt the district’s Comprehensive Tobacco-Free School Policy as developed by the School Health Advisory Council, Tobacco Sub Committee, Appendix F.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #150 – 6/2010 – Approve Purchasing New High School Band Uniforms
It was moved by Mrs. Neal and seconded by Mrs. Strole to approve the purchase of new high school band uniforms in the amount of$10,603.35 with the Band Boosters reimbursing the district $5,301.68 (half) before June 30, 2011.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
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RESOLUTION #151 – 6/2010 –Mandate Pupil Activity Permits for Supplemental Positions Listed
It was moved by Mrs. Neal and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to require the following supplemental positions to be filled with employees who hold an valid Pupil Activity Permit: all sports coaches, cheerleading and drill team sponsors, and band director.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #152 – 6/2010 – Approve Elementary Summer School Teachers
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Strole to approve the following teachers for elementary summer school for 16 days at 2.5 hours per day at the rate of $22 per hour; July 8, 2010 and July 26 – August 13, 2010:
Debbie Hoerst Cheryl Adams Amy Wagar Kerry Fletcher Jamie Dotson Erika McClure
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #153 – 6/2010 – Executive Session
It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter Under ORC 121.22 the board enter Executive Session at 7:45 p.m. for the purpose of preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations of bargaining sessions with public employees.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
Meeting Resumed at 8:00 p.m.
RESOLUTION #154 – 6/2010 - Approve Resolution of Necessity of Levying a 14.95 Mill Tax
It was moved by Mrs. Carter and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to approve a resolution of declaring the necessity of levying a 14.95 mills tax for current operating expenses as presented, Appendix G.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
RESOLUTION #155 – 6/2010 - Adjournment
It was moved by Mrs. Carter and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Yeas (5) Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Strole
Noes (0)
The President declared the motion approved.
______Attest ______Approved